Collembola are common and fairly harmless parasites belonging to the class of hexapods. They aren't particularly threatening, but if they start to become a nuisance indoors or outdoors, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them.
Method 1 of 2: Making the Environment Inhospitable

Step 1. Reduce the humidity
Collembola preferably live in humid environments. If you can improve the air circulation in an indoor space infested with these parasites, the humidity in that environment will reduce and the springtails present will move or die.
- Open house windows and doors to allow for as much natural ventilation as possible.
- Turn on fans in particularly problematic areas, such as kitchens, bathrooms, and basements, to create artificial sources of air movement.
- You can keep drier conditions in a large space by installing an air conditioner or dehumidifier.

Step 2. Get rid of the water-soaked mushrooms
Mold grows in areas with a high degree of humidity. In addition, these mushrooms are able to absorb and retain moisture, thereby attracting springtails. You must then eliminate the fungi and dry the area to kill the parasites that live there.
- Look for mold and mildew in water-saturated areas of the home, such as the corners of the basement or around the bathtub.
- Look for fungi, mosses and algae on the soil surface as well. Remove this medium completely to avoid further growth.

Step 3. Repair water leaks
In particular, look for leaking pipes and cracks leading outward. These areas could be soaked in humidity and infested with springtails. Dry these areas to get rid of the parasites that thrive there.
- Drain pipes are the most likely and most common source of excess moisture in the home.
- Cracks and drafts in doors and windows can be another source. Make your windows resistant to atmospheric agents and repair these spaces. Apply putty to small cracks and crevices as needed.
- If your window sills are made of wood, they can be damaged by water causing cracks. Repair or treat damaged wood, and avoid further problems by applying a waterproof coating.

Step 4. Check the amount of water the plants receive
It may be difficult for plants that are outdoors, but if these pests are attracted to your houseplants, you can usually kill them by letting the plant's soil dry completely before adding more water.
- It is especially important to let the soil of the plants dry out if you are moving them from the outside to the inside of the house.
- If there is an infestation of springtails outside, they may already be in your potted plants, regardless of whether you don't see them.
- If you leave the land dry for a couple of days you can kill the parasites that live there and reduce the risk of bringing them inside.

Step 5. Repot the plants
When a potted plant is infested with springtails, the simplest thing to do is to remove it from its current waterlogged container and place it in another with well-draining soil and better drain holes.
- When repotting a spring-infested plant, gently shake it off most of the soil. Get plenty of fresh soil - if you put the old potting soil back into the new pot, pests may remain.
- Consider adding gravel or similar material to the bottom of the new pot to improve drainage. The new container should also have more holes in the bottom than the old vase.

Step 6. Delete any external breeding sites
You can solve the problem at source by removing as much of the organic matter as possible from the garden. Spring worms like to grow in rotten soil, so removing it can kill the young parasites that live there and prevent new growth.
- If these creatures crawl inside the house, you need to focus on cleaning the possible nesting places around the perimeter of the house.
- Piles of decaying leaves, mulch, and grass can attract these pests. Mulch, in particular, should only be 5-10cm thick so it stays dry.
Method 2 of 2: Using Pesticides and Other Similar Methods

Step 1. Apply indoor insecticide
Look for a spray formulated for internal use and spray it in areas where you have seen springtails and where you suspect they may pass.
- Most indoor insecticides used against these pests contain bifentrin, carbaril or diazinone.
- Some may also contain chlorpyrifos, cyfluthrin, deltamethrin or prallethrin.

Step 2. Apply an insecticide for outdoor use
If most of the infestation is present outside the home, you can purchase a pesticide specifically formulated for outdoor use and apply it to mulch, soil, or other areas where springtails are present.
- Most outdoor insecticides used against springtails contain bifentrin, carbaril, chlorpyrifos, deltamethrin or diazinone. Some may also contain fluvalinate, malathione, prallethrin or pyrethrin.
- You can apply pesticides outdoors as barrier treatments so that pests die before they can enter your home, or you can use them as a general treatment to kill springtails that have infested an area.
- Spray pesticides outdoors in the afternoon and early evening, when these pests are most active.

Step 3. Wash them out with soap and water
If you want to create a more natural pesticide, simply mix some liquid soap and water in a spray bottle and start the pest control. Spray the areas where you see springtails crawling, as well as any other areas where you have noticed them in the past.
- Springtails are so small that you won't be able to get rid of them easily with a broom. Spraying water on these parasites is the only way to physically remove them. If you want to get rid of them without necessarily killing them, you can simply wet them with a jet of soap-free water.
- If you also want to kill them, mix about 15ml of dish soap into 500ml of water. Completely cover the parasites with the solution, causing them to suffocate.

Step 4. Hire a professional
Although this rarely happens, large spring infestations may require the intervention of a professional exterminator who can legally handle potent chemicals.
- Be aware that even a professional pest control service will not be able to get rid of the spring blot infestation quickly. You are likely to continue to see the spring marks emerging from underground, under concrete slabs, under foundations etc.
- Complete eradication can take 2-3 treatments.
- Know that springtails can actually be a good sign. Their presence in the soil indicates that the soil retains water well and contains a fair amount of organic matter. They can also be useful, as they break down the organic material they live in.
- Be careful when using pesticides. Follow the label instructions carefully to reduce the potential threat of these chemicals and keep them out of the reach of pets and children.