Performing the "crescent moon" pose ("ardha chandrasana" in Sanskrit) can be therapeutic, especially for those suffering from sciatica. Before practicing this asana, you should make sure that you do not have any health problems that make it contraindicated, for example that you do not suffer from hypertension or a heart disease. Prepare to perform the crescent moon pose by wearing comfortable clothing and having a large, quiet space.
Part 1 of 2: Performing the Position

Step 1. Begin in the "mountain" yoga position
To prepare to perform the crescent moon asana, you must assume the mountain asana. Stand on the mat with your feet aligned hip-width apart. Straighten your back completely and extend your arms along your body, with your palms facing forward or towards your body.

Step 2. Switch to the "downward dog" position
Tilt your torso forward and place both hands on the mat. Take a large step back with both feet, one at a time, so that you draw an inverted "V" with your body. Check that your palms are pushing evenly against the floor. Don't worry if you can't get your heels on the ground. By practicing regularly, your muscles will gradually become more and more flexible.

Step 3. Inhale in the Downward Dog Pose
Take a deep breath with your face facing your navel. The body must be active, but relaxed. You must try to fill the lungs as much as possible, but without creating a feeling of discomfort.

Step 4. Exhale as you step forward with your right foot to bring it into your hands
After taking a deep inhalation in the Downward Dog Pose, exhale as you slowly move your right foot forward. The goal is to reach the space between the hands. As you perform the movement, your left leg should remain strong and stable.

Step 5. Lift your torso as you inhale
After placing your right foot on the ground in your hands, slowly raise your upper body as you inhale. At the same time, bring your arms over your head, palms facing each other. At the end of the inhalation, the torso should be completely vertical, while the arms should be on the sides of the head. Now direct your gaze to the thumbs of your hands by moving your head slightly backwards.

Step 6. Do not arch the lower back excessively
To correctly perform the crescent moon position, it is very important not to extend the lower back too much. Instead, try to push your tailbone in the direction of the mat. Also, check that your shoulders are relaxed and try to bring your shoulder blades closer together. If necessary, you can place your left knee on the ground to make it easier for you to keep your balance.

Step 7. The shin of the right leg must be vertical
Check that the knee does not go beyond the ankle. If necessary, you can expand the position so that one is aligned with the other.

Step 8. Try to push the rib cage down and towards the spine
It is important to avoid extending it outwards. Instead, try to squeeze it towards the spine. At this point, interlace the last three fingers of your hands (middle, ring and little fingers) and push your arms slightly backwards. Stay in this position for 30-60 seconds.

Step 9. Undo the position
Exhale as you lower your torso towards your right thigh. Lower your arms at the same time and bring both hands back to the ground. The palms and all fingers must adhere firmly to the mat. Slowly bring your right foot back to return to the downward dog position. Take 2-3 deep breaths with your face facing your navel.

Step 10. Repeat with the left leg forward
After taking a few deep breaths in the downward dog position, repeat the exercise on the other side. Start by placing your left foot in your hands, then follow the directions in the previous steps.
Part 2 of 2: Practicing Yoga Comfortably and Safely

Step 1. Understand what the contraindications are
A contraindication is a medical term used to describe a physical condition that makes a particular exercise unsuitable for those who suffer from it. The crescent moon position, similar to a high lunge, should not be done by people with hypertension or heart disease.
If you suffer from any of these conditions, consult your doctor as a preventative measure

Step 2. Wear comfortable clothes
To practice yoga, it is important to choose clothing that you feel comfortable in and that allows you to move freely. Avoid clothes that are too tight or that can hinder movement. The pants must allow you to observe your feet in order to position them correctly.

Step 3. Prepare the room
To practice yoga, you need a quiet, comfortable and possibly private space. You should be able to close the door to avoid any possible distraction. To perform the crescent moon position it is not essential to have a mat available, but it is still recommended because it acts as a protective cushion for the joints and guarantees greater stability throughout the exercise.

Step 4. Consider taking lessons
Although anyone can perform the crescent moon position from the comfort of their own home, in some cases it may be better to have a guide and some personalized directions. You can sign up for an individual or group yoga class to be followed by an experienced teacher. To find it, search online or visit the gyms in the area where you live.