3 Ways to Have Manicured Nails

3 Ways to Have Manicured Nails
3 Ways to Have Manicured Nails

Table of contents:


Do you want nails that are manicured and that do not break easily? If you're tired of having stubby or broken nails, it's time to give them a makeover. The most important thing is the care, then you can add an extra touch by making them grow and with a nice manicure. If you want to know how to go from having embarrassing nails to having them super cute, go to Step 1.


Method 1 of 3: Grow Nails

Get Nice Nails Step 1
Get Nice Nails Step 1

Step 1. Stop biting your nails

Biting your nails prevents them from growing strong. When you eat them you rip them, weakening them down to the base. Saliva softens them making them more likely to flake or break. Nail biting is a difficult habit to lose, but it is the first step to having well-groomed nails!

  • You can buy products that prevent you from biting your nails, such as nail polish which makes them very bitter.
  • Reward yourself for your excellent work by giving yourself a spectacular manicure when you have managed to grow your nails for a couple of weeks without eating them.
Get Nice Nails Step 2
Get Nice Nails Step 2

Step 2. Try not to use your nails as tools

Do you have a tendency to use your fingernails to peel stickers off bottles, open cans, or do other things? So you stress them, increasing the chances of them cracking and weakening. While it's impossible to completely stop using your nails as tools - after all, that's what you get them for! - be more careful a like you use them can help them not to get ruined completely.

Get Nice Nails Step 3
Get Nice Nails Step 3

Step 3. Don't scratch the polish off your nails

If you do, please stop. It ruins the surface of the nails, making them brittle and easier to break. When you are done with the manicure, remove the nail polish in a more gentle way. You will notice the difference.

Get Nice Nails Step 4
Get Nice Nails Step 4

Step 4. Do not use abrasive products on the nails

If you have nails that tend to break, using harsh products will only make things worse. For example, acetone, which is the ingredient that dissolves nail polish, tends to dry out and may crack if you use it too often. Nail polish also has components that are potentially harmful to the nails. Let them sit for a few weeks - they will grow stronger and shinier.

  • Dish soap and other cleansers can damage your nails. Wear gloves when cleaning or washing dishes.
  • Use a moisturizing soap to wash your hands.

Step 5. Apply cream or oil to your hands and nails

To combat dryness, apply a cream or oil to your hands regularly. Almond or jojoba are particularly suitable for nails. They will protect the nails from the substances and extreme temperatures that tend to dry them.

If you work outdoors, it is essential to use a cream. Protecting your hands and nails with gloves can be an extra help

Get Nice Nails Step 6
Get Nice Nails Step 6

Step 6. Eat nutritious foods

If there is a lack of certain nutrients in your diet, you will notice it from your nails. They may appear dry, streaked, or even discolored, as well as cracking more easily than usual. The solution? Eat lots of foods rich in vitamins and minerals your body needs to produce healthy nails. As a bonus, they'll do wonders for your hair too!

  • Fill up on protein, since that's what nails are made of. Fish, poultry, pork, spinach, and legumes are all excellent sources of protein.
  • Eat foods rich in biotin, vitamin B, which can be found in nuts, fish, eggs and liver.
  • Get zinc and vitamin C.

Method 2 of 3: Treat Your Nails

Step 1. Cut them regularly

Every couple of weeks, trim your nails using tweezers or scissors on purpose. If you grow them too much, they will appear jagged and will likely get caught in something and crack.

Don't cut them too short. Leave at least one bezel. This way they will grow stronger and your manicure will be more beautiful

Step 2. Limale

Use a cardboard file to file the uneven surface on the tips of the nails. File in one direction and slowly. Try not to make them too round, there is a risk that they will incarnate!

Do not move the file back and forth. It weakens the nail and breaks the fibers

Step 3. Soak them

This will soften your nails and make it easier to push back the cuticles and file them. Soak them in hot water. You can add a few drops of oil if you want, to help soften nails and cuticles.

Step 4. Polish them

Use a file on purpose to polish the surface of the nails. Start with the rougher side of the file and then move on to the finer-grained side. Your nails should be shiny when you're done.

Step 5. Push the cuticles back

Use a cuticle pusher to gently push them towards the nail bed. Don't push too hard and be careful not to tear or break them. Never cut them with scissors, you will leave a wound at the base of the nails and this increases the risk of infections.

Get Nice Nails Step 12
Get Nice Nails Step 12

Step 6. Keep them neat

When the nails are the length you want, file them or cut them with the tweezers on purpose every now and then to keep them the shape you want and not to make them grow too much.

Method 3 of 3: Apply the Nail Polish

Step 1. Start with the base

Apply a clear base to each nail. Alternatively, if you have brittle, broken or dry nails you can use a hardener polish instead of the clear base. Let it dry completely before proceeding.

Step 2. Apply the nail polish

Choose the nail polish of the color you prefer and apply it carefully on all nails. Applying it in the right way will give the impression that it is the work of a professional. Here's how to do it:

  • Dip the brush into the bottle and pass it on the inside so that you have a drop of nail polish on the tip of the brush. Too much nail polish risks creating a mess.
  • Make a firm vertical stroke in the middle of the first nail - usually the thumb. Start from the base (but not attached to your finger) and work your way up to the tip.
  • Make another pass to the left and one to the right. Dip the brush again if necessary and finish with further strokes.
  • Apply polish to all nails in the same way.

Step 3. Take a second pass

Depending on the color you used, you may need to do a second coat to make the polish even. Wait until the first layer is completely dry.

Step 4. Add the top coat

Once the polish is completely dry, add a clear top coat. It will set your manicure so that it does not flake for at least a week or two.

Step 5. Remove the nail polish when it's time

When the nail polish starts to deteriorate, use a gentle nail polish remover to remove it completely. Make sure it doesn't contain acetone and be very gentle. Too aggressive scrubbing ruins your nails.

Let your nails rest after taking off the nail polish, they will thank you. Wait a couple of weeks before putting it back on


  • Don't bite your nails. If they are too long, cut them with tweezers on purpose. Do not eat them because it will ruin them.
  • If you want, there are multifunction files on the market: they can polish, sand, file the edges and even out the nail surface. Never use it more than twice a month because doing so would thin the nail and damage it. If they are very fragile, it is better not to use it at all, at least until they are strengthened.
  • Eating foods rich in vitamin K, such as whole milk dairy products or green leafy vegetables will help your nails grow faster and stronger.
  • Instead of using your nails as tools, take a couple of seconds to find the right one so you don't chip or break them.
  • Use a hand & nail cream every night (sweet almond oil will work too) and massage it carefully into and around your nails to keep them hydrated and strong.
  • Instead of using a metal file, use a cardboard file, it is more delicate and works just as well.
  • Take your time and do everything carefully.
  • Take it easy when you do your manicure.


  • Do not file your nails back and forth, but only in one direction.
  • Don't overgrow them, it's not hygienic and it's easier for them to peel or break. They will also curve not too pretty.
  • Never drink nail polish or nail polish remover, and try not to breathe in the fumes.
