Finger reading is an important part of hand reading. This involves examining the whole hand, as well as every single finger. Read on to learn what to look for.

Step 1. Measure the overall length
The overall length of the fingers is measured in relation to the size of the palm of the hand. On average, the longest finger is about seven to eighths the size of the palm of the hand. If it is as long as the palm of the hand, the fingers are considered long. Short fingers are seven to eighths shorter than the palm. The overall length and size of a person's fingers can denote a common personality.
- Long fingers indicate detail-oriented people. They tend to delve into things completely and be critical of small details.
- Short fingers indicate people oriented to the physical aspects of things. They tend to focus on real world objects; usually globally.

Step 2. Measure the individual fingers
The index and ring finger are compared with each other. If the index finger is also a fraction longer, it is considered long. The ring finger should be 1/2 cm longer than the index finger, before being considered long. The line drawn between these two fingers should be approximately in the middle of the final joint of the middle finger. If more than half is above, the middle finger is long; if less than half is considered short. The little finger should reach the line of the last joint of the ring finger. If the little finger starts at the bottom (the first joint is less than half the size of the ring finger), this will need to be taken into account when measuring. The thumb is usually measured in relation to the index finger. Most of the inches end between 1/4 and 1/2 of the first section of the index.
The index finger is generally considered the most important for hand reading. It is sometimes called the "mirror" finger because it describes a person's image.
- A long index finger indicates people with leadership. They are employed in roles of responsibility and have high standards for themselves and for others. They tend to self-reflection whether they keep a diary, undergo therapy or are interested in astrology or reading the hand.
- A short index indicates people with low self-esteem. They can hide behind the character they have created and have a hard time expressing their true feelings and thoughts. They are more likely to suffer from health problems that result from self-neglect with excesses related to smoking, alcoholism or unhealthy eating habits.
The middle finger, called the "wall" finger, represents your attitude towards authority and mental boundaries.
- A long middle finger is found in people who take the rules seriously. They respect not only the letter of the law, but also the underlying intent. They are thorough and can sometimes be boring.
- A short middle finger indicates a free spirit marching to the beat of its own drum. Alternative routes look very attractive.
- A difference between the dominant and non-dominant hand indicates a difference in behavior between career (dominant hand) and family (non-dominant hand).
- The ring finger can only be long, it is never considered short. A long ring finger indicates a need for attention and high self-esteem. It is usually found in males.
The little finger measures a person's communication and financial ability.
- A long little finger indicates good communication skills and a natural ability with money.
- A short little finger indicates difficulty expressing oneself. Developing the ability to communicate effectively may seem more difficult, but it will be of great help in alleviating frustration.
- A little finger starting at the bottom may indicate the need for a supportive father figure.
The thumb is used as a measure of your willpower and self-control ability.
- Short thumbs indicate less ability to handle things when they get difficult.
- Long thumbs indicate high levels of self-discipline and perseverance.
Read Your Fingers Step 3 Step 3. Measure the flexibility of your fingers
This is an indication of the overall flexibility of your mind. Try to push your fingers slightly back towards the wrists. Stiff fingers will barely move 2 to 3 cm. The flexible fingers move almost completely backwards; even 10 cm or more.
- Stiff fingers indicate stubbornness and significant mental willpower. Once you have an opinion on something, you are not open to change it.
- Flexible fingers indicate an impressionable and spontaneous mind. New ideas are welcome, and you can change your mind with each new point of view that is brought to you.
Read Your Fingers Step 4 Step 4. Check the flexibility of the thumb
Place your thumb at the outer base of a person's thumb and use your index finger to flex the thumb towards the wrist.
- Stiff thumbs barely move. They indicate a strong personality who can accomplish things based on willpower alone. They may indicate a strong desire to abide by rules and a low tolerance for people with low levels of self-control.
- Middle thumbs flex 2 to 3 cm.
- Flexible thumbs can flex almost to the wrist. They indicate spontaneity and adaptability. But this is accompanied by a tendency to be easily distracted and the need for support from others to stick to complex schedules.
Read Your Fingers Step 5 Step 5. Check for gnarled fingers
Fingers and gnarled joints tend to reflect an argumentative, analytical character. This is only true if the knots are not dependent on arthritis.
- If your joints are generally smooth, then you tend to be passive, allowing others to control you, but at the same time impulsive enough to be distracted at times.
- If your upper knuckles are smooth and your middle knuckles are wrinkled internally, you are a person whose intellect and practicality work well together. A strong instinctive drive is a characteristic of well developed knuckles.
Read Your Fingers Step 6 Step 6. Feel the texture of the fingertip
It is advisable to check the size and fullness of the fleshy pad at the base of the thumb. This area describes a person's energy levels and their basic physical nature.
- Full and soft. This person enjoys the better side of life and is not very active. He loves pleasant things like food and drink and has a hard time finding the motivation to act.
- Full and firm. This is a sign of a lot of energy and warmth.
- Full and hard. This person is tough, both physically and emotionally. Finds it hard to relax and open up.
- Flat and cold. This is a sign of low energy levels. They are also less sociable people, but they can be considered survivors.
- Average. If the base of the thumb is semi-raised and is neither soft nor firm, this is medium. It can be considered a sign of normal energy levels.
Read Your Fingers Step 7 Step 7. Distance
It is also important to note how the fingers are spaced. With your hand in a relaxed position, examine how some fingers are spaced apart from each other and how they rest against adjacent ones.
- If the middle and index are united, this indicates that you will gain authority and rank by pursuing your goals and dreams. If they stay apart, your position will come through other things.
- A life linked to art is possible when the ring finger rests on the middle finger. Your destiny will also help your success.
- An independent mind is possible when the little finger is separated from the ring finger, with a large amount of space between them.