3 Ways to Live

3 Ways to Live
3 Ways to Live

Table of contents:


Life happens around you, nevertheless you may find it difficult to understand how to enjoy it to the fullest. You can freely choose how to live your life and the best way to find happiness and one purpose is to make the decisions that seem right to you every day. To fully live your life, get to know yourself, your values, your strengths and your passions better. Try to align your daily actions with your personal values. Also, connect with other people and show them that you care about their happiness.


Method 1 of 3: Know Yourself

Live Step 1
Live Step 1

Step 1. Identify your core values in order to live a coherent life

Think about the things that are important to you and consider what behaviors you admire in others. Try to remember which were the best days of your life and what you did in those days. Use these reflections to create a list of the values on which your life is founded, of the principles you care most about.

For example, you might value willingness to help others, having an open mind, and being generous

Live Step 2
Live Step 2

Step 2. Find a purpose in life by identifying what guides you

Think about the things that make you act, like things that excite you. Imagine yourself in 5, 10, 15 and 20 years, then make a list of the goals you hope to have achieved by these dates. Consider what things you are willing to sacrifice for and how you can best use your skills to make a personal contribution to the world. This simple exercise will help you find a purpose for your life.

  • You may also identify more than one purpose.
  • Your purpose may change as you age as you get to know yourself better.
  • For example, your purpose could be to inspire others through your music or to help your students earn a nursing degree.
Live Step 3
Live Step 3

Step 3. Identify your strengths and talents so you can put them to good use

Consider what things you do best that come naturally to you. Create a list of your skills and competences to know your resources, then choose which strengths and talents you consider most important to continue developing them.

For example, you might consider that you are good at writing, playing football, and taking care of your younger siblings. You could then take a writing class or join a football school to hone your skills. To pay for your studies, you could offer yourself as a babysitter

Live Step 4
Live Step 4

Step 4. Pursue your passions and hobbies to be happy

Make a list of the things that catch your attention, including both activities and material objects. Consider how you can incorporate these interests into your life. Try to indulge in your passions and hobbies every day or as often as possible.

  • For example, your interests might include music, tattoos and jewelry. If so, you could learn to play an instrument or start collecting records, take a DIY jewelry class, and get a tattoo.
  • Don't worry about other people's comments. It is your life, so freely pursue your passions.
Live Step 5
Live Step 5

Step 5. Find out if you are an early riser or a nocturnal animal to determine when you are most productive

See if you feel more awake and energetic in the morning or evening, then try to schedule the most important activities during that time. If possible, rearrange your daily schedule by bringing forward or postponing your main tasks.

For example, you might decide to study or do major chores early in the morning if you are an early riser. Otherwise, if you are a nocturnal animal, you may be studying or working before bedtime

Live Step 6
Live Step 6

Step 6. Determine if you are an extrovert, introverted or ambitious to plan your social life.

Extroverts get energy from being around others, while introverts recharge by spending time alone. Ambiverti have aspects of both characters, so they generally feel good both when they are in company and when they are alone. Knowing which group you belong to can help you identify the social situations that are best for you. The easiest way to tell if you are extroverted, introverted, or ambiguous is to take an online test.

  • Typically, extroverted people focus their attention on their surroundings, while introverts tend to be more introspective.
  • For example, an introvert might enjoy spending a quiet Saturday night at home, while an extrovert would prefer to go out. Both are great options if they make you happy.

Method 2 of 3: Aligning Stocks and Values

Live Step 7
Live Step 7

Step 1. Live in harmony with your spiritual belief

Regardless of your religious path and personal beliefs, you will feel much happier and more connected to the world by incorporating your spiritual principles into daily life. Make choices that are in line with your faith, if you have one, then take some time each day to connect with the higher force you believe in.

  • Meditate or pray daily.
  • If possible, join a community of people who share your belief to deepen your faith.
  • If you find that you are making choices that are not in line with your values, stop and think about the reasons that push you to do so. Do your best to change course and make decisions consistent with your faith.
Live Step 8
Live Step 8

Step 2. Change your daily habits to synchronize them with your values

The small decisions you make every day have a major impact on your life. Make sure they align with your values and the purpose you have set for yourself. Here are a number of good habits you can adopt:

  • Use recycled products if you care about the health of the environment;
  • Go for organic foods if you think pesticides are harmful;
  • Buy natural products if you think artificial substances are dangerous;
  • Adopt a vegetarian or vegan diet to help animals and the environment;
  • Walk or cycle to use less fossil fuels;
  • Donate food or money to destitute people;
  • Give way to other cars when you are in traffic to spread a climate of benevolence;
  • Leave a "suspended coffee" at the bar.
Live Step 9
Live Step 9

Step 3. Set personal goals to help you fulfill your life purpose

Identifying it was the easiest task. The best way to move forward in the right direction is to set goals that help you live the life you want. Consider what things you think are most important and break them down into various stages. Set a limit for each stage to be able to concretely advance towards your goals.

  • For example, you may decide that you want to become a nurse. The intermediate stages could be: getting good grades in science and math, volunteering at a nursing home or hospital, getting a nursing degree, and getting a job at a hospital.
  • To give another example, if your goal is to exhibit your works in an art gallery, the steps to take could be: attend a drawing course to improve your skills, create a collection of your works, attend local art galleries and ask if you can exhibit your work.
Live Step 10
Live Step 10

Step 4. Choose an education and career path that honors your life purpose

Consider what you want to do with your life and what kind of career can be related to your goal. Choose a job or path that makes you feel motivated. Follow your own path and steadily advance towards the finish line.

Others are likely to have their own opinions on your choices, especially your family members. Make an effort to ignore their comments and try to make the best choices for you. Life is one, so do what you love


there is no guarantee that by walking a safe path you will be successful. It's easy for others to say that a particular job or degree will make you an established person, but that doesn't mean it's certain. Make your decisions based on what you want for your life and not on the promises of "success".

Live Step 11
Live Step 11

Step 5. Taste the things you love, but in moderation, to live a balanced life

Eat your favorite foods, pursue your interests and have fun with friends. However, try to balance the pleasures with taking care of yourself and work hard to accomplish your goals. Moderation will help you live your life as best you can, so don't go overboard with either duty or pleasure.

For example, create a routine that allows you to carry out your work commitments, live in an orderly environment, take care of your hygiene, indulge in your hobbies, and be in the company of the people you love

Live Step 12
Live Step 12

Step 6. Give yourself the opportunity to learn and grow as you become wiser

As you age, you will tend to see things from a different perspective than when you were younger. Enjoy the wisdom and knowledge gained through experience. Absorb new information and learn from the people you meet on your path. Stay open to evolution and change as you discover new things about life.

  • Hear the stories of the people you meet. Try to find a lesson in their experiences, especially if they have lived a very different life from yours.
  • Read books, articles and watch documentaries to learn more about the world around you.
  • If you can, travel to find out how people live elsewhere.

Method 3 of 3: Connect with Others and Take Care of Them

Live Step 13
Live Step 13

Step 1. Find new friends by attending courses, volunteering or joining an association

Getting out of the house is the best way to meet people and make new connections. If you feel comfortable meeting new people, you can start chatting with people you meet at the supermarket or bar. Alternatively, you can take a group class or join a club, depending on your interests. Volunteering is also a great way to find new friends.

  • Search for a club in the area where you live via the Facebook website or Meetup.com. If you are a student, you can attend an afternoon class or club.
  • Your neighborhood library may organize free group activities.
Live Step 14
Live Step 14

Step 2. Communicate with your family and closest friends every day

Text the people you love every day, call them or visit them whenever you can. This way, you will maintain strong and healthy bonds.

  • For example, text your partner to wish them good morning, find out about the health of your parents, and send nice content to friends.
  • Invite a friend to have a coffee or watch a movie or TV show on Netflix.
  • Host a family dinner once a week. If you live far away, schedule a Skype video call.
Live Step 15
Live Step 15

Step 3. Give your full attention to the people you think are important

Get into the good habit of not checking your cell phone or texting while you are with a friend, partner, or family member. Focus on the time you are spending together and listen to his words carefully. In this way, you will develop strong and deep bonds.

  • When you go out with friends, find time to chat with one another. For example, if you plan to go to the movies, meet 15 minutes early for a chance to talk before the movie starts.
  • If the other person gets distracted by using the phone, let them know that you'd like to have their full attention. You can tell her: "I'm so glad to see you, it would be nice if we could put away the cell phones during dinner."
Live Step 16
Live Step 16

Step 4. Choose friends who make you feel good about yourself

Instead of hanging out with the coolest people, look for friends who care about your happiness, who can give you good advice and support you. These are the kind of friends who can make you live a wonderful life. Try to spend as much time as possible with the people who make you feel good.

  • Treat friends as you would like to be treated. Stay by their side in times of need and constantly encourage them.
  • Don't go out of your way to push negative people away. Focus on bringing positivity into your life and you will see that they will spontaneously recede.
Live Step 17
Live Step 17

Step 5. Try to give as much as you receive in dealing with others

A healthy interpersonal relationship is all about "give / take," so don't just take. Do your best to reciprocate the attention of friends, family, and partner. In a condition of balance, relationships become stronger.

  • For example, if a friend does you a favor, reciprocate in some way. You can do him a favor in turn or thank him with a gesture of goodwill, such as offering him a coffee.
  • Likewise, if your partner tries to please you on every occasion, sometimes let him choose what to do.


if you are in a relationship with someone who tends to take more than they give, give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they aren't aware of it. Try talking to her about it, for example you could say: "I have the feeling that in our relationship I am giving more than what I receive in return. What do you think about it?".

Live Step 18
Live Step 18

Step 6. Find the good side in people

Your worldview will improve if you start to assume that people are good. In addition, you will be encouraged to highlight your good side as well and this will positively affect your mood. Strive to see others in a positive light. Here are some helpful tips:

  • Give people the benefit of the doubt;
  • Suppose there is a good reason behind their every action;
  • Try to find out what their talents are rather than their shortcomings;
  • Focus on the best qualities instead of the worst;
  • Remember that not everyone is on the same path as you.
Live Step 19
Live Step 19

Step 7. Open to love when you feel ready

Before looking for a person to love, make sure you know yourself well, then consider what you expect from a partner. When you meet someone who interests you romantically, try to find out if you might be compatible. Let your relationship evolve, deepen and turn into love.

  • It is likely that in life you will fall in and out of love several times. It's a painful process, but it will help you find the perfect match for you.
  • Don't try to force love. A relationship needs time to grow and develop into a deep union.


  • Get involved, take risks and respect other people.
  • If you feel that a certain thing is right, do it without hesitation.
  • Take care of yourself: physically and mentally.
  • Be patient with yourself.