If you're a pitcher, you've probably heard the phrase "speed doesn't matter" a million times. But if you forget it completely, one day you will regret it.

Step 1. Do Long Throws:
it is a great training for all players. It allows you to maintain and improve your throwing strength, arm resistance and accuracy. Start 10 meters away, and each time you throw you step back. As long as you can get the ball straight to your partner, you should move back. Make sure you reach your limit and use your hips to prevent arm problems.

Step 2. Weight Lifting:
Contrary to popular belief, lifting weights does not limit growth! It will only help you. Work your triceps. If you can, do dumbbell lifts, dumbbell rows, and bench presses. You can search for these exercises on the internet if you are unfamiliar with them. Make sure you can complete at least 8 repetitions of each exercise, otherwise you reduce the weight. - To train your lower body and core, you can do squats.

Step 3. Improve your technique:
for this step, a simple guide cannot help you. Get help from a professional instructor, the ONLY person who can help you. This can cost you a lot, but it is the most important training for pitchers. You will improve control, speed and balance. An aspiring pitcher needs a good instructor to develop good technique.

Step 4. Throw from the mound often
You can't rely on strength alone to throw. You can be sure, Arnold Schwarzenegger can't launch at 160 km / h. Launching from the mountain will get you used to the downward trajectory.

Step 5. Take care of your arm:
apply ice after the cast and rest for a couple of days if you are tired. It's very simple. If your arm hurts, take a break from playing.

Step 6. Find the balance between strength and mobility:
both are required to launch quickly. Find information on the "Sleeper Stretch" and "Arm Stretch with Internal Rotation" exercises. Don't focus too much on flexibility, as it is dangerous. Don't get all muscle either though.
- Eat protein, especially after training. Your body needs protein to regenerate and build muscle.
- Don't go to the gym without knowing what to do. So you will only risk muscle injuries and fractures. Search the internet for the correct techniques or consult a personal trainer.
- Stretch after workouts - this is more important than doing it first. Your muscles will be tense after lifting weights.
- Consult a private throwing instructor to perfect your technique. This is very important, because the main cause of injuries is incorrect technique.
- Use a radar gun to measure the speed of your launches.
- If you experience pain in your shoulders or elbows, take a long break from baseball.
- The weight room is a dangerous place for the inexperienced and arrogant. Not for the weak. But for those looking to impress friends by lifting 10 kg more.
- Always have someone help you when doing bench presses.