3 Ways to Predict the Future

Table of contents:

3 Ways to Predict the Future
3 Ways to Predict the Future

Colin Wilson, in his history of the occult, tells the story of an Indian man who used to walk along a path every day, to swim in a river. One day, returning home, he noticed his own footprints, and how at a certain point they had moved "casually" from one side of the road to the other. He couldn't stop wondering why. Why had he moved to the other side at that point? Stopping to analyze the tracks, he looked through the trees and noticed the still fresh signs of the passage of an imposing tiger, right on the side of the road, at the point where it had changed direction. Unknowingly, perhaps, the man had sensed the danger, and had moved, probably saving his life. Coincidence or foresight? You too can learn to develop your extrasensory perceptions and apply them in everyday life.


Method 1 of 3: Developing Extrasensory Perceptions

Tell the Future Step 1
Tell the Future Step 1

Step 1. Learn to distinguish between premonitions, foresight and prophecy

It is important to know the technical language of this world before getting confused. Distinguishing the terms can make the work much easier, and make the techniques and tricks a little more fun for a beginner.

  • There foresight it offers awareness of the future, through direct knowledge or some other kind of perception, such as dreams. Most of the experiences of this type occur in dreams, generally 24-48 hours before the event.
  • There premonition it is about the presentiment of something that is about to happen, but not precise awareness. Premonitions can relate to feelings of foreboding or "omens" of something "strange". They can be as significant as foresight, and much more reliable.
  • The prophecies date back to the conception of the time of ancient Greece, in which the future was predetermined and immutable. A prophecy is the awareness of a future that will surely happen, without doubts. To be a prophecy, it must not be modifiable.
Tell the Future Step 2
Tell the Future Step 2

Step 2. Start meditating deeply

Studies show that humans only use part of the brain functions. But are those dormant abilities really useless and dormant? Not necessarily. It is possible to flex the involuntary muscles through deep meditation, letting the subconscious take over conscious thinking. This is how we start predicting the future.

  • Start getting comfortable in a room with soft natural light. By sitting in a comfortable, upright position, preferably on the floor, relax your mind and focus on your breathing. Feel the air enter your lungs. Feel it come out. Feel the oxygen that nourishes your body, and then return to the world. Concentrate on your breathing, and nothing else.
  • Gradually, move on to focusing on relaxing your body as you breathe. With each breath, relax one arm first. Feel the breath fill your arm and relax it. Then move to the other arm, then to the chest and the rest of the body. Also relax your head and mind. Focus on relaxation.
Tell the Future Step 3
Tell the Future Step 3

Step 3. Go into a trance gradually and deeper and deeper

There is no great secret of meditation. "Zazen" - the meditation of Zen monks - is loosely translated as "just sitting". The purpose is the annihilation of the self, letting the subconscious take control, with its extrasensory perception. By learning this technique, you will open yourself to a wider range of signs and omens, making the future more visible.

As you enter a deeper and deeper trance, you should gradually begin to lose track of time, ignoring the conscious mind and allowing the subconscious to broaden perception. Some fortune-tellers find it useful to visualize the ascent or descent of a ladder, or the entrance to a cave to represent the ever deeper immersion inside the subconscious and the increase in intensity of the trance state

Tell the Future Step 4
Tell the Future Step 4

Step 4. Apply meditation to everyday life

As you begin to go into a trance and deepen your meditation, stop trying to force your thoughts and let them take their course. Pay attention to the images that come up during the meditations and then look for them during the day. Pay attention to the faces and people who appear in the meditations and keep an eye on them. They could be foresight.

Use all your senses. It might sound funny, but you can think of your body as a "sensitive eye", or something that keeps gathering information. Temperatures, certain smells, even feelings can reveal the future. If you feel anxious when you see an owl, and it has never happened to you before, take it as a sign. If every time you hear a Katy Perry song you feel cold, consider it a strong premonition of something

Tell the Future Step 5
Tell the Future Step 5

Step 5. Watch out for symbols and signs

The signs and omens are everywhere, but it is up to us to find them. If you are lucky enough to have received the gift of observation and extrasensory perception, learning to predict the future still requires a lot of effort, but you will be a better guesser if you keep your extrasensory muscles trained. If you want to open your perceptions and expand your talents, stop considering events and images as "random" and start grasping the connections.

  • Pay attention to the "thrill" moments. When something happens that gives you goosebumps, stop what you are doing and concentrate. What do you notice? What seems to have upset you? What seems significant?
  • Watch out for déjà-vu. Have you ever had the feeling that something has already happened, that everything seems strange and repetitive? Start paying attention to what seems out of place in these moments. What do you notice? Where are you? What sensory memories were evoked?
  • Beware of coincidences. Maybe you wake up one morning and see moths on the porch, then the cute bartender wears a shirt with a hairy moth on the back. Simple coincidence? For some, it can't be - what matters is that it happened. Take coincidences as symbols, signals and omens, rather than unexplained randomness.
Tell the Future Step 6
Tell the Future Step 6

Step 6. Analyze the symbols

And so you meditated and you could not get out of your head the image of a group of crabs drinking petrol on a beach at night. How strange! What does it mean? It may represent different things to different people, so it's up to you to learn to question the unconscious symbols and omens to apply them to your own experience.

  • See it as the interpretation of dreams or literary analysis. These images should impress you, so take your time. Do they seem positive or negative? Powerful or weak? Day or night?
  • Look for recurring symbols in your life and in your meditations. Crabs, for example, have meaning in any kind of future reading, appear on the "Moon" tarot, and are part of the zodiac. A meaningful vision.
  • The Bible of Dreams can be an excellent resource for quickly discovering the meanings of the symbols that appear in your dreams. It's a good place to start.
Tell the Future Step 7
Tell the Future Step 7

Step 7. Study the mythology

If you don't know the basics, predicting the future will all be uphill. If you wish to train your extrasensory muscles and see into the future, it is a good idea to do research and study the collective mysteries, myths and important symbols of your world.

Carl Jung's writings are fundamental to understanding how we conceive our mind and the connection between our consciousness and the subconscious. Joseph Campbell's Hero of a Thousand Faces is an excellent resource for finding recurring patterns between different cultures and mythologies, as it suggests that certain symbols, signs and omens may be somehow inherent in us as human beings

Method 2 of 3: Interpreting Dreams

Tell the Future Step 8
Tell the Future Step 8

Step 1. Start keeping a dream journal

You may have a hard time analyzing dreams if you don't remember them. To make your work easier, keep a notebook on your bedside table with a pen ready every time you go to sleep. As soon as you wake up, write down everything you were dreaming of. Describe the details as best you can. Try to do this as soon as you wake up, no matter how tired you are.

  • What have you seen? Who was there? What have you noticed around you in terms of smells, tastes, textures? How did they make you feel? Was it a nightmare? A sensual dream? A beautiful dream?
  • Mark the dialogues first. They tend to be forgotten immediately, and it can be frustrating to think that you have heard something important, without being able to remember what it was.
Tell the Future Step 9
Tell the Future Step 9

Step 2. Wake up periodically during the night

If you struggle to remember your dreams, wake up in the central points. Interrupting dreams is an effective way to recognize the symbols within them and fix the images in the mind.

Set an alarm on the phone every 3 hours, in order to complete 2 REM phases of 90 minutes each. You can write down your dreams in a couple of minutes, so you can still sleep well and record your dreams

Tell the Future Step 10
Tell the Future Step 10

Step 3. Identify the symbols in your dreams and load them with meaning

Just as you would with the symbols you see while meditating, start questioning the symbols that emerge from your dreams and assign them meaning and importance.

  • Collect as much as you can in each dream. Let's go back to the image of crabs drinking petrol on the beach. Crabs and gasoline seem relevant, but also consider what the drinking, sand, and other tactile or emotional elements of the images might mean. How did it make you feel watching?
  • People are also symbols. Dreaming of kissing your best friend does not necessarily "mean" that you are in love and that you should start kissing him. We dream of specific people because our subconscious has given them a symbolic meaning. Dreaming of kissing your friend could indicate an attraction towards a certain element of your friend as a person, something you want to get close to or that you want to achieve in your life.
Tell the Future Step 11
Tell the Future Step 11

Step 4. Connect the symbols of your dreams to your life and the future

Common dreams, such as falling teeth, flying, being in public without clothes, have standard interpretations - stress, fatigue or success in some domain, vulnerability - but you may find more convincing links to events or coincidences in your life. Use dreams along with well-developed extrasensory perceptions of your life to create your own personal premonitions and a prescient sense of what the future holds.

  • If you are waiting for the outcome of a job interview and you dream of flying high, out of control, you might take it as a sign of anxiety about success, about the freedom that could derive from a new job. Which could mean you've been hired.
  • Moderate the analysis of dreams with practicality. If you have dreamed of the death of a friend, in the coffin, it does not necessarily mean "my friend is about to die". Rather, a chapter in your friend's life may be about to end, or your relationship may change in some way in the future. Apply the dream to what is happening in your life.
Tell the Future Step 12
Tell the Future Step 12

Step 5. Try lucid dreams and question the future

Some particularly ambitious and skilled conscious dreamers use this type of dream to try to ask directly about the future. If you have tried and developed the ability to remain conscious while you sleep, try to visualize a notebook or some other oracle, and ask him direct questions. "Who will win the World Cup?" or "How many chances do I have of being hired?". Find out what happens.

Method 3 of 3: Consult an Oracle

Tell the Future Step 13
Tell the Future Step 13

Step 1. Find an oracle to consult

An oracle is an exercise, object or method that allows you to "read" the future. No, you don't have to climb a mystical mountain and face a trio of flying priestesses with a laurel wreath and a clear conscience to consult an oracle. Think of oracles as tools for seeing, or shortcuts to the future. The oracles - from the Latin "to speak" - have the sole purpose of simplifying the matter.

  • If you like unusual images and totemic symbols, the Tarot is the classic choice. To get started, consult an experienced tarot reader to see how a session works. Then you can start studying the different cards and the history of the Tarot in the divination culture.
  • If you like meditating on stories and coincidences, learn to consult iChing and explore its mysterious world.
  • If you appreciate deep meditation and indefinite symbols, consider crystalloscopy, hand reading, or other more complex methods of divination that will allow you to customize your oracle.
Tell the Future Step 14
Tell the Future Step 14

Step 2. Ask open questions to the oracle

If you want to consult an oracle for your divination needs, you have to do much of the work by providing a probing and indefinite question. In this way it will be easier to interpret and apply the oracular symbols you will receive. It only works if you ask a question that is both open and complex.

  • Here are some examples to set the questions to the oracles in the right way: “What should I notice…” or “How should I deal with…” or “How should I think about…”. Leave a sufficient opening to receive interpretable information from the oracle.
  • Asking "I'll get this job" will not work with bone or iChing reading, as the answer is not always yes or no. Instead, focus on open-ended questions, similar to "What do I need to know to improve my chances of getting this job?"
Tell the Future Step 15
Tell the Future Step 15

Step 3. Consult the Tarot

The tarot consists of 78 cards, which represent the major and minor arcana, and resemble normal playing cards. There are 4 suits: cups, sticks, swords and coins, with particular figures on each card, which can be used to give different interpretations to each number. It is one of the most famous and versatile methods for predicting the future symbolically.

Many Tarot readings tell stories, starting with a specific question. If you want to find out more about the Tarot, search the special books, get a manual and start getting familiar with the deck

Tell the Future Step 16
Tell the Future Step 16

Step 4. Ask the iChing questions

IChing is the book of changes. You can consult it using coins, marbles, sticks or by other mathematical methods, resulting in the drawing of a "6-pointed star" made of 2 symbols, corresponding to a page of the book. Put simply, you roll the dice, ask a question, and read some mysterious passages. If you like poetry, chance and meditating on stories, it's a great way to connect with the future.

Tell the Future Step 17
Tell the Future Step 17

Step 5. Read the shadows

Sciomancy is the art of divination through the shadows, looking for images and symbols to interpret in the dark. To get started, you just need a candle and well-developed extrasensory perception.

  • Lock yourself in a darkened room with empty walls. The lighting should come from a candle behind you. Meditate deeply for a while, opening your eyes to look into the corners of the room, observing the way the light plays with the shadows.
  • Record the images created by the shadows, pinning them for later re-reading. Imagine that the room is your mind and the shadows are ideas, images and thoughts that gravitate around you. Which ones seem significant? What could herald the future?
Tell the Future Step 18
Tell the Future Step 18

Step 6. Look at a crystal ball or other reflective surface

Similar to the observation of shadows, crystalloscopy is the art of looking at some type of reflective surface, usually a crystal ball, to "find" images and symbols to interpret.

  • To start, find a crystal, preferably clear quartz. Other acceptable crystals include amethyst, beryllium, selenite or obsidian. The crystal should be at least 10 cm in diameter. Charge the crystal under the light of the full moon for one night, keep it clean and store it in a safe place, away from psychic negativity.
  • To look into the crystal, hold it gently in your hands or place it in front of you on a dark pedestal or cushion. Enter your state of deep meditation and gently stare at the crystal, looking deeply and relaxing your eyes to allow the images to reveal themselves.
Tell the Future Step 19
Tell the Future Step 19

Step 7. Look at the stars

Ever since the world began, people have sought advice from the stars. Astrology has been used for millennia to learn more about ourselves and our future. If you are interested in going beyond the classic newspaper horoscopes, study the interpretation of the symbols based on the arrangement of the stars.

Astrology is a form of philosophy, or a way to understand behaviors, as well as a mystical tool. There are 12 astrological signs that unite the 4 elements - earth, air, fire and water - with one of the 3 qualities - cardinal, fixed and changeable. Studying the symbols according to the seasons and changes can suggest you how to look into the future and what you can do to create it yourself


  • Be aware of cause-and-effect relationships. By being more on guard than others, you will be able to come up with better predictions.
  • Watch carefully. For example, a player who wants to predict what an opponent or another team will do can study that team (go to games, watch videos) and study the players. How does a particular player kick? What's your favorite shot? Who does it pass to most often?
  • There are some great horoscope sites online, with details about your sign, although most ignore the Chinese zodiac.
  • It is usually easy to guess what a person will do in a given situation based on past behavior. If a friend of yours struggles to stay in a relationship longer than a couple of months, you can predict that her new boyfriend is unlikely to make it into his third month.
  • Many people let out small clues about their thoughts and concerns. By paying due attention, you can predict what will happen next. If the man sitting next to you at the bar continues to look at the clock, it is likely that he is waiting for someone.
