How to Get Rid of the Evil Eye: 15 Steps

How to Get Rid of the Evil Eye: 15 Steps
How to Get Rid of the Evil Eye: 15 Steps

Table of contents:


The evil eye is a popular superstition that someone can voluntarily or involuntarily cause illness and misfortune to another person simply by looking at them; the motive is generally envy. In some cultures the belief focuses on children, someone may inadvertently cast the evil eye on them by complimenting them, which attracts negative energy. If you are concerned that you or your child have this problem, you can use the techniques described below to "diagnose" and get rid of it.


Part 1 of 3: Recognizing the Evil Eye

Cure the Evil Eye Step 1
Cure the Evil Eye Step 1

Step 1. Pay attention to the signs

The negative energy of an envious person can generate physical "symptoms" that are not related to an illness, such as weakness, eye infections, stomach pain, fever and nausea; furthermore, the victim is likely to suffer from personal, family or work problems with no obvious cause.

Cure the Evil Eye Step 2
Cure the Evil Eye Step 2

Step 2. Follow the coal method

It is used in Eastern Europe and consists in simply dropping a piece of coal into a container full of water; alternatively, you can use the burnt head of a match. If the coal sinks, that's a good sign; if it floats, it means that the child or adult is struck by the evil eye.

Typically, if the victim is a child, this ritual is performed by a parent or healer; otherwise, the same "cursed" individual can do it

Cure the Evil Eye Step 3
Cure the Evil Eye Step 3

Step 3. Try the wax technique

Another option is to drop melted wax into holy water to observe how it reacts. If splashes form or wax adheres to a wall of the vessel, you or the baby probably have the evil eye; this method is used in Ukraine.

Cure the Evil Eye Step 4
Cure the Evil Eye Step 4

Step 4. Give the oil a try

In this case, an attempt is made to "diagnose" the evil eye by dropping oil into the water. If the drop takes the shape of an eye, the child is subjected to someone else's negative energy. Another method involves pouring the oil on a lock of the affected person's hair, letting it pour into a glass of water (better if blessed); if the oil goes to the bottom, the presence of the evil eye is certain.

In turn, special prayers are said until the oil stain loses the shape of an eye, chasing away negative energies. The person who pours it, prays for the evil eye to leave the victim; some believe that there are special prayers that you can learn from the guidance of a healer in your area

Part 2 of 3: Away the Evil Eye

Cure the Evil Eye Step 5
Cure the Evil Eye Step 5

Step 1. Try the touch method

According to some people, the easiest way to free a victim of evil eye is to have him touched by the one who cast the evil eye. Since this is often an involuntary curse, there should be no problem convincing the individual to do so. No matter which part of the body is touched, contact on the hand or forehead is usually sufficient.

  • This belief is more prevalent among Hispanic cultures.
  • It is believed that sometimes the evil eye is passed on to the child by a person who compliments him without touching him.
Cure the Evil Eye Step 6
Cure the Evil Eye Step 6

Step 2. Use an egg

In Mexico and Latin American countries some parents rub an egg on the child's body while reciting a prayer like the "Our Father"; afterwards, they put it in a bowl under the pillow overnight and the next morning check if the egg white has become cloudy. If so, it means that the child had the evil eye, this method "diagnoses" and at the same time "cures" the problem.

Cure the Evil Eye Step 7
Cure the Evil Eye Step 7

Step 3. Give it a try with hand gestures

Some are convinced that certain hand movements are able to ward off or get rid of the evil eye. The most classic is to make horns with your fingers, stretching the index and little fingers; remember to point the gesture down; alternatively, you can close your hands into fists and put your thumb between your index and middle fingers.

In Italy it is common to have a red horn in your pocket, attached to the key ring or worn in a chain, which replaces the gesture of the hands

Cure the Evil Eye Step 8
Cure the Evil Eye Step 8

Step 4. Find a hexagonal mirror

It is believed that this method can cure the evil eye by reflecting negative energy and is used in China; simply hang it in front of a window or on the front door.

In India, some use mirrors to ward off or get rid of the curse, but instead of placing them in the home, the mirrors are sewn onto clothing or worn as amulets

Cure the Evil Eye Step 9
Cure the Evil Eye Step 9

Step 5. Rely on a healer

This figure is often able to get rid of the evil eye; if you fear that you will not be able to get rid of it yourself, you can contact one of them, who performs rituals for you.

Part 3 of 3: Preventing the Evil Eye

Cure the Evil Eye Step 10
Cure the Evil Eye Step 10

Step 1. Use a pink coral bracelet

Some suggest that the child wear it to protect him from the evil eye; others believe that the horse chestnut has the same powers.

Cure the Evil Eye Step 11
Cure the Evil Eye Step 11

Step 2. Give the red string a try

In Jewish culture, parents use this remedy to ward off the evil eye, for example by tying the string around the crib or the handle of the stroller.

Cure the Evil Eye Step 12
Cure the Evil Eye Step 12

Step 3. Have the child wear a jet amulet

It is a very common belief in Hispanic cultures, the stone is shaped in the shape of a small fist and placed in a gold chain along with black and red beads.

Cure the Evil Eye Step 13
Cure the Evil Eye Step 13

Step 4. Try the spit method

When someone compliments your child, spit over the left shoulder three times and tap a piece of wood (or tap your head) three times; this practice is widespread in Russia.

Cure the Evil Eye Step 14
Cure the Evil Eye Step 14

Step 5. Throw in the salt

One of the protection rites common in Sicily is to throw salt on the floor in front of the house door, inside or outside; it is believed that the numerous grains are able to confuse the evil ones.

Another method is that of urine. All family members pee in a bucket, which is then thrown in front of the house

Cure the Evil Eye Step 15
Cure the Evil Eye Step 15

Step 6. Try some eye-shaped amulets

In many cultures this remedy against the evil eye is present; you can wear them in a necklace, for example, or use them as a keychain. In Turkey these small pendants are made with blue glass, but other cultures also employ different materials.


  • If you do not know how to get rid of the evil eye, ask for advice from older relatives; in many families the "cure" is passed on from one generation to the next.
  • If you decide to go to a healer, a sorceress or a shaman, make sure you don't fall victim to a scam; ask friends for advice when choosing who to trust.
