3 Ways to Reduce Swelling of the Face

3 Ways to Reduce Swelling of the Face
3 Ways to Reduce Swelling of the Face

Table of contents:


You may experience facial swelling for various reasons, such as allergic reactions, dental interventions or some other health problem such as edema. In most cases, this is a minor disorder that can be treated with an ice pack and keeping the area elevated relative to the rest of the body. However, if you experience severe swelling, you should see your doctor immediately.


Method 1 of 3: Treatments

Step 1. Identify the probable cause of the swelling

There are several disorders and reactions that can cause this symptom; different causes provide for different methods of intervention, thus identifying the etiology of the swelling you can find the right type of treatment. Some of the most common causes are:

  • Allergic reactions;
  • Cellulitis, a skin infection of bacterial origin;
  • Sinusitis, a bacterial infection affecting the sinuses
  • Conjunctivitis, an inflammation of the eyes;
  • Angioedema, severe subcutaneous swelling;
  • Disorders of the thyroid gland.
Massage Away to Headache Step 34
Massage Away to Headache Step 34

Step 2. Use an ice pack

By applying it to the swollen area you can reduce inflammation and pain; wrap the ice in a cloth or use a commercial compress and place it on the suffering face, keep the application for 10-20 minutes.

You can apply it several times during the day for up to 72 hours

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Cure Nausea Step 18

Step 3. Keep your head up

Keeping the swollen area higher than the rest of the body helps reduce swelling, so proceed with this technique. During the day, sit with your head straight and when you are ready to go to bed, find a position that allows you to keep it elevated while you sleep.

You can place a couple of pillows behind your back and under your head to rest your upper torso against the headboard

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Have Clear Skin Naturally Step 15

Step 4. Avoid hot substances

In the presence of swelling you must not put anything on hot for at least 48 hours, otherwise the edema and inflammation worsen; this means avoiding showering, bathing, soaking in the whirlpool tub and / or applying hot packs.

Get Pale Skin Step 9
Get Pale Skin Step 9

Step 5. Try a turmeric paste

It is a natural remedy that is believed to be able to reduce inflammation. You can make the mixture by mixing a little turmeric powder or freshly ground with water; you can optionally mix the spice with sandalwood, an essence known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Apply it to the swollen area, being careful to avoid contact with the eyes.

Leave the paste on your face for about 10 minutes and rinse at the end, then press a cloth soaked in cold water on your face

Get Clear, Smooth Skin Step 2
Get Clear, Smooth Skin Step 2

Step 6. Wait for it to disappear by itself

Sometimes the swelling in the face subsides on its own, especially if it is due to minor injuries or allergies. You just have to be patient and handle it until then; however, if it does not improve or the situation does not change within a few days, you should see your doctor.

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Step 7. Avoid taking certain pain relievers

When your face is swollen for specific causes, you should not take aspirin or other NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) to soothe the discomfort; this class of over-the-counter drugs can prevent blood from clotting properly and cause bleeding, as well as increase or prolong swelling.

Method 2 of 3: Seeking Medical Treatment

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Overcome Sadness Step 26

Step 1. Contact your doctor if symptoms get worse

If the swelling does not go away within two to three days or gets worse, you should see your doctor as the cause could be an infection or some other more serious ailment.

If you experience numbness or tingling sensation in your face, have vision problems, or notice pus or other signs of infection, you should see your doctor

Stop Scratching Irritated Skin Step 22
Stop Scratching Irritated Skin Step 22

Step 2. Take antihistamines

Facial swelling can be caused by an allergic reaction; if so, you can take this kind of over-the-counter medication and pay attention to its effects. If that doesn't fix the problem, go to the doctor, who can diagnose the underlying cause and prescribe stronger medications.

He may recommend oral or topical antihistamines

Reduce Water Retention Step 16
Reduce Water Retention Step 16

Step 3. Take a diuretic

Some types of facial swelling, especially those caused by edema, can be treated with medications that reduce excess fluid in the body. If water retention is your problem, your doctor will prescribe a diuretic to excrete fluids through your urine.

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Step 4. Change your medications

Sometimes, some medicines such as prednisone can cause swelling, particularly on the face. If your doctor suspects this is the cause of your condition, they may change your medication.

Method 3 of 3: Making Lifestyle Changes

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Sleep Comfortably on a Cold Night Step 13

Step 1. Sleep on multiple pillows

If your pillow is excessively flat and your head hangs too low while you sleep, your face may start to swell. Put an extra pillow or two or get one thicker than you normally use; this way, you can keep your head elevated, thereby reducing morning inflammation.

Step 2. Eat a healthy and balanced diet

Excessive amounts of sugars and starchy products can contribute to bloating; to manage this disorder, you must follow a healthy and balanced diet, including high quality proteins and non-starchy vegetables, such as green leafy ones. Make sure you eat at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables every day and cut back on alcohol, sugary drinks, and industrially processed foods.

Calculate Your Salt Intake Step 2
Calculate Your Salt Intake Step 2

Step 3. Limit your salt intake

This substance can also cause inflammation, water retention and swelling; reducing the amount of sodium from your diet can decrease swelling around your face. Experts say that the correct daily allowance for most adults should not exceed 1500 mg.

  • To achieve this, it may be helpful to limit the amount of prepackaged foods, fast food foods and other industrially processed products, as they contain a high amount of sodium.
  • Try to prepare your own meals from scratch to monitor the amount of sodium you consume; this way, you have more control over what you eat, which is not possible with prepackaged meals.

Step 4. Stay active

A sedentary lifestyle can cause accumulation of fluids in the body and consequently also swelling. Include at least half an hour of moderate physical activity, such as running or walking, in your daily routine to manage chronic edema.

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Cleanse the Lymph System Step 6

Step 5. Drink more water

Dehydration can cause inflammation and aggravate the situation; if you don't drink enough, your skin becomes dry and irritated, resulting in inflamed skin. To keep your face healthy and glowing, you need to drink at least 8 8-ounce glasses of water every day.

Step 6. Do some facial exercises regularly

You can suck in your cheeks and contract your lips to keep your face toned and firm; other potentially effective face exercises are:

  • Gently tap the face with both middle fingers of the hands at the same time;
  • Place your fingers in a "V" shape and use them to gently raise and lower your eyebrows;
  • Grit your teeth and make exaggerated movements to say "OO, EE".