The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) was published in 1996 and is a self-assessment tool that allows you to measure the severity of depression. It is a short questionnaire that can be done in 10-15 minutes. The questions are simple to understand and scoring is easy. By undergoing the BDI and repeating it periodically, you are not only able to assess your degree of depression, but you can also monitor your progress and the benefits of any medical treatment, checking for particular aspects (such as sleep disorders) that do not respond to ongoing treatment..
Part 1 of 2: Preparing for the Test

Step 1. Become familiar with the BDI
There is a lot of information on the net about the administration and the calculation of the BDI score. It is a good idea to do some research online before starting. Here is some useful information about the questionnaire:
- It is a self-assessment tool consisting of 21 questions.
- It is used to evaluate depression in clinical and non-clinical cases.
- It was developed for use in adults and adolescents over 13 years of age.
- It uses an evaluation tool in which each item has a score from 0 to 3.
- 0 corresponds to the absence of symptoms, while 3 indicates the presence of severe symptoms.
- The questionnaire has been translated into various languages.

Step 2. Read the test questions carefully
To self-administer this test or to give it to someone else, you should read all the items, along with the instructions, very carefully.
For example, you should circle the number next to the answer that best describes your mental state, such as:
- 0: I don't feel sad
- 1: Sometimes I feel sad
- 2: I'm sad all the time
- 3: I'm so sad or unhappy that I can't stand it
Use the Beck Depression Inventory Step 3 Step 3. Familiarize yourself with the administration procedure
This is essential for the purpose of the questionnaire.
- First you need to rate the items based on your status in the previous two weeks, including the day you take the test.
- If you feel that more than one statement from the same group describes your status equally well, choose the answer with the highest number on the 0-3 scale. For example, if you think 2 and 3 represent your state, choose 3.
- Finally, items 16 (sleep) and 18 (appetite) are evaluated on a seven-point scale instead of the normal four-point one. However, these items are not given more weight than the others when calculating the results.
Use the Beck Depression Inventory Step 4 Step 4. Try to administer the test in a distraction-free environment
When taking the test or giving it to someone else, choose a quiet room to help you concentrate. Before the test, satisfy any other physiological needs (bath, snack, etc.).
- Give yourself plenty of time to complete the test - take it easy.
- Do this when you feel good and can focus on the answers. Don't do this when you are distracted by headaches, stomach pains, etc.
Part 2 of 2: Administering the Test and Calculating the Score
Use the Beck Depression Inventory Step 5 Step 1. Try to answer as accurately as possible
Read each question carefully and make sure you understand what is being asked of you. Always try to give the answer that most closely matches your status in the previous two weeks.
Since you can only choose one answer from the four statements, try to judge your emotions, feelings or attitudes as accurately as possible
Use the Beck Depression Inventory Step 6 Step 2. Calculate the score
Simply add all the points to get the final score. For example, if you circled 0 for the first item and 3 for the second, you will add them together and have a score of 3 for the first two items.
- Proceed in the same way for the rest of the answers, until you add the results of all 21 items.
- Write down the total score. It will be between 0 and 63.
Use the Beck Depression Inventory Step 7 Step 3. Evaluate your score
There are no clear dividing lines between the various categories of the disease. However, there are ranges of scores that indicate its severity. After calculating the total score, compare it with the following categories:
- 0-13: absence of depression
- 14-19: mild depression
- 20-28: moderate depression
- 29-63: severe depression
Use the Beck Depression Inventory Step 8 Step 4. Keep an eye on your depression
If you have been diagnosed with depression in the past, the BDI can be used every week to evaluate your progress, especially if you have started therapy and are taking medication. This is useful for the following reasons:
- You can spot any changes in your emotional state.
- You can identify areas where depression is still high, for example if you have a sleep disorder or have suicidal thoughts.
- After identifying the problem areas, you can start working on them with the help of your therapist.
- Regularly checking your progress gives you the motivation for further changes.
- BDI can be administered to detect the presence and degree of depression in both adolescents and adults. The minimum age is 13 years. For young people under the age of 9, the BDI-Y is available.
- The BDI can be self-administered, but the scoring and interpretation should be entrusted to a professional with adequate training and some experience.
- This questionnaire can be completed in 5-10 minutes, but to ensure that the answers give a fairly accurate picture of the patient's mental state, it must be administered in a quiet, well-lit and comfortable room, so that the respondent can focus on the questions.
- Drug and alcohol abuse are associated with depression. The BDI is especially useful during rehabilitation and is considered one of the most reliable tools for evaluating patients in recovery. It can also be used to record changes in the patient's symptoms, therefore, in a sense, it is useful for monitoring the benefits of the patient's stay in the rehabilitation center.