3 Ways Not To Be Tired

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3 Ways Not To Be Tired
3 Ways Not To Be Tired

When fatigue does not leave you during the day, there is a risk that it negatively affects your productivity, your serenity and, over time, even your physical health. If you want to avoid feeling tired all the time, try changing your habits instead of using quick fixes to get your energy back. Establish a healthy routine both in the morning and in the evening and stick to it, try to eat right and stay active during the day to ward off daytime sleepiness.


Method 1 of 3: Adopt Good Habits in the Morning

Not Be Tired Step 1
Not Be Tired Step 1

Step 1. Give yourself time to get ready in the morning

Even if you think you feel more rested by setting your alarm for a quarter of an hour later, this habit could actually have a negative effect if it forces you to get ready in a hurry. If you don't want to feel tired during the day, you may want to leave the house relaxed and refreshed rather than stressed.

  • Instead of setting your alarm later to get some extra sleep, try going to bed a little earlier in the evening.
  • If you go to bed at the right time and get enough sleep, you probably won't even need to use the alarm again!
Not Be Tired Step 2
Not Be Tired Step 2

Step 2. Wake up early and in the right spirit, and take a few deep breaths

Getting up on the right foot is really essential to feeling active and regenerated. See awakening as a new opportunity to do great things, not punishment! Try the following tips:

  • Do not press the snooze button to postpone the alarm. You will only waste time and immerse yourself for a few more minutes in a state of semi-sleep that will not refresh you at all.
  • Take deep breaths and fill your lungs with air.
  • Stand up and smile! Don't waste time playing on your phone or yawning and tossing and turning in bed. The earlier you start the day, the better off you will be.
  • If you're still sleepy, take a stroll outside or look out on the balcony to get some morning air.
Not Be Tired Step 3
Not Be Tired Step 3

Step 3. Start the morning the same way

Some people like to start their day with a shower, others enjoy physical activity, while still others prefer to get up and have breakfast. Go along with what your body and mind tell you to do to prepare for the day and follow the same routine every morning.

  • The secret is consistency. Once you have identified the habits that best suit your needs, respect them every morning, even on vacation!
  • You may believe that the cold shower is more suitable for waking up than the hot one, which reconciles the numbness. In fact, if a hot shower is part of your morning routine, it will communicate to your body and mind that it's time to get up and get moving.
  • Consider keeping a radio in the bathroom to listen to the best music genre for recharging yourself or just humming.
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Not Be Tired Step 4

Step 4. Start the day with a healthy breakfast

While it's no more important than other meals, it's a great way to prepare yourself physically and mentally for the day. Fatty, carbohydrate- and sugar-rich foods make you feel bloated and lethargic, so try healthier options like:

  • Fruit, yogurt and oatmeal
  • Vegetables including spinach, kale, or celery - try mixing them into a smoothie
  • Eggs and lean ham or turkey
  • Rolled oats, breads or whole grains with no tons of added sugar.
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Not Be Tired Step 5

Step 5. Have a cup of coffee later in the morning

If you don't sugar it too much, a cup of coffee can have numerous health benefits. The caffeine contained within can also increase the level of alertness and attention. However, it will give you more energy if you wait at least a couple of hours after waking up before consuming it, for the following reasons:

  • Cortisol is one of the hormones associated with the sleep-wake rhythm. Its levels rise 3 times during the day, usually within 2 hours of waking up, then at noon and finally in the early evening.
  • Taking caffeine while your cortisone level is high can tell your body to decrease its natural production of this hormone making you feel more tired and lethargic.
  • By drinking coffee a little later in the morning, you will combine the effect of caffeine with the physiological effect of cortisol.

Method 2 of 3: Maintain Attention All Day

Not Be Tired Step 6
Not Be Tired Step 6

Step 1. Stimulate the senses to stay mentally active

Without sensory stimuli, the mind is not stimulated and you risk falling asleep. To stay awake, look for a way to stimulate your eyes, ears, and even your nose throughout the day. Try some of the following tips:

  • Keep your mouth engaged with a peppermint or chewing gum.
  • Approach a window to enjoy the natural sunlight. If you sit directly in the sun, you risk feeling tired, but indirect exposure can help awaken the senses.
  • Awaken your sense of smell by smelling the mint oil. You can take a bottle with you.
  • Stimulate your eyesight by taking a few breaks to shift your gaze when you get tired of seeing the same thing.
  • Listening to music. Jazz, hip-hop or soft rock can wake you up.
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Not Be Tired Step 7

Step 2. Give your body small stimuli to keep it active

Physical stimulation is as important as sensory stimulation. If the body is more alert, so will the mind, so you should try to keep it busy no matter where you are. Try some of these tricks:

  • Gently pull down your earlobes;
  • Pinching in places where there isn't much fat, such as the forearm or below the knees
  • Stretch your wrists by pulling your fingers backwards;
  • Rotate your shoulders and neck;
  • If you are about to fall asleep, bite your tongue lightly.
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Not Be Tired Step 8

Step 3. Train in the late morning or early afternoon to increase alertness and alertness

While high-intensity activity can tire you, mild to moderate exercise gives you energy and makes you feel more energized. Take 15-30 minutes to work out in the late morning or early afternoon when you need to re-energize.

  • Take a brisk walk. Nothing can arouse as much as the fresh air that enters the lungs.
  • Take a mid-day yoga class. It's another great way to clear your mind, improve your breathing, and prepare for the rest of the day.
  • You may notice that you are engaging in moderate physical activity if your heart rate is slightly elevated and breathlessness prevents you from holding a conversation.
  • From mid-afternoon onwards, do light exercises: if you train in the late evening, the adrenaline tends to increase and you may have difficulty falling asleep.
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Not Be Tired Step 9

Step 4. Find ways to move if you can't work out

Even if you don't have time for gymnastics, you can stimulate your attention with a few small exercises throughout the day. A few minutes of physical activity every now and then allows you to tell the body: "This is not the time to sleep!".

  • If you are at work, walk a bit in the corridor or cross the street to go for a coffee at the coffee shop in front of the office.
  • Avoid the elevator whenever you can. Use the stairs.
  • If you sit at your desk all day, get up to do some exercise at least every hour.
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Not Be Tired Step 10

Step 5. Eat a healthy diet throughout the day

A good breakfast is a great way to start the day, but a nutritious lunch and dinner must also follow. By eating healthily, you will have more nutrition and energy, while junk foods can make you feel tired and lethargic.

  • Bring some healthy snacks with you to avoid using the vending machine. Excellent choices are almonds and cashews, celery sticks with peanut butter and fresh or dried fruit.
  • Eat three healthy, balanced meals every day. Consider a light snack so you don't overdo it at the table.
  • Avoid heavy foods, rich in starches, fats and sugars. They make you feel even more tired and slow down digestion.
  • Get some caffeine in the early afternoon, when the cortisol level begins to physiologically rise between midday and early evening.
  • Stay hydrated throughout the day.
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Not Be Tired Step 11

Step 6. Focus on different tasks

When you are mentally busy, receive the right stimuli or are going through a creative phase, you do not feel tired. So, in order not to lose your attention, try to always focus on something interesting instead of getting distracted or wandering with your mind.

  • Change tasks from time to time. You might get bored if you always do the same thing for hours, so try to dedicate yourself to different projects at different times of the day.
  • If your head is elsewhere while you work, chat with a colleague during breaks. You will feel more alert and may even have fun!
  • If you are in school, try to get involved in the lesson by asking questions and answering them. If necessary, make notes with pens of various colors so that this task is less monotonous.
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Not Be Tired Step 12

Step 7. Don't rely on energy drinks to combat fatigue

They often contain twice as much caffeine as a cup of coffee, not to mention excess sugar and various unregulated ingredients that can have unwanted health consequences. It's much better to sleep at night, eat healthy, and stay active during the day to ward off fatigue.

  • Energy drinks make you feel momentarily energized, so consider drinking them sparingly and only when needed.
  • They can cause heart and blood circulation problems in some people, so consult your doctor before consuming them, especially if you have cardiovascular conditions.
  • Never mix energy drinks with alcohol as you risk drinking too much without immediately feeling the effect of alcohol.

Method 3 of 3: Prepare a Sleep Well Plan

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Not Be Tired Step 13

Step 1. Establish an evening routine

In order not to feel tired in the morning, it is essential to fall asleep the right way. Once you have identified the pattern that best suits your needs, follow it every evening so that the body gets used to the bedtime ritual.

  • Do something quiet and relaxing, such as taking a hot bath, listening to classical music, reading a soothing book, or meditating.
  • Avoid strenuous physical activity in the evening and turn off or put away all electronic devices with screens at least an hour before bedtime.
  • Avoid spicy foods, alcohol, chocolate, and caffeine at least 2-3 hours before bed, if not more.
  • Organize yourself to facilitate awakening. Prepare the coffee machine or choose clothes for the next day.
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Not Be Tired Step 14

Step 2. Go to bed and get up at the same time every time

Respect these times every day, even on weekends and holidays. Your body will get used to the steady pace of your evening routine and allow you to fall asleep faster and wake up more rested.

On average, adults should get 7-9 hours of sleep each night, while teenagers need 8-10 hours of sleep

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Not Be Tired Step 15

Step 3. Don't go to bed nervous or in a bad mood

If you don't want to feel tired the next day, you need to go to bed with a positive and enthusiastic spirit to start over. If you are in a bad mood or even angry, it will be much more difficult to sleep.

  • If you are upset about having a fight with your partner, try to resolve the problem if possible before falling asleep.
  • If you can't find a solution before bed, try a stress reliever activity to calm yourself down, such as meditation or deep breathing.
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Not Be Tired Step 16

Step 4. Visualize the perfect awakening

It may sound a bit silly, but you should picture yourself turning off the alarm as soon as it goes off, stretching and jumping out of bed. If you visualize this scene for a few times, the morning will become a natural action.

  • Also, think about at least two things you're looking forward to the next day. If you go to bed with a positive mind, you will be more excited to get up.
  • Positive visualization helps to calm the mind and body, helps to fall asleep and promotes deep sleep.


  • Don't skip meals, or you'll feel even more tired.
  • If you can't keep your eyes open, take a restorative nap. Just remember that if it lasts longer than 20 minutes, you can wake up even more sluggish.


  • Don't drive if you feel sleepy.
  • Lack of sleep impairs the immune system and general health conditions.
  • See your doctor if you often feel tired, even when you think you got a good night's sleep. You probably don't rest as much as you think or you may be suffering from a health problem that causes fatigue.
