How To Make Ear Plugs

How To Make Ear Plugs
How To Make Ear Plugs

Table of contents:


Earplugs allow you to enjoy various benefits; in addition to ensuring a peaceful night's rest or helping to study in a noisy room, they protect the hearing system in the long term from damage caused by prolonged exposure to loud noise (deafness due to excessive exposure to noise). You don't necessarily have to spend hundreds of euros to buy effective caps, you can make them yourself with a very minimal investment.


Part 1 of 3: Making Cotton Ear Plugs

Step 1. Buy a box of cotton wool balls

These come in different sizes, but you can typically buy a pack of 100 wads for less than $ 5. You can find them in supermarkets among the shelves of personal hygiene products and also in pharmacies.

Step 2. Wash your hands

It is very important to be sure to handle the swabs with clean hands to reduce the chances of infecting the ear canal.

Use antibacterial soap and warm water, then dry your hands with a clean towel

Make Earplugs Step 1
Make Earplugs Step 1

Step 3. Tear off a piece of cotton from the ball

Take a piece the size of a dime and roll it up, it should fit easily into your ear.

Make Earplugs Step 2
Make Earplugs Step 2

Step 4. Wrap the cotton ball in a protective plastic film

You should use a piece of film large enough to completely wrap the ball, so that a small "tail" remains at the closing point. This prevents the dangerous cotton fibers from reaching the sensitive ear canal and reduces the chances of infection or damage.

  • Wrap the film very tightly to cover the entire ball, but avoid warping and flattening it.
  • If you have decided to use scissors to cut the plastic film, make sure they are clean. Wash them with antibacterial or dish soap and a clean sponge.
Make Earplugs Step 3
Make Earplugs Step 3

Step 5. Make sure the plug fits into your ear

Insert it gently to see if it is the right size.

  • The ball of cotton wool should fit snugly against the edges of the ear canal, but without overfilling or dilating it. Conversely, if it is too small and moves in your ear, you have to remove it and change its size.
  • You will need to add more cotton if the cap is too small or remove it if it is too big.
  • Be careful not to insert the plug too deeply as this could cause damage to the ear canal. It should stay just at the entrance to the opening and no further.
Make Earplugs Step 4
Make Earplugs Step 4

Step 6. Tie the back of the plastic protector

After testing the cap and adjusting its size to fit your ear, take a small rubber band and wrap it around the tail of the cling film. Make sure it's tight.

Take a pair of scissors and cut off the excess cling film. Remember to leave a small handhold to remove the cap without difficulty

Step 7. Test the caps

If you have decided to wear them during the day, try wearing them in a very busy and noisy bar or restaurant. In this way you will be able to understand the effectiveness of your creation and its ability to muffle noises.

If you want to sleep with earplugs, take a nap to try them out. If you are used to resting on your side, you will need to change the size of the earplugs, so that you can press your ear to the pillow

Step 8. Replace them every week

Since they are made of wadding, they are unable to withstand thorough cleaning. You will need to replace them every 5-7 days to prevent bacteria in earwax and sebum from accumulating in the ear. Otherwise you could experience painful ear infection.

Store the caps in a hygienic container, such as a clean plastic bag

Part 2 of 3: Replace the Cover of the Old Earphones

Step 1. Wash your hands

Just like when making corks, you need to make sure your hands are clean. Wash them with antibacterial soap and warm water, then dry them with a clean cloth.

Step 2. Find a pair of old earphones

The earphones are different from traditional headphones, because they have a round coating that protects them when they are inserted into the ear and allows them to stay on the opening of the canal.

Maybe you have a pair of headphones that you used to listen to music but that no longer work. Just replace the old protective cover with a new one and put on the earphones to eliminate the noise

Step 3. Peel the cover off the headset

This element is similar to a sheath that can usually be removed with your hands by applying light pressure with your thumbs. If you have difficulty, you can cut it with scissors, but make sure they are clean by washing them with antibacterial soap or dish soap. at the end dry them with a clean cloth.

Step 4. Purchase a pack of silicone earplugs

You can buy them at a very affordable price in any hardware store, supermarket and even on Amazon.

Silicone earplugs are better than foam earplugs because they fit the shape of the ear better. They are also easier to cut and modify according to your needs

Step 5. Insert the cap to evaluate its size

If there is excess material sticking out of the ear, you can cut it off. All the headset should fit comfortably inside the pavilion.

  • Silicone plugs are stronger and more durable than foam plugs. The latter are designed as a single use item because they easily degrade within the ear canal causing irritation.
  • Silicone caps should last 2-3 weeks or even longer if you wash them with a disinfectant (e.g. denatured alcohol).

Step 6. Drill a small round hole in the top of the cap

You can use the sharp end of the headset itself or another similarly shaped and sized tool, such as a ballpoint pen (with the tip retracted) or a pair of tweezers.

Step 7. Unfold the cap over the earphones

The round hole you made earlier should tightly wrap around the headset (just like the original cover you took off in the steps above).

Step 8. Test the caps

Your newly adapted earphones may not completely eliminate external noise. There is most likely a small gap between the new silicone cover and the base of the headset. However, silicone coated earbuds should be more comfortable and comfortable than cotton balls.

If you want to use these sleep plugs, take a trial nap to make sure they fit your ear and fit snugly. Also check that you can hear the alarm sound if you use it to get up

Part 3 of 3: Weighing the Advantages and Disadvantages of Homemade Ear Plugs

Step 1. Evaluate the costs

Many high-quality, durable earplugs are available for less than 10 euros. Although they are a cost, you can rest assured that these products have been made and tested to ensure their quality and safety.

If you consider the cost of rubber bands, cotton balls, cling film and other materials, you will find that the sum approaches the price of new caps (unless these materials are already available in the home)

Step 2. Protect your hearing

If you work in a very noisy environment for a long time, follow the safety instructions carefully. For example, if you work on construction sites or in a dental practice where noisy drills are used, you should respect the individual protection regulations dictated by your industry and wear the most appropriate type of hearing protection. Don't rely on homemade products in this case.

Step 3. Look for other ways to reduce the sounds

If you have trouble sleeping at night, consider using other sound enrichment methods instead of using earplugs to eliminate noise. These include white noise machines or those that emit soothing music that helps you rest.
