Tobacco can make your car smell like an ashtray. Here's how to get rid of this bad smell.

Step 1. Clean the mats with upholstery cleaner and with a vacuum cleaner
If you can't clean them, at least vacuum them. This will already do something against the stench.

Step 2. Spray a fabric deodorant on the car seats
If you can, get an antibacterial as it works best against odors. Spray it on seats, floor mats and even seat belts. Scented dryer sheets are also great for making your car smell fresh. Put several pieces of paper, or a small open box of them, somewhere in the car. When exposed to the heat of the sun, the leaflets will release their essence. The box will perfume your car for a long time and will be less expensive than many "car fresheners" which contain artificial substances.

Step 3. Regularly empty the car ashtray
After you've cleaned everything, spray it with a common air freshener and rub it with kitchen paper. This will leave a thin layer of deodorant in the ashtray. There will not be enough product to be flammable and at the same time leave a good scent.

Step 4. Always keep a deodorant hanging in your car or get one to connect to the air vents

Step 5. If the smell is particularly pungent, consider spraying a highly concentrated detergent (Lysol, water with a low concentration of bleach, etc …) through the hot air ducts
To do this, locate the air intake (usually under the hood right next to the windshield) and spray. This should clear the vents of stagnant odors.

Step 6. Check the air filters of both the heating and air conditioning as they absorb all smells in the car, including that of smoke

Step 7. Rub the interior of the passenger compartment, including the glass (the smoke leaves a patina on the glass), with water and white vinegar
You can also spray the seats and upholstery with this mixture. Combine 60ml of vinegar (non-cider white) with 450ml of water. Put this mixture in a bottle with a sprayer and shake.

Step 8. After cleaning the car, the last solution to remove residual odors is the ozone shock treatment, using a generator
This process does not mask odors. Ozone oxidizes and denatures the organic residues that cause odor.

Step 9. Place a softener sachet under the passenger seat
The pleasant scent will spread quickly in the car. When the scent fades, use the softener in the washing machine and buy a new one for the car!
Step 10. Scrub the seats with disinfectant spray
Helps reduce odors in the car.
- Test all cleaners in hidden spots.
- Do not use detergents that are too aggressive or you risk damaging the upholstery or the dashboard.
- Although there is no exact data, it is possible to damage internal vehicle components (such as rubber seals) with excessive use of the ozone generator. The generators are rated for 4000 to 8000 mg / h production which should be safe for two hours use. The most powerful manage to be equally effective in less time. Repeated treatments interspersed with periods of air exchange are safer than a single very long treatment.
- Get some scented dryer sheets and rub them on the seats. For a faster result, use a spray deodorant.
- Another good method is: 1- cut an apple into quarters and insert toothpicks so that each clove can remain in a cup of water. 2- Put the cups with the apple in strategic points of the car, let it rest for a day and even overnight (It works best with the windows open during the day). 3- It may take a week to get results, in this case repeat the procedure several times.
- Put some coffee beans in the ashtray.