If you have a baby bird in your house, you want to keep it safe, right? This article will show you how to keep your little friend safe.

Step 1. Cover windows and reflective surfaces, such as mirrors and TV screens, when you let your bird out for exercise, or keep these surfaces a little dirty
Over time the birds learn not to fly against these objects, but try to always be there to supervise: do not leave the bird out of the cage alone. Remember: safety first!

Step 2. Keep the plants in a separate room
Many houseplants and cut flowers are toxic. Birds often gnaw on the leaves, so it's best to have fake plants in the room where you keep the bird. As a general rule, bulb plants are toxic, but search the web for a complete list.

Step 3. Try to keep the bird in a space where the temperature is stable
Birds get cold easily, so if the room is too cold for you, it is too cold for your little bird. Never put your little bird's cage in the bathroom; there the temperature changes continuously.

Step 4. Do not keep the birds in direct sunlight
They could get too hot. They don't need UV rays to be healthy; use full spectrum light to help your little bird warm up and give it the UV rays it needs.

Step 5. Keep cats and dogs away from the bird
The instinct of a cat is to hunt and can not help but be attracted to small flying beings. Even a "friendly" interaction with a cat can be deadly for your little bird! There are bacteria in the saliva and under the nails of cats, which are totally harmless to cats and are part of their natural bacterial flora, but harmful to all birds. Even a cat's saliva transferred to a bird (by licking it or "smoothing" the cat's fur) can cause disease and death. If your cat and bird interact, you should seek advice from your vet immediately. THE dogs, even the docile ones, can get scared and attack without wanting to or "play" with a bird, but the latter can get hurt. Do not risk! The saliva of cats and dogs is deadly because it contains many bacteria that birds are not immune to. If you think your cat or dog has put your bird in their mouth, contact your vet right away.

Step 6. Change the bird's water at least every day, as germs multiply rapidly
Never put vitamins in water, as they can cause bacteria to grow quickly. Store seeds and pellets in airtight containers. Offer your little bird a varied diet. Birds should eat fresh vegetables, grains, legumes and proteins every day. Make the beaten eggs and add some vegetables. Attach the vegetables to the cage near your favorite perch. It may take a while, but it will eventually eat it. Try eating vegetables and other food in front of him (or pretend). They are animals that live in flocks and if they see you eating they will be more likely to try new foods. Diet is very important; a seed-only diet causes liver problems and shortens life.

Step 7. Cover the fish tank when you let your bird fly
Birds can drown if they land in the tank and get their feathers wet. Don't let the bird drink tea or wine; the water is fine and that's what he wants to drink.

Step 8. Cover the cage as soon as evening arrives and reduce noise
Birds sleep more than humans, at least 10 hours a night.

Step 9. Place the TV screen out of bird's eye view
TVs flicker creating an annoying effect for birds. Also, don't leave any lights on near the bird (think recessed lighting).

Step 10. Check the cage for places where the legs could get stuck, for example between the gate and the sides
Check for rust. Also, do not give the bird any toys that it could get caught in or that could break and leave sharp parts. Check often if the toys are worn out. Replace the perches, toys, ropes etc.

Step 11. Get him some toys and change them every week
It is better to change toys from time to time than to give them the toys all at once. The novelty of the new toy will never make your little bird bored. Some birds are afraid of new toys, so hang one out of the cage for a week so it can get used to it before you bring it into the cage.

Step 12. Talk and sing to your birds, and play with them
Don't irritate them and don't talk to them in anger. If they don't like being handled, be patient and offer small rewards if you try to get them used to your touch, and don't grab them roughly. There are many websites that can help you learn how to hold the bird in one hand.

Step 13. Keep doors and windows closed when your birds are out of the cage
If the worst happens and they run away, you may be able to bring them back by keeping their cage out so they can see it. Leave the cage door open with food and water inside. They are taken more easily when it starts to get dark; if you can track them they may start perching and you may call them.

Step 14. Keep the cage, food and water bowls clean at all times
It is easier to avoid diseases than to cure them. Use vinegar and water and no chemicals to clean the cage. Make sure cups and toys are dry after washing them. Use newspaper to cover the bottom of the cage. Sand and other materials can cause bacteria to develop. Change the card every day.

Step 15. Get rid of all non-stick pans
The vapors emanating from these pans are notoriously harmful to birds. Teflon-coated grills, curling irons, coffee pots and toasters should not be used unless the door to the room where the bird is located is closed. After use, the room should be ventilated. Do not keep birds in the kitchen, there are pots of water, steamers, ovens, knives, etc.

Step 16. Hide the electrical wires
Birds chew them if they have the opportunity.

Step 17. Do not smoke indoors
Birds have much less tolerance to smoke toxins and can die if exposed to them.
- Birds must be able to get wet; use hot water, but not hot or cold. Some birds like to spray water on their heads or like to bathe in moist parsley. Others like to swallow the water they bathe in.
- If you have a bird and want to find a mate for it, don't just put the second bird with the first. You need to have two cages and keep them separate until it looks like they want to be together. The first bird could attack and kill the new one, because it thinks this stranger is invading its territory. It is always wise to have a small extra cage, in case the bird gets sick and you need to isolate it or take it to the vet.
- Quarantine new birds over the ones you already have until you are certain they have no disease or parasites (after a month).
- Vapors from fresh paint and new carpet can kill a bird. Make sure the room is well ventilated before returning the bird. Vapors travel fast, so if fresh paint or carpet is added anywhere in the house, keep the bird away from the vapors, close the door, and ventilate the house.
- Seek medical help if the bird loses blood; a bird can lose 1% of its body weight (blood loss) before it becomes fatal.
- Never expose the bird to cooking vapors. If you have vapors in your house, put the cage on the floor or move it out of that (well covered) area. The best prevention is to eliminate all non-stick dishes from the home. Keep the bird away from the kitchen and keep the doors closed while you cook. For the same reason, do not allow anyone to smoke near the bird.
Do not let the bird eat your leftovers, they may contain germs in your saliva that would make it sick. Never give the bird onions, avocados, rhubarb leaves, mushrooms, alcohol, chocolate, dairy products or caffeine.
Offer only fruits and vegetables, and clean them thoroughly before giving them. Remove food that starts to rot (iron rule: remove food after 2 hours, regardless of what it left behind). Offer him fruit as a reward and the rest from vegetables, grains, legumes and soft foods like oats and beaten eggs.