How to Plant Chrysanthemums (with Pictures)

How to Plant Chrysanthemums (with Pictures)
How to Plant Chrysanthemums (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Chrysanthemums come in a huge variety of beautiful colors. They can be planted from seeds, cuttings and by division, or they can be purchased at a garden store. Choose a sunny spot with well-draining soil if you plant them in the garden, and be sure to dig a hole large enough for the roots to grow comfortably. If you are planting seeds, distribute them evenly in a tray or saucer and keep them moist on a sunlit windowsill. Chrysanthemums don't like having wet roots, so be sure to let them dry out between waterings.


Part 1 of 3: Choosing the Right Place

Grow Chrysanthemums Step 01
Grow Chrysanthemums Step 01

Step 1. Choose an outdoor spot that is illuminated by the sun for 5-6 hours a day

Select a sunny area of your garden, but it's fine even if there is a little shade. Chrysanthemums love the morning sun, so try to place them in a spot that receives sunlight early in the day.

Grow Chrysanthemums Step 02
Grow Chrysanthemums Step 02

Step 2. Make sure the soil is well-draining and fertile

Chrysanthemums don't like to be constantly wet, so make sure the soil is able to drain easily and there is plenty of air circulation.

If you are not sure if the soil is able to drain water efficiently, take a shovel and dig a hole about 30 cm deep. Fill it with water and see if it can drain in less than 10 minutes. Otherwise, the soil does not drain well

Grow Chrysanthemums Step 03
Grow Chrysanthemums Step 03

Step 3. Provide wind protection for plants

Chrysanthemums prefer a mild climate, so if you live in a particularly windy area, provide these flowers with shelter. Try spreading a layer of mulch on the ground where you planted the chrysanthemums.

  • The mulch layer shouldn't be overly thick, but it should completely cover the ground.
  • You can also plant chrysanthemums along a fence to protect them from the wind.
Grow Chrysanthemums Step 04
Grow Chrysanthemums Step 04

Step 4. Place the chrysanthemums 45-60 cm away from each other

If you are planting more than one plant, you will need to make sure you leave enough room for them to develop roots. Measure your garden or yard using a measuring tape so you know where to place the chrysanthemums.

Part 2 of 3: Grow Chrysanthemums from Seeds

Grow Chrysanthemums Step 05
Grow Chrysanthemums Step 05

Step 1. Purchase the seeds at a nursery or garden store

There is a wide variety of chrysanthemum seeds to choose from. The packages cost on average between 2 and 10 euros and each should contain between 50 and 1000 seeds.

Grow Chrysanthemums Step 06
Grow Chrysanthemums Step 06

Step 2. Fill the germination trays with well-draining potting compost

You can buy it at a garden store or you can make it yourself. Fill each cell of the germination tray almost completely.

  • You can purchase well-draining potting compost and germination trays at a garden or home improvement store.
  • To find out if the soil in your garden has adequate drainage, take a shovel, dig a hole about 30 cm deep and fill it with water. If it drains in less than 10 minutes, the soil is well-draining.
Grow Chrysanthemums Step 07
Grow Chrysanthemums Step 07

Step 3. Place 2-3 seeds in each cell of the germination tray

The easiest way is to hold some seeds in the palm of your hand and use your fingers to gently place them in the cells. Instead of piling them up, position them so they don't touch.

Grow Chrysanthemums Step 08
Grow Chrysanthemums Step 08

Step 4. Spread a thin layer of soil over the seeds

If you have pushed the seeds into the ground, there is no need to sprinkle more soil on top. However, if you have simply dropped the seeds on the surface, it is best to sprinkle a thin layer of additional potting soil over each cell to make sure the seeds are well covered.

Grow Chrysanthemums Step 09
Grow Chrysanthemums Step 09

Step 5. Use a spray bottle to mist the soil

Fill a small spray bottle with water and spray the tray so that the soil is moist; when you touch it it should feel wet but not completely soaked.

Grow Chrysanthemums Step 10
Grow Chrysanthemums Step 10

Step 6. Press the soil lightly with your fingers

This will help ensure that the seeds are in good contact with the earth and are not simply on top, where they can be moved by wind or water. Use 2-3 fingers to gently push the soil, pressing with your fingertips and not with the tips.

Grow Chrysanthemums Step 11
Grow Chrysanthemums Step 11

Step 7. Place the germination tray in a bright and sunny location

It can be a window sill that receives a lot of sunlight or outdoors under a porch (if you always pay attention to the weather). The more sunlight the seeds receive, the faster and better they will germinate.

  • If you wish, you can place a heating mat under the tray for faster germination.
  • You should start seeing the first results in 8-10 days.
  • Checking the weather, if you leave the seeds on a porch, is important in case it starts to rain a lot, it is cold or the sun does not come out for several days.
Grow Chrysanthemums Step 12
Grow Chrysanthemums Step 12

Step 8. Check the soil often to make sure it is moist

Use a spray bottle to lightly mist the cells if the soil seems to be drying. When the seeds are exposed to sunlight you should check them daily to make sure the soil is moist.

  • Be careful not to over-soak the soil - it should be moist, not soggy.
  • Check the ground more frequently if you use a heating mat.
Grow Chrysanthemums Step 13
Grow Chrysanthemums Step 13

Step 9. Transfer the seedlings to separate pots when they are a few centimeters high

When the little chrysanthemums have reached 7-8 cm in height, you can move them to separate pots so that their roots have more room to grow. Be very careful when transferring them to avoid damaging the stems and their delicate roots.

  • Usually, the transplant takes about 6 weeks.
  • Use a small spade or shovel to remove the plants more carefully.
Grow Chrysanthemums Step 14
Grow Chrysanthemums Step 14

Step 10. Propagate chrysanthemums if you wish to use cuttings

Take a cutting from a chrysanthemum and dip it in a rooting hormone mixture before planting it in the ground. This method often produces more robust plants than those grown from seeds.

Part 3 of 3: Transplanting Potted Chrysanthemums

Grow Chrysanthemums Step 15
Grow Chrysanthemums Step 15

Step 1. Plant the chrysanthemums in the ground after the last frost

Transferring chrysanthemums from a pot to the ground can be a delicate process, so make sure the soil is rich, well-tilled and there is no longer any danger of frost that could damage the plant.

Grow Chrysanthemums Step 16
Grow Chrysanthemums Step 16

Step 2. Dig a hole twice the size of the plant's roots

Use a shovel to dig a hole that is the same depth as the pot the plant lived in, but twice as wide. This will ensure that the chrysanthemums have enough space to develop their roots. Carefully place the chrysanthemums in the hole.

Grow Chrysanthemums Step 17
Grow Chrysanthemums Step 17

Step 3. Space the chrysanthemums 45-60 cm, if possible

If you are planting several chrysanthemum plants, separate them from each other by about 45 to 60 cm so that the roots have room to grow and spread without disturbing each other.

Grow Chrysanthemums Step 18
Grow Chrysanthemums Step 18

Step 4. Cover the roots and gaps with fresh soil

There will be a lot of space around the roots after you place the plants, so pour soil into these spaces so that the roots are well covered. Use your hands to compact the soil a little so that it is even with the surrounding soil.

Spread a top layer of fresh soil on the roots as well, not just the sides

Grow Chrysanthemums Step 19
Grow Chrysanthemums Step 19

Step 5. Water the chrysanthemums at least once a week

Feel the soil with your finger to check if it is dry: if it is, water the plants carefully. Chrysanthemums don't like having wet roots, so let them dry out between waterings.

Grow Chrysanthemums Step 20
Grow Chrysanthemums Step 20

Step 6. Provide the chrysanthemums with liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks if desired

It is not necessary, but it will help keep plants healthy and grow quickly. You can purchase liquid fertilizer at a garden or home improvement store.

Follow the instructions that come with your liquid fertilizer to know how much to use and how often to apply it


  • Keep chrysanthemums healthy and lush by removing dead and diseased parts of the plant throughout the year.
  • Plant chrysanthemums in early spring or after the last frost.
  • Avoid planting chrysanthemums near large trees or invasive roots.
  • Chrysanthemums are best watered early in the morning or late in the afternoon. Give the leaves enough time to dry before sunset.
  • Divide the chrysanthemums every 3-5 years so that they are not too dense and continue to produce blooms. In early spring, dig and pull the plant out of the ground, then separate the roots with a sharp spade. Replant them at a distance of about half a meter from each other.
