Windshield cleaner is an important liquid in the car and part of the maintenance routine involves checking the level and replenishing it. Most liquids on the market contain methanol, a poisonous chemical that is dangerous even in small quantities. Since methanol is harmful to both health and the environment, many people prefer to make a homemade cleaning fluid that is free of this ingredient. This way you can make your own blend using regular household products and save money in the long run.
Method 1 of 4: Diluted Glass Cleaner

Step 1. Pour 4 liters of distilled water into a clean, empty container
Choose one that is easy to handle and has a minimum capacity of 5 liters. Always use distilled water to prevent limescale deposits from building up in the sprayers and in the windshield washer pump.
You can use tap water in an emergency. Just remember to change the fluid as soon as possible, to avoid damage to the car

Step 2. Add 240ml of glass cleaner
Choose the commercial product you prefer, but make sure it doesn't create too much foam and that it doesn't leave streaks. This method is perfect if you use washer fluid often, especially in hot weather.

Step 3. Mix the two ingredients well by shaking the container, then pour the mixture into the washer fluid reservoir
If this is your first time preparing the cleaner, test the glass. Wet a rag with the liquid and wipe a corner of the windshield. A good cleaner should remove dirt without leaving residue.
Method 2 of 4: Dish Soap and Ammonia

Step 1. Pour 4 liters of distilled water into a clean tank
If you have any difficulty with this, you can help yourself with a funnel. The tank will allow you to transfer the liquid without difficulty and is large enough for just over 4 liters of product. Remember not to throw away the lid of the tank as you will have to mix and store the liquid.

Step 2. Take 15ml of liquid dish soap and pour it into the water
Don't overdo the soap, or the cleaner will be too thick. You can use whatever product you like, but make sure it doesn't leave any residue or streaks on the glass. If it forms too much foam, change the type of soap. This solution is perfect if you plan to drive on muddy terrain.

Step 3. Add 120ml of ammonia
Choose a product that does not foam and has no additives or surfactants. Be very careful in this step, as concentrated ammonia could be dangerous. Work in a well-ventilated area and wear gloves. Once the ammonia is diluted in the water, it will be a relatively safe cleaner to use.

Step 4. Close the tank and shake it to mix the ingredients
Test the cleaner if this is your first time making it. Moisten a clean rag with the solution and wipe one corner of the windshield. If the cleaner gets rid of all the dirt without leaving any residue, then you can pour it into your car's washer fluid reservoir.
Method 3 of 4: Add Denatured Alcohol to Avoid Freezing

Step 1. Add 240ml of denatured alcohol to any of the solutions described above to prevent the liquid from freezing at low temperatures
If you live in an area where winters are mild, use 70% denatured alcohol; if it's very cold, use 99% alcohol.
In extreme cases, you can also replace alcohol with vodka

Step 2. Put the solution in a small container and leave it out overnight
If the liquid freezes, then you will need to add another 240ml of alcohol. Repeat the test: This step is really very important to make sure the cleaner does not freeze by breaking the vehicle's washer system hoses.

Step 3. Mix all ingredients carefully by shaking the container
Remove any washer fluid you used during the summer from the tank. If a considerable amount of old liquid remains in the system, it could dilute the alcohol and, if so, the cleaner will freeze.
Method 4 of 4: Using Vinegar in the Cold Months

Step 1. Pour 3 liters of distilled water into an empty, clean tank
Make sure the container capacity is greater than 4 liters. If the opening of the tank is quite narrow, use a funnel to help you with the pouring. Remember to label the container using a permanent marker.

Step 2. Add 1 liter of white vinegar
Use only the white one, as all other types may leave residue or stain your clothes. This cleaner is great for removing pollen from the windshield.
Do not use this solution in the hot months, as the overheated vinegar smells bad and pungent

Step 3. Mix the solution well by shaking the container
If temperatures in your region often drop below freezing, take a test before pouring the cleaner into the washer fluid reservoir. Leave a small cup full of solution outdoors overnight and check it in the morning. If the liquid has frozen, add another half liter of vinegar to the solution and repeat the test. If it freezes once more, add 240ml of denatured alcohol and do another check.
- It is not at all difficult to top up the windshield wiper fluid. Open the hood and locate the liquid reservoir. It should be large, square, white or clear and mounted towards the front of the engine compartment. In most cases it is equipped with a simple pressure cap that can be removed without the aid of any tool. Use a funnel to pour the fluid, so you don't get it all over the place.
- If you are switching from a hot season liquid to a cold season liquid, remember to drain most of the residual fluid in the reservoir. The safest way to proceed, if the original detergent contains methanol, is to vacuum it with a kitchen blower.
- In an emergency, you can use plain water instead of liquid. However, be aware that it won't be as effective. Furthermore, water is a favorable environment for the proliferation of dangerous bacteria.
- Use empty bottles of milk, vinegar, or laundry detergent to prepare and store the detergent. Remember to rinse them thoroughly before using them.
- Label the containers unambiguously, especially if it is a recycled bottle. You can also add some blue food coloring to make your cleaner look similar to what's on the market.
- Although these cleaning fluids are less dangerous than those that contain methanol, remember that they are always toxic if swallowed. Store yours away from the reach of children and animals.
- Always use distilled water when preparing these windshield cleaners. The minerals contained in the tap can form deposits, which in turn clog the sprinklers and the pump.
- Do not mix vinegar and soap together. They can react and clot, thus blocking the wiper fluid passages.
- The solutions described in this tutorial can also be used as multi-purpose cleaners for the windows and the rest of the car.