4 Ways to Kill Time

4 Ways to Kill Time
4 Ways to Kill Time

Table of contents:


Whether you're sitting in a waiting room or queuing up and then sitting back in another waiting room or you just have 20 minutes to kill before your next class or appointment, you have to fight against that ephemeral variable that we call Time. It's not hard to beat boredom if you use a little creativity!


Method 1 of 4: Killing Time by Entertaining Yourself

Kill Time Step 1
Kill Time Step 1

Step 1. Close your eyes and dream awake

It is a relaxation technique that high school teens have some expertise in, especially in math or history classes, but many adults have forgotten how to do it. They are too tense, busy, or in a hurry to take the time to clear their minds of the clutter of life, which sometimes flows too vigorously. Recover your youthful spirit and daydream.

Worrying doesn't count as a daydream. If you find yourself sitting planning how your life should go, you're not doing it right. Some people are simply not daydreamers; if you are one of them, don't force it. There are tons of other tips that can inspire you on this page

Kill Time Step 2
Kill Time Step 2

Step 2. Go outdoors

Have a picnic. Play with the Frisbee. Try flying a kite. Sometimes the simplest things are the most satisfying, and the most surprisingly hilarious. Even a walk is healthy and fun!

If you don't have much time to kill, just take a walk around your neighborhood. Make the effort to observe: How many things can you see that you have never noticed before? Think of all your senses: what do you feel, see, smell, touch or taste?

Kill Time Step 3
Kill Time Step 3

Step 3. Take on the challenge of not staring at your cell phone

Next time you're with a group of people who are killing time, make a note of how many of them get their phones out. You definitely won't need a calculator. Even those who know each other will have their cell phones in their hands and their heads bowed, playing Candy Crush or Words with Friends or just pretending to text someone they obviously prefer to talk to. We have become a company that no longer lets itself be involved in direct contact. Hold on, you can do it!

Or, give in too and take pictures of people staring at their phones. It's hard to be the only one with your hands without a lighted piece of plastic, isn't it? If you take pictures of others, you will still be doing something original

Kill Time Step 4
Kill Time Step 4

Step 4. Go annoy someone

Anyone. Whenever someone asks you to do something, you say "Can I also bring you some fries?". Harassing for others, fun for you. Annoying people is hilarious. Give it a go! Make jokes that others won't forget so easily!

  • Be careful when opting for this method. Staring at people until they feel visibly uncomfortable is fun, but it can cause a fight. Hold your finger two inches away from someone's face saying "I'm not touching you!" it's fun, but risky when done with strangers. Choose your battles.
  • You don't necessarily have to do it in person. You could always annoy people online or act like a troll. You will entertain even bored people like you, who will thank you.
Kill Time Step 5
Kill Time Step 5

Step 5. Discover new music

If you've been listening to the same 15-song playlist on your iPod nano since 2004, it's time for a change. Discovering new music is easier than before. Sites like Noisetrade.com offer free downloads of emerging artists, all with a simple click. And being more trendy than your friends is always satisfying.

You already use Spotify and Pandora, right? Good. Now you just have to make the effort to get out of your comfort zone. There are gems that are just waiting to be found by you. Ask your friends for ideas or search for artists similar to the ones you already like on the internet

Kill Time Step 6
Kill Time Step 6

Step 6. Do you remember these three words?

Rubik's cube! While you're not the best, it's fun to try. And then it can be an excuse to strike up a conversation with someone. Sure, the conversation might just consist of phrases like "Oh, hey! Rubik's cube! I can finish it before you!", But it's still a dialogue.

  • Don't cheat and don't look for answers. Otherwise, you'll be done right away and still have time to kill. But, if you really have to… better read the article How to Solve the Rubik's Cube with the Layered Method on wikiHow.
  • If you are with a friend, there is a game called "Rubik's Race" that you could play.

Step 7. Take an eye test

Hold a finger 10 cm away from the nose and place a fixed object one meter away. Strain your eyes on the object by closing one at a time. The strongest eye is the one with which your finger doesn't move sideways when you close them.

You can go online looking for eye tests or optical illusions. You will be surprised at how many of them exist and how intriguing they are

Method 2 of 4: Killing Time by Gaining Knowledge

Kill Time Step 7
Kill Time Step 7

Step 1. Read a book

This should be a fixed point of reference when you are bored. Reading a lot is a quality that will pay off multiple times a day. If you anticipate a long wait, bring along a magazine or classic book and rediscover this often overlooked hobby.

Sure, the Kindle is worth it too, but since you spend all this time in front of a screen, why not dust off a good old book, which by the way will have the same irresistible scent of a bookstore?

Kill Time Step 8
Kill Time Step 8

Step 2. Read someone else's blog

It happens that some people are not in the right state of mind to read a book. Others did not know that they would find themselves in temporal limbo and did not think about putting a book in the bag. If that happens to you, pop online (as you just did to find this article!) And read someone's blog. You will likely laugh, cry or mock the author in your head for a long time. In any case, you will not be bored.

If you don't know where to find a good blog, you have no excuse. Large publications, such as Time Magazine, annually provide a list of the best blogs. There are even awards for blog writers (called Bloggies)! There's a world out there you're probably missing out on

Kill Time Step 9
Kill Time Step 9

Step 3. Talk to the people around you

Ouch, talk, what a crazy idea, right? So archaic and banal. Remember the last time you went to Starbuck's and actually talked to someone other than whispering “Coffee and a muffin” to the hipster-looking bartender? After wondering how he justified his choice of employment with his hipster friends, you sat down and spent a full three hours surfing the internet. Do not do it again. The people around you are much more interesting than those Angry Birds.

It might be bizarre to try, especially if you don't do it right. And, unless you're English, a quick “Wow, it's hot today” could result in some questioning glances being received. However, the strangeness never killed anyone. If you're lucky enough to find someone who doesn't stare at their phone, give them a chance. Especially if she is pretty

Kill Time Step 10
Kill Time Step 10

Step 4. Study

Wow, what a strange thing! You didn't come to this page for such-obvious-that-aren't-obvious ideas, did you? But we are not referring to the study that consists of recovering that 2005 textbook that you never really opened in class but the bookstore would never want it back, we are referring to something much more compelling, the internet.

Sites like Memrise, Academic Earth, Coursera, and Khan Academy make studying and learning fun. Pick a topic, you will certainly learn something new. With videos and graphics, even the most cultured people will be happy to inquire about something

Kill Time Step 11
Kill Time Step 11

Step 5. Search for tutorials on the internet or watch funny videos online

You're already on wikiHow, aren't you? Then you may find out how How to Improve Your IQ, How to Get Rid of Termites or How to Make a Diorama. Think of all the things you don't know how to do yet! And then do them!

YouTube is good too, but you might get distracted by Miley Cyrus videos and that's risky. Opt for VideoJug or HowCast to avoid temptation

Method 3 of 4: Killing Time with Creativity

Kill Time Step 12
Kill Time Step 12

Step 1. Write

You could handwrite your diary or a message or letter to a friend. A small diary or notebook doesn't take up much space in your purse, diary, or even a jacket pocket. With emails and text messages, handwritten notes and letters have become special for many people.

You don't have to be verbose if you don't feel like it. Tell your friend that you find it awesome and draw it in the form of a ninja taking over the whole world - the picture will not only lift his spirits, but he will also find that your effort, despite your poor artistic skills, is tender

Kill Time Step 13
Kill Time Step 13

Step 2. Write a song or rap

You can talk about anything you like, anything you don't like, or anything that goes through your head. Surely the waiting room you are in generates enough emotions to feel creative, let them flow! A lot of things rhyme with "killing time".

  • Don't you have the soul of a songwriter? You can always try! Read How to Write the Lyrics for a Song. Maybe? You needed to kill time to find out what your calling for a fulfilling career is!
  • If you don't want to write a song, shoot a music video! It could be a parody or you could just be a fool or pretend to be the artist. On YouTube, everyone does it, even you can!
Kill Time Step 14
Kill Time Step 14

Step 3. Create a scrapbook

These jobs are easy and fun to make and keep your memories much better than Facebook. Take a tour of a stationery and DIY store and you will be hooked on this pastime. There are so many options that you can find something you absolutely must try.

Scrapbooks are also a great gift idea. If you want to remember your life, your holidays, or a relationship with someone, these collections are a good personal way to show your affection

Kill Time Step 15
Kill Time Step 15

Step 4. Think about hobbies you can indulge in anywhere, with easy-to-carry materials that shouldn't take too much effort to start a project

If scrapbooking represents a certain commitment to you (or at least requires you to take care of it at home), think smaller. Keeping your hands busy while you wait is a surefire way to lose track of time! Consider:

  • Knitting or crochet. Small projects, such as pot holders or knobs, could be made anywhere, as you can carry the equipment in your bag.
  • Scribble or sketch. Great inventions began with sketches and even on napkins. Keep a pencil and a small notepad with you to scribble while you wait. If you are with someone else, you can also create your own strategy game, based on the players taking turns, drawing buildings and units and stating what happens from time to time.
  • Create beaded or macrame jewelry. However, if you use beads, make sure you don't drop them on the ground!
Kill Time Step 16
Kill Time Step 16

Step 5. Create a blog

Nobody has to read it, you have to write it first for yourself. It guarantees a great creative outlet and a space in which to talk about yourself. Who knows, maybe your blog will be read by other bored people! Or you could triumph at a Bloggie!

Your blog doesn't have to make any specific sense. You don't have to try Julia Child's recipes or force yourself to go out with your best friend for 60 days or talk about the war you waged against fur - write whatever you want. Find a free website (like Blogger.com or WordPress) and start typing

Kill Time Step 17
Kill Time Step 17

Step 6. Kitchen

Open a recipe site based on certain ingredients and see if you can make any with what you have in the fridge. You will be able to kill time and appreciate the finished product! You'll kill two birds with one stone.

Looking for inspiration? Try the wikiHow Cooking section for ideas

Method 4 of 4: Killing Time By Being Productive

Kill Time Step 18
Kill Time Step 18

Step 1. Make a mental list of the activities you need to do

It can be housework and other things that you postpone for a long time or for which you never have a free minute; not much preparation is needed to get started. When you have time to kill, you may find the motivation to do them. Here are some examples:

  • Review your bank account. If you are waiting for an appointment and have the right documents on hand, you could grab them from your purse and take a look at the register and total of deposits and debts and make sure everything is up to date.
  • Update your daily agenda. Many of these are found on electronic devices, and old entrances can occasionally be deleted to free up space.
  • Clean up your mobile by deleting messages and old contacts. If you have a phone full of old numbers or that has stored multiple recent calls, missed calls, and voice and text messages, it might be a good time to get rid of all the unnecessary stuff.
  • Organize your purse or wallet. Make sure no one is watching you if you bring out a lot of cash or personal stuff; however, if there are few people around you, you may want to order credit cards, business cards, and other items to make it a little easier to find when you need them.
Kill Time Step 19
Kill Time Step 19

Step 2. Meditate

This tip should probably be at the top of the page because it represents one of the best ideas - meditating can calm and relax you like nothing else. If you've never done this before, go for it! It only takes 10 minutes, you do not have to do practically anything.

Either way, you will get better as time goes on. Don't expect to reach nirvana the first time you try while waiting for your dentist appointment. Being properly Zen is a skill that is cultivated with practice

Kill Time Step 20
Kill Time Step 20

Step 3. Do some real work

Whether it's homework or making dinner, there are likely tasks you'll need to complete sooner or later. How about responding to the email from that friend who wrote you two months ago and which you have completely forgotten? You can write to him or do the laundry!

Can't you think of anything? You are probably not thinking enough. Most people have something they can clean up, organize, do, send, research, or finalize. Think ahead: what will you need to do next week?

Kill Time Step 21
Kill Time Step 21

Step 4. Write an article on how to kill time

Oops, it has already been done! But you could always make changes to that!


  • Do your brows need hair removal?
  • Develop time efficiency tactics so that you won't be rushing to complete your tasks at the end of the day. Using small blocks of time throughout the day to get things done can help you get the rest you deserve at the end.
  • Sleep! But set the alarm for your date, or you might miss it.


  • Don't sleep if you snore, and then who wants to doze off in a waiting room?
  • Don't expect too much of yourself by trying to use every second of every day productively. Occasionally, give yourself a chance to just relax.
