Regardless of your lifestyle, know that shoes inevitably get dirty with use. However, you don't have to walk in shoes that look old and worn. A simple cleaning can often get rid of most of the dirt and make your shoes look as good as new!
Method 1 of 3: Washing the tennis shoes in the washing machine

Step 1. Remove the laces and insoles
You will need to wash the laces, insoles and shoes separately to reduce drying time.
If you wish, however, you can leave the laces in the shoes when you wash them in the washing machine, but you must still remove the insoles, to avoid them being soaked in water for many days

Step 2. Clean the laces
If they are really dirty, you should consider buying a new pair, but you can always try to wash them by scrubbing them with a brush dipped in soapy water or putting them in the washing machine with your shoes on. Finally let them air dry completely before putting them back on.
- Alternatively, you can put them inside a pillowcase by tying them together with a safety pin and insert them into the washing machine drum. This will prevent them from getting caught in the drainage holes of the appliance.
- If the shoes are colored, but the laces are white, wash them separately, with the rest of the white laundry, on a normal program.
Step 3. Clean and deodorize the insoles
Use a little warm water and liquid soap to scrub the insoles with a rag or soft-bristled brush. Finally, soak up the excess soapy water with a sponge and allow the insoles to air dry completely before inserting them into your footwear.
- If the insoles smell bad, reseal them in a bag with baking soda. Shake the bag and leave it closed overnight.
- If the smell persists, then try soaking the insoles in a solution consisting of two parts of vinegar and one part of water for a few hours. Then transfer them to a mixture of hot water, baking soda, and an essential oil of your choice, such as pine or tea tree.
Step 4. Remove excess solid residue from shoes
Grab a dry toothbrush or brush (such as a shoe brush) and try to get rid of as much mud and grime as possible.
- You can also use a cotton swab or toothpick to reach all the hidden areas and crevices and get rid of dirt.
- Clean any stained plastic areas using a cream cleaner and a cloth or paper towel.
Step 5. Put the shoes in a pillowcase
This way you protect both your shoes and the washing machine. Remember to partially close the opening of the pillowcase using about three safety pins, so that the water can enter and exit freely.
- If you have chosen to machine wash the laces as well, attach them to the inside of the pillowcase with a safety pin.
- Instead of the pillowcase you can use a washing machine net bag.
Step 6. Insert the pillowcase into the washing machine
Also add an old towel or two, to prevent the shoes from violently hitting the inside of the drum during the wash cycle (which could damage the shoes and the appliance).
- Use only old towels, as new ones may leave lint and fluff on your shoes!
- Most tennis shoes are tough enough to withstand washing in the washing machine, but check the label with cleaning instructions to be safe. Some manufacturers, such as Nike, recommend hand washing only.

Step 7. Add liquid detergent
Powder may leave residues in the fibers of your shoes, so it's best to use liquid. If desired, add some vinegar to eliminate odors and pine oil to disinfect the shoes.
If you have decided to use pine oil, make sure it is at least 80% pure

Step 8. Set the washing program and start the appliance
Choose a gentle cycle and a low temperature. The heat could deform the shoes and an aggressive spin could damage them (or break the drum itself).

Step 9. Remove the shoes from the washing machine and let them air dry
When the washing program has finished, you can remove the shoes from the pillowcase and expose them to the air. It is better not to use the dryer, as the heat could deform the soles.
- Fill your shoes with newspaper or kitchen paper to prevent them from warping and speed up the drying process.
- Place the laced shoes and insoles in a partially sunny location so they can dry out. Do not expose them to heat (for example near a radiator) or direct sunlight, as they could damage them.
- It will take several hours or even a couple of days before the shoes are completely dry, so plan your washing well in advance!
- If you are in a hurry and absolutely "must" use the dryer, wrap your shoes in a cloth and use a "gentle" drying cycle, checking your shoes often to avoid them getting too hot.
Step 10. Put the laces back on and wear your shoes "as good as new"
When they are perfectly dry you can re-insert the insoles, the laces and put them on your feet! They definitely look (and smell) better now!
Method 2 of 3: Hand Wash the Tennis Shoes
Step 1. Remove and wash the laces
Remove them from your shoes and wash them with a brush dipped in soapy water. You can place them on the clothesline or in a countertop dish drainer. Finally, let them dry completely before putting them back in your shoes. If they are really very dirty, you can consider buying a new pair.
Step 2. Remove and clean the insoles
Make a mildly soapy solution by mixing liquid detergent with hot water and use it to scrub the insoles with a rag or soft-bristled brush. Finally wipe off the excess soap and water with a sponge and wait for the insoles to air dry before putting them back in your shoes.
Step 3. Remove excess solid dirt
Take a soft-bristled brush (a toothbrush or shoe brush) and wipe off all the dirt and debris found on the outer surface of the footwear. You can also use a cotton swab or toothpick to clean even hard-to-reach corners.
Step 4. Prepare a cleaning solution
Although you can find many specific soaps on the market, know that a simple mixture of hot water and liquid soap is more than enough to clean the outside of the footwear.
Step 5. Brush your shoes
Apply a little soapy solution to a sponge, soft cloth or brush and scrub all external surfaces. You will have to work a little and make several attempts to get a good result, also depending on how dirty the shoes are.
Treat stubborn stains with the cleaner and wait a few minutes before scrubbing vigorously
Step 6. Remove excess soap
Wet another cloth, sponge, or brush with warm water and scrub the shoes again, until there are no more traces of detergent.

Step 7. Let the shoes air dry
Place them together with the laces and insoles in a partially sunny area at room temperature so they can dry out. Avoid very hot areas (such as near a heater) or direct sunlight, as your shoes may be damaged.
Avoid putting them in the dryer, as excessive heat deforms the soles
Method 3 of 3: Caring for Smart Shoes

Step 1. Eliminate bad smells
Take some baking soda, coffee grounds, or cat litter and put it directly into your footwear. Let the product work until you have to put on your shoes, this way you can keep odors under control. When you need to put your shoes on, just shake them to get rid of the product.
Another technique to effectively deodorize them is to put the product of your choice in a fabric bag and store it in your shoes. You can make the pouch with an old pair of tights and an elastic or a tie to close the opening
Step 2. Clean the leather shoes
If you wear them every day, the footwear should be cleaned two or three times a week using a soft cloth and a slightly soapy mixture. This way you get rid of visible dirt and dust. At the end you should apply some polish (preferably natural or wax-based) by rubbing vigorously with a cloth, until the shoes shine as you wish.
Step 3. Brush the suede footwear
In this case, if you wear them daily, you need to clean them two or three times a week with a specific brush, in order to free them from stains and dust.
At the end of each cleaning you can spray them with a specific protective product, to make them more resistant and prevent the stains from setting; all of this will be of great help to you during future cleaning processes
- Washing in the washing machine could damage the shoes, so it's best not to do it more than once a year or only when they are very dirty.
- If the shoes are delicate or expensive, you should wash them by hand or take them to a dry cleaner.
- Check the washing instructions before cleaning them, as some models need special treatment.
- Be very careful if you decide to dry your shoes in the dryer, as excessive heat could deform the soles.