Being able to guess the login password of any account is a difficult process, the success of which is by no means guaranteed. However, there are several methods that can help you take the correct path. If you want to find out how to identify a password, all you have to do is continue reading this article.
Method 1 of 2: Use Popular Tricks

Step 1. Try to guess the most used passwords
At the end of each calendar year, the list of the 25 most used passwords by users around the world is published. These are the easiest passwords to guess - and of course also the most cracked. Even if they shouldn't be used to protect access to your accounts, still make a first attempt to try to violate the one you are interested in:
- password
- 123456
- 12345678
- abc123
- qwerty
- monkey
- letmein
- dragon
- 111111
- baseball
- iloveyou
- trustno1
- 1234567
- Sunshine
- master's degree
- 123123
- welcome
- shadow
- Ashley
- football
- Jesus
- Michael
- ninja
- mustang
- password 1

Step 2. Use the password construction rules most used by users
In addition to trying the most popular passwords, you can use some tricks used by professionals in this sector. Experts in identifying login passwords know that they have at least a 50% chance that the password to be guessed contains one or more vowels. Here are some of the rules you should know too:
- If the password in question contains a number, it is usually the number 1 or 2 entered at the end of the keyword.
- If the password contains an uppercase letter, it is usually placed at the beginning, often followed by a vowel.

Step 3. Find out if the password you are looking for must comply with specific construction rules
Check if the password must respect a minimum length (usually at least 6 characters) and if it must contain at least one number, a symbol or a special character. If you are unsure whether these criteria exist, try creating a new account on the site that the one you are trying to violate belongs to. The registration procedure will indicate all the criteria to be respected in the construction of the access password.

Step 4. Take advantage of the security questions
Sometimes, to help users with low memory, websites implement a system of security questions to help them trace or change their login passwords. If you have this option, use it to your advantage. You will be faced with questions like "What was your mother's maiden name?" or "What's the name of your first pet?". This system can help you find the password in question. Even if you do not know the name of the first pet of the person in question, you will know that the search field is still restricted to the names commonly used for that purpose. Alternatively, if you know the person whose password you want to crack directly, you can try to find the name of their first pet in a normal conversation.
If you know the person directly, being able to use their personal information will help you to significantly reduce the search field. For example, if the security question was "Where were you born?", You may already know the person's date of birth or place of birth
Method 2 of 2: Knowing How to Interpret the Clues

Step 1. Use personal names
Many users, especially women, use people's names to create their passwords. Most users shouldn't have used their own name as a password, but as they say in these cases, "it doesn't hurt to try". Below is the list of some personal names that could be successful in your hacking attempt:
- The name of the partner or spouse of the person in question.
- The name of the siblings of the person in question.
- The name of the person's favorite or current pet.
- The name of the person's favorite sports athlete (especially if male).
- The current or boyish nickname of the person in question.

Step 2. Use interests or hobbies
A great way to guess a person's password is to think about their hobbies or interests. Here are some tips to follow:
- Try a combination of your favorite male athlete's name and related sport. For example "Tigergolf" or "Kobebball".
- In the case of a female person, try using the name of their favorite TV show or the name of their favorite character within the same show.
- Try using the name of the person's favorite sport. For example, if he loves swimming, try a password such as "Swimmer" followed by a series of numbers.

Step 3. Use important occurrences
Many people create their passwords using a sequence of lucky numbers or numbers referring to an important date. Some users create their own passwords using only numbers. You can use these series of numbers alone or in combination with other important words you already have. Here are some tips on how to guess a person's numeric password:
- Try using the date of birth. For example, if the person's date of birth is 1975-18-12, try using the number sequence "181275" or "18121975".
- Try using the address of the person in question. The house number of the address where the person lives, for example 273, could be part of the password.
- Try using the person's lucky number. If you've found out what the user's lucky number is, try using it in your search.
- If the person in question has practiced a specific sport, try using the number of the shirt they wore as part of the password.
- Try using part of his phone number.
- Try using the year the person in question graduated or graduated from high school.

Step 4. Use his favorite items
You can try to crack a user's password by using the name of their favorite items. Here are some tips to consider:
- Name of your favorite TV program.
- Favorite movie title.
- Name of your favorite dish or food.
- Favorite book title.
- Knowing the number of letters that make up the password you may be able to guess it saving a lot of time.
- When performing these illegal actions, make sure you are not seen by anyone.
- If you know the person whose password you want to crack well, focusing on their personal interests, hobbies, and passions can be of great help.
- The password you are looking for could be "case-sensitive": the person in question could therefore have used any combination of upper and lower case letters. This aspect is very important and must always be remembered.
- Instead of using nouns, users sometimes create their passwords using verbs.
- It is likely that the program that manages the account you are trying to hack is protected by a security mechanism. This protection system can be implemented in different ways, for example by allowing only 3 bad login attempts every 2 minutes. In other cases, there may be even stricter limitations, such as the PIN of mobile phones, which block the device if the wrong code is entered 3 consecutive times.
- Never violate applicable laws, otherwise you risk having to pay the consequences.