Cuticles are membranes that surround the nails and can be damaged very easily. To have them healthy, you must first determine why they are ruined. If necessary, see a dermatologist to examine and possibly rule out possible causes. Avoid cutting them - just push them back when needed. Apply a specific oil regularly. Doing hand massages also helps increase blood flow to this area, helping to speed up the healing process.
Method 1 of 3: Treat Injuries

Step 1. Determine the cause of the injury
Take a good look at the skin surrounding your nails and try to identify the problem, as this is the first step to understand how to treat them. Check to see if you have persistently touched or nibbled them. Check the texture of the skin to determine if it is dry or brittle to the touch. Consider the color: The yellowish tinge can indicate an infection or a fungus.
- The cuticle should also adhere well to the nail. The presence of bumps or cracks can be symptomatic of trauma or a condition, such as chronic kidney disease. If you observe these imperfections, consult a doctor to diagnose the disorder and define how to treat it.
- If the nail or cuticle is fragile, applying a specific oil and moisturizer every day should help nourish the skin and nail area.
- At the bottom of the nail you should observe a half moon. If you can't see it immediately, try pressing your nail lightly. If it continues to be imperceptible to sight, this can be symptomatic of various disorders, such as hyperthyroidism. Consult a doctor.
- If you notice symptoms associated with the presence of a fungus, first apply an antifungal cream following the instructions on the package insert. In the event that the treatment does not give good results, contact a doctor to get a prescription for a drug.

Step 2. Treat open cuts or wounds
Over the course of the day, your hands come into contact with different types of germs. If the wounds are not treated, the organism can be invaded by various microorganisms. Wipe the cut with a disinfectant wet wipe, then apply a neomycin-based ointment and put on a band-aid. If the cut is small, let it breathe, but keep an eye on it.
If you use a patch, remove and replace it several times throughout the day to allow the wound to breathe

Step 3. See a doctor if you experience pain in the nail area or you feel like your cuticles are not healing
It is possible that the problem is due to an infection or a hormonal disorder. If you think the nail structure has been scratched, your doctor may order an x-ray to check for fractures.
- Consider if you've recently slammed or hit your hands and share this information with your doctor. Also let them know if you work in the construction industry. This way you can check for hand injuries.
- Long-term damage to the cuticle area can cause deformities on the entire finger. This is why it is a good idea to seek medical attention if you suspect that you have a more serious condition or if your cuticle has been damaged due to an injury.
- If you bite your nails until they bleed, or can't stop touching or biting your cuticles, you should see a therapist to put an end to these behaviors.

Step 4. Go to the emergency room
If you have slammed the nail bed and cuticle, or the area is affected by a deep cut, it is good to see a doctor as soon as possible. Ignoring a serious injury can damage nerve endings and cause other complications.
- Nail avulsion, which occurs when part of the nail breaks away from the cuticle and underlying skin, is another injury that requires quick intervention. Avulsions are often accompanied by fracture of the distal phalanx following impact trauma.
- In some cases, the entire nail bed may be removed to ensure good healing. Don't worry: the nail will grow back in about six months.
Method 2 of 3: Strengthen the Cuticles

Step 1. Gently push back the cuticles without cutting, detaching or trimming them
Cuticle pushers are tools available in perfumery and supermarkets. Try to shape them when you get out of the shower, when they are most malleable. It is important to keep them as intact as possible, as they are a natural barrier whose function is to protect the fingers from germs.
You can cut out larger cuticles or excess pieces of skin with a disinfected pair of scissors. just try not to damage healthy skin. In any case, if possible, avoid cutting them

Step 2. Once you have pushed the cuticles back, apply a generous amount of cream or serum to the nail and surrounding skin
Many people prefer to do this when they get out of the shower. If the cuticles are particularly damaged, it is good to apply a special cream several times a day, especially after washing your hands.
If you want to invest a little more, look for a specific product, such as rosehip oil, which also contains vitamin A and further promotes healing

Step 3. Avoid using nail polish
The chemicals contained within it can irritate and damage cuticles and nails. Try leaving them free for a few weeks if you notice any problems. Before you start using your nail polish again, consult a beautician for advice on products suitable for sensitive nails and cuticles.

Step 4. Before going to bed, apply a moisturizer to your nails
Then wear a pair of cotton gloves (or socks) to make the active ingredients of the product absorb well and avoid greasing the bed. Covering your hands or feet also protects them from dry air, which can cause cracking.
- If you bite your nails, wearing gloves or socks can help you avoid biting them in your sleep. This method is also effective for children with nail biting.
- Use copious amounts of moisturizer, as some of it will be absorbed into your gloves or socks.

Step 5. Mix aloe vera juice, olive oil and raw honey in a bowl
Dip your fingers in the solution, also using it to coat your hands. Let it sit for about 5 minutes. Repeat three times a week for best results.
- You can use as many ingredients as you like to make this solution, such as orange juice, honey, or coconut oil.
- You can also buy a paraffin bath at the pharmacy. To do this treatment, heat the paraffin and dip your hands in it. Wait for it to harden, then peel it off. You will see that the skin and nails will be much smoother and softer.
Method 3 of 3: Protect the Cuticles

Step 1. Avoid exposing them to harmful substances
When working in contact with detergents and other chemicals, wear a pair of gloves. Avoid exposing your nails to the sun for prolonged periods without first covering them or applying a moisturizer. To keep them from drying out, wash them with a mild soap.

Step 2. Make a commitment to stop eating or picking your nails
Many people do this without even realizing it. You may find it helpful to apply a bitter substance, such as lemon essential oil. Once they are completely healed, reward yourself with a manicure.
You can use a bitter solution or nail polish so that the bad taste of your nails will deter you from eating them

Step 3. Be careful when removing nail polish or false nails
Acetone is the easiest product to use, but it is very aggressive on the skin. Taking a break from nail polishes and manicures allows your nails to heal. However, first remove the nail polish slowly using a mild solution free of harmful ingredients.

Step 4. Get a hand massage
Increasing blood flow to the hands also promotes healing and growth of cuticles. Do the massage using a warm towel while soaking your fingers or see a professional massage therapist.

Step 5. Go to the beautician
Treat your cuticles, treat yourself to a manicure, which among other things promotes growth and helps repair damage. Before starting, explain your situation to the beautician and ask her to push back the cuticles without cutting them.

Step 6. Try to be patient
It is frustrating to deal with inflamed or damaged cuticles, but they should heal completely within 3-6 months. Treat your hands with care, also avoid rushing to try new nail polishes or do other aggressive treatments.