Why does no one listen to you? If a CEO is not dressed properly, he loses his authority! This article reveals how to dress to convey authority and project control and power by wearing the right clothes, and thus sending the correct subliminal message!

Step 1. Choose what to wear according to your interlocutors
Your image is the most valuable marketing tool and your wardrobe is one of your most important investments. You should have suitable clothes for any occasion, from formal suits for business meetings and board meetings to sophisticated casual suits for more relaxed meetings or social engagements.

Step 2. Your clothes and looks reveal everything about you
Before you say a single word, the viewer has already made an impression and an opinion based on your appearance. Impressions include your position, height, intelligence, socioeconomic level and even moral stature, as well as your level of education.

Step 3. Although there are stereotypical wardrobes designed for men of power, you need more than a few clichés
The president of a company or CEO should show their leadership, control and direction through clothing. True leaders convey calm, as well as leadership and discipline. The dress you wear to inspire the sales staff will be significantly different than the one you use to address the board of directors. For each occasion, you need to consider what subliminal message you want to convey to your interlocutors.

Step 4. Choose traditional clothing in dark blue or dark gray, striped, plain or with a minimal design to convey maximum control
If you want to look friendlier and more personable, wear olive green, tan, or medium gray clothing.

Step 5. Appropriate casual dress is important
Even on vacation days, a president or CEO needs to exude an air of success, control and authority - remember there's a reason a general doesn't walk around in civilian clothes!

Step 6. Everyone has a certain complexion, physique, stature and personality
The key to successful dressing is to match your characteristics to your clothes. Your clothing should never be separated from you. Instead, it should be part of you. Essentially, the clothing becomes the last brush stroke that finishes the picture of your image, from head to toe. For this reason you must choose colors that enhance your complexion and styles that enhance your best features and hide the unfavorable ones. Basically, choose clothes that are harmonious with your characteristics, and consistent with your goals.

Step 7. Always send the correct subliminal messages with your clothes
Your choice of suit, shirt and tie is vital. Different combinations convey different messages. Entrepreneurs need to clearly understand and control these messages and then communicate visually to achieve the best results.

Step 8. Contact an image expert to take care of your appearance
An image expert is a professional who understands how to communicate visual messages in the business world. The cost of clothing must be viewed as an investment. Clothing is the armor you need to face your daily battles, and the money you spend on your image will be well spent because it will make your job easier (by conveying the right impressions) and return in the form of higher profits. Not knowing the business world can ruin the outcome and produce disastrous results. For these reasons, it is best to seek expert advice! A good consultant, working artfully and carefully on your image, will make you look and feel great, transmit power and communicate effectively, thus helping you to improve your success.

Step 9. Dark clothes exude authority
- To appear taller, wear low-contrast or tone-on-tone color combinations.
- Darker colors are more authoritative than medium or light ones.
- If you are a woman, consider dresses with jackets or suits. A woman has a wider choice, so take advantage of it. Look for quality and style rather than glamor and sex appeal.
- To look slimmer, wear darker or solid-colored clothing.
- Vertical lines make you appear taller and taller and slimmer.
- Horizontal lines make it appear fatter.
- If you're wearing black pants and a black shirt, break it up with a pair of cognac-colored Oxford shoes and a belt to match. (Wear a pastel-colored tie).
- Socks should either match the shoes or be a shade darker than the dress.
- A colorful cotton undershirt worn under an open collar shirt will give you a well finished look.