Many people regard spiders as pests or pests. While some species are dangerous, there are many others that are harmless, and spiders belonging to this category can make excellent pets.

Step 1. Find a spider
You can choose from many different species and characteristics. Common choices are: jumping spiders, weaver spiders, and wolf spiders. The most suitable ones to keep in captivity, however, are the jumping ones and the wolf ones.

Step 2. After you've chosen your new friend, look for a clear container with holes that will allow the spider to breathe
We recommend containers with few holes or with only one. Make sure you give the spider adequate space to move and jump comfortably. A small cap or cup with wet paper towels inside will help maintain an optimal humidity level.

Step 3. Make sure you have the necessary space to remove the lid of the jar and to put insects inside the container without having to completely disassemble it
It is advisable to create a comfortable door that can be opened and closed easily.

Step 4. Put a layer of sand or soil in the bottom of the spider "house"
Add a leaf, stones, and other objects that can allow the spider to hide and create its own spaces.

Step 5. Place the spider in its new home

Step 6. Feed him
On average, a spider needs one or two insects a day to be happy and full (if the insect is large, only one). Make sure the insect is smaller than him or the same size! Some typical examples of "meal" are flies, small caterpillars or even larvae. If you use fruit flies, give them other insects to supplement as well. If the spiders have enough water, they can survive without eating for up to a full month.

Step 7. Spiders take all the fluids they need from their prey, so you won't need to put water in the container
However, remember to always keep the humidity level under control.

Step 8. Enjoy
If you take care of the spider, it will stay alive for up to a year. Some tarantulas live up to 25 years.
- It is advised not to take the spider in hand as you could harm it.
- Remember to clean the cage at least once a week or it will be overrun by ants.
- Jumping spiders make great pets that will keep you entertained with their colors and stunts.
- Research the spider breed. If you read that he loves being outdoors, let him out every now and then, but keep him under control.
- If you prefer and if it doesn't bother you, you can also leave it free at home.