The wearing of the veil is a tradition of Muslim women. Since it was prescribed, the prophet's wives, daughters, and many other Muslim women have respected this precept. When a woman wears the niqab in a non-Muslim country, there is no question about what her religion is. The niqab is a veil that covers the face.
Method 1 of 2: Understanding the Use of Niqab

Step 1. Know why women wear this veil
It is used as an act of faith and helps to draw closer to God. Keeping these values in mind, a Muslim woman can face the adversities that arise from her choice to wear it when she is in a non-Islamic country.

Step 2. Familiarize yourself with the Hadith and the Quran
The words and actions of the Prophet Muhammad are recorded in the Hadith. In many verses you can read both the instructions and the reasons why women should wear the niqab. The Koran also offers guidelines for knowing the reasons for using the veil; knowing the reasons, you can better understand this custom and the point of view of a Muslim.

Step 3. The faithful wear the niqab to affirm their identity as Islamic women
This veil is the means by which obedience and devotion to Allah is manifested and shows that the woman has fully embraced the Muslim identity. The veil makes the declaration of individuality stronger because it opposes a clear refusal to the indications of the dominant fashion.

Step 4. The niqab is protection
This veil safeguards modesty and honor; it helps to remember that Allah protects and defends the faithful. When a woman wears it, she knows that she is obeying Allah's will and takes shelter from temptation.
Method 2 of 2: Understanding the Difficulties

Step 1. Women wearing niqabs need to be ready to answer questions
Since people do not fully understand why they wear this type of veil that completely hides the face, they may ask questions about the reasons and some may fear that it is a forced choice. With full awareness of the reasons, it is easier to observe the use of the niqab from the right perspective.
The use of the niqab, eliminating any physical distraction, forces the interlocutors to deal directly with the personality, intellect and emotions of the woman

Step 2. The niqab is not an obligation
Many individuals are curious about this choice and wonder what it means. The woman is not forced to wear it, but has freely chosen to wear it to honor God and demonstrate his devotion. He doesn't have to keep it constantly, because his purpose is to be used only in front of unknown men. A faithful, when she is at home or with her friends, dresses as she prefers.

Step 3. People judge quickly
Regardless of what a woman wears, people tend to make judgments; for example, if a girl wears too skimpy clothes, they refer to her with unflattering names. The choice to cover herself completely is subject to criticism in the same way, but it is the woman herself who must counter this behavior, asserting her beliefs, her personality and her opinions.

Step 4. Attend meetings of movements that try to teach people the motives and use of the niqab
There are several groups and various forums on online social media; their purpose is to organize events during which the reasons why the niqab is so important are explained to non-Muslims.

Step 5. Attend community events
You may find that Muslim women living in your neighborhood have the same ideals as you. For example, they too are interested in improving the quality of education or promoting other social initiatives and actively participate by voting or attending meetings. Regardless of the niqab, they are just as interested in the welfare of the community as you are.

Step 6. Be aware that they face hostility
Many people associate the niqab with extremists, and women who wear it could also be accused of political militancy. If you also have these prejudices, fight them by dating some Islamic girls and women who wear the niqab; you will be able to notice their kindness and willingness to start a conversation; in this way, you are able to change your beliefs and become a more open individual.

Step 7. Remember that people observe
Most people living in a non-Islamic country are not used to interacting with someone wearing a niqab; furthermore, he does not understand the reasons why women choose to cover themselves. When people don't understand, their most common reaction is to feel fear, judge, and show contempt.

Step 8. Try to be supportive
Women who have chosen to wear the niqab while living in a non-Islamic country are subjected to a lot of stress. In addition to having to integrate into a very different culture from theirs, they are often subject to prejudice and isolation. Try to be a source of encouragement.

Step 9. Understand your values and those of Islamic people
As you frequent women who wear the niqab and understand the reasons why they do so, you will feel more and more comfortable and open to those who do not have the same customs as you. This does not mean that you have to assimilate them, but to feel empathy for both sides. You will be able to better understand and express beliefs and motivations using terms that people can understand.
Think of the habit of the Catholic nuns which is a symbol of poverty and devotion. Recently, many nuns have decided not to wear the religious habit, but many others do it to instantly communicate their faith. There is therefore a similarity between the niqab and the nuns' clothes; furthermore, just like in Catholicism, many Muslims also choose not to wear the veil

Step 10. Muslim women must remove the niqab for safety reasons
There are many occasions when it is required to uncover the face under the law or regulations. For example, to pass through airport security, the niqab must be removed to provide confirmation of identity. Another case is an outpatient medical examination.

Step 11. Learn about the laws of a non-Islamic country
Depending on the country, there may be laws that prohibit the use of the niqab. In countries like France, it is illegal to wear it; other states have different laws regarding when a woman cannot wear this type of veil, such as when she must testify in court or teach at school.

Step 12. Please be aware that some activities are complex for women who wear this veil
For example, when doing outdoor activities; even eating in a restaurant involves difficulties. For this reason, they must prepare to circumvent these problems and comply with the physical constraints imposed by the niqab.

Step 13. A woman using the niqab represents Islam
Don't let the prejudices surrounding a simple dress keep you from getting to know the person wearing it. Smile and be kind, help suspicious and hostile people understand how true the saying "dress does not make a monk" is true.