How to tell if your metabolism is slowing down

How to tell if your metabolism is slowing down
How to tell if your metabolism is slowing down

Table of contents:


Our metabolism usually slows down as we age. Even if you continue to eat the same things and have the same habits as ten years ago, you have probably noticed that the effect on your body is not the same. You feel more tired, you are irritable and you can't button your favorite jeans. These are just some of the symptoms of your metabolism slowing down. However, this phenomenon is not permanent; with diet and physical activity it can be reversed.


Part 1 of 3: Recognizing the Symptoms of Slow Metabolism

Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 1
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 1

Step 1. Watch your feet

It may seem strange to you, but the condition of your feet gives some indication of your metabolism. If you have dry feet and cracked heels, your metabolism is probably slow, as dry skin is one of the signs that your thyroid hormone levels are not balanced.

  • If you have already ruled out the other possible causes of cracking or peeling of the feet, such as athlete's foot or nail fungus, the problem may be caused by slowing metabolism.
  • Dry skin elsewhere on the body, as well as dry or thinning hair, can also indicate a slow metabolism. However, as you did with your feet, be sure to rule out the other causes of the problem before jumping to the conclusion that your metabolism is slowing down based on this symptom alone.
  • Cold feet can also indicate a slow metabolism. This symptom is related to general body temperature, but some people always suffer from cold hands and feet, even if the rest of the body is hot. For example, you may only feel comfortable in socks, even in hot weather.
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 2
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 2

Step 2. Assess your overall body temperature

One sure way to find out if your metabolism is slowing is to notice if you are always cold. If you can't keep your body temperature high, even in a hot environment, you may have a slow metabolism.

  • To assess this symptom, consider your behavior. For example, if you are in a room with other people and they all complain that it is hot while you are shivering in a sweater, your body temperature is probably lower than theirs.
  • Measure your temperature as soon as you wake up in the morning. If it does not rise above 36.6 ° C, your body is likely having difficulty regulating its core temperature, a possible symptom of slow metabolism.
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 3
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 3

Step 3. Record your sleep cycle

Slow metabolism can cause severe sleep problems, including insomnia. If you have trouble sleeping, you probably don't need to make a note of when you go to bed to know you have a problem.

  • However, if you have been having trouble sleeping for some time, you may have adjusted your habits to reduce the effect the problems have on you.
  • In general, you should sleep 7-9 hours a night. Write down the times you go to bed and wake up in a journal.
  • You may also want to measure how long it takes you to fall asleep. It is almost impossible to calculate this time yourself exactly, but you should be able to get a good idea.
  • For example, if you usually read a book before bed, make a note of the number of pages you read before you feel sleep. Measure how long it takes you to read a page and you'll have a good approximation of how long it takes to fall asleep.
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 4
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 4

Step 4. Talk to people you meet regularly

If you often have mood swings, memory problems, or difficulty concentrating, you may have a slow metabolism. These are phenomena that you may not notice on your own, but those who spend a lot of time with you can help you understand how you behave.

  • Some things you can notice on your own. For example, if you feel extremely nervous when fasting, your metabolism is likely to be slow.
  • You will also likely find that you have difficulty concentrating, although it can be caused by many different factors.
  • Talk to your coworkers, your wife, or even your older children and ask if they've noticed any changes in your behavior or mood recently. This can be especially helpful if you feel your metabolism has recently started to slow down, as people around you will likely notice these changes before you.
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 5
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 5

Step 5. Weigh yourself

While slow metabolism alone doesn't cause weight gain, if you've recently gained weight suddenly without changing your lifestyle or habits, your metabolism may have started to slow down.

  • Basically, you used to consume enough calories to maintain a steady weight or even lose weight; you burned a similar amount to what you ingested.
  • When your metabolism slows down, you burn fewer calories, and if you don't reduce your calorie intake accordingly, you gain weight.
  • Constantly monitor your activities and diet for a few weeks, then weigh yourself every morning or every other day. Take note of all the measurements. If your weight is gaining and it didn't, maybe your metabolism is slowing down.

Part 2 of 3: Evaluating Your Metabolism

Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 6
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 6

Step 1. Calculate your body mass index (BMI)

This value provides an estimate of the percentage of body fat based on the relationship between weight and height. To calculate this, divide your weight in kilos by the square of your height in meters.

  • For example, if you are a 42-year-old woman 1.60m tall and weigh 65 pounds, the formula becomes the following: BMI = 65/1, 6 ^ 2 = 25.4.
  • A BMI below 18.5 indicates an underweight condition. The normal BMI range for middle-aged women is between 18, 5 and 24, 9. In the above example, the woman would be considered slightly overweight. A BMI above 30 indicates obesity.
  • The ranges vary slightly for men and women, as well as by age.
  • On the internet you can find sites that precisely calculate your BMI based on age, gender, height and weight.
  • If your BMI indicates that you are overweight or obese, reverse the formula to find the ideal weight you should be achieving to set a goal for your diet and exercise.
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 7
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 7

Step 2. Write a food diary

Writing down everything you eat each day is the easiest way to determine how many calories you eat each day. You need this information to assess whether you burn fewer calories than you eat, a condition that leads to weight gain.

  • On the internet you can search for the calorie content of various foods. If you eat packaged foods, just read the nutrition information on the label.
  • You don't have to write down the exact weight of all the portions you eat in your food diary, but try to get as close as possible.
  • At the end of each day, add up your calories. You need this number to understand how to modify your diet based on your metabolism.
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 8
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 8

Step 3. Find out your basal metabolic rate (BMR)

BMR is the amount of calories your body burns each day at rest. This is the minimum number of calories you need for the normal vital functions of the body.

  • To calculate your BMR, you can use the Harris-Benedict equation. For women, the formula is 655.1 + (9, 563 x kg) + (1, 850 x cm) - (4, 676 x age). For men, however, it is 66.5 + (13.75 x kg) + (5.003 x cm) - (6.775 x age).
  • You can also find sites on the internet that can calculate your BMR using this equation, if you'd rather not test your math skills.
  • Consider that the BMR obtained from a mathematical formula is only an estimate, although it can be quite accurate. You will not be able to calculate your true BMR without the help of a medical professional.
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 9
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 9

Step 4. Estimate the calories you burn with the activity

BMR represents only a fraction of the calories your body consumes every day. In fact, all the activities you do throughout the day require additional calories.

  • Many sites that calculate BMR estimate this factor based on the qualitative analysis of your average lifestyle (sedentary, light activity, medium or strenuous activity), the number of days per week you exercise and the type of physical activity you carry out.
  • If you are not using a site to calculate BMR, you need to do some calculations to get an accurate estimate. Consider the calories you burn with training as well as those you consume with normal daily activities, such as cleaning the house or walking the dog.
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 10
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 10

Step 5. Calculate your total daily energy expenditure

This value is made up of the sum of your BMR and the calories you burn in the course of daily activities. On the internet you will find many sites that can calculate it for you.

  • You can enter different levels of activity to create a range of values. This can be especially helpful if you have a lot more exercise on some days than on others.
  • For example, you might have a sedentary job that keeps you busy five days a week. On those days, you spend most of your time sitting, even if you walk in the morning and in the evening. On the weekend, however, you may be much more active and spend a lot of time outdoors.
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 11
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 11

Step 6. Compare your daily calorie expenditure with the calories you consume

To do this, you need to re-read your food diary. In general, if you take in more calories than you burn in a day, your weight will increase. If, on the other hand, you take less than what you burn, you will lose weight.

  • However, there are other elements to consider. Over time, if you consistently consume fewer calories than you burn, your metabolism slows down.
  • Remember that your BMR represents the amount of calories your body needs to live. If you consume fewer calories than that, your metabolism will slow down so your body can continue to function.

Part 3 of 3: Improve Your Metabolism

Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 12
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 12

Step 1. Rule out chronic health problems

Some serious conditions, such as hypothyroidism and Cushing's syndrome, can cause your metabolism to slow down. If you have an unusually slow metabolism, or if you've noticed a significant slowdown in a short time, you should see a doctor.

  • Your doctor will have you undergo a blood test to measure the levels of hormones produced by your thyroid. This will assess whether your thyroid is producing too low levels of hormones and causing your metabolism to slow down.
  • Remember that hypothyroidism is quite common: it affects 1-2% of the population in iodine-deficient cultures. Cushing's syndrome, on the other hand, is rarer.
  • Even if you don't have a condition that causes your metabolism to slow down, your doctor can help you get back to health with advice on how to speed it up.
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 13
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 13

Step 2. Leverage your BMR to create an effective diet

Your metabolism can often slow down when you are on a diet because you are consuming too few calories. To combat this effect, make sure you ingest enough calories every day to ensure normal body functioning.

  • The difference between your BMR and total calories burned each day represents the range of calories you can cut to lose weight. If you go below your BMR, your metabolism slows down and losing weight becomes more difficult.
  • If you are on a diet, be prepared to repeat the calculations regularly, as your BMR changes with your weight. Overweight people consume more calories at rest than leaner ones.
  • This change in BMR is one of the reasons losing weight at the beginning of a diet is easier, while after some time the process slows down and it becomes more difficult to lose weight.
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 14
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 14

Step 3. Eat more fiber

While fiber doesn't necessarily help speed up your metabolism, if you eat more, you'll gain less weight over time. In addition, they increase the amount of fat burned by the body. Stop eating white bread and rice, which don't contain the fiber your body needs.

  • Switch to whole grain bread, pasta, and rice to increase your fiber intake. You can also get more fiber by eating more fruits and vegetables.
  • Aim to consume around 25 grams of fiber each day. To do this, you only need three servings of fruit and vegetables a day. Always try to include these foods in all meals.
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 15
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 15

Step 4. Drink cold water

You've probably heard that you should drink at least six glasses of water a day to keep your body well hydrated. Since the water you ingest must be heated to body temperature, drinking frozen water burns more calories than at room temperature, speeding up your metabolism.

  • In one study, drinking six glasses of cold water a day resulted in an increase in participants' calorie consumption by an average of 50 calories.
  • Even without changing other aspects of your diet, this simple tip can help you lose up to 2.5 pounds in a year.
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 16
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 16

Step 5. Include protein in every meal

These substances are essential for building and strengthening muscles. If you don't eat enough, you will lose muscle tissue and strength, especially as you get older. Eating protein also increases the number of calories you burn after each meal.

  • Lean meats like chicken and turkey are good sources of protein. If you are a vegetarian, eat soy products, nuts, and protein-rich vegetables, such as spinach.
  • Protein-rich foods such as lean meats and fish often contain high amounts of iron, a key mineral for speeding up metabolism and burning fat.
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 17
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 17

Step 6. Incorporate cardiovascular and strength-building exercises into your routine regularly

Maintaining an active lifestyle is one of the most effective ways to speed up your metabolism. If you consistently burn calories from exercise, your body's metabolism adjusts accordingly.

  • Aim for at least 20-30 minutes of physical activity per day. A simple morning walk may be enough, or you can choose something more intense, like interval training or an aerobics class.
  • Be sure to include strength-building exercises as well as aerobic exercises in your program. Strong muscles burn more calories, contributing to the acceleration of metabolism.
  • You don't need to train your muscles as often as you do cardiovascular activity; twenty minutes two or three times a week are enough.
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 18
Tell if Your Metabolism Is Slowing Step 18

Step 7. Find ways to reduce stress

Stress can negatively impact metabolism, causing cortisol levels to rise. When you are stressed, your body also stores more of the calories you consume. If you suffer from chronic stress, this can lead to weight gain, particularly in the central area of the body.
