In most cases, a dog's shoulder bandage is done by a veterinarian. But in certain emergencies, when your dog has a deep wound or shoulder fracture, you need to do it yourself until you can get your dog to a professional. If possible, call your vet for guidance and guidance.
Method 1 of 2: Bandaging a Dog's Shoulder in the Event of a Bleeding Injury

Step 1. Gather the necessary materials
If your dog has a deep, bleeding wound on his shoulder, you will need some basic materials to properly get it done. The ideal would be to take these materials from a first aid kit:
- Sterile gauze compresses
- A spool of cotton
- Micro-perforated adhesive tape (3M Micropore)
- Elastic bandages

Step 2. Apply pressure
Press on the wound with a sterile gauze pad to slow the bleeding.

Step 3. Clean the wound
Dab the area around the wound with some cotton to make sure it is as clean as possible.

Step 4. Cover the wound
Place a clean, sterile gauze pad over the wound. Use four to six layers of gauze, and make sure the entire wound is covered. Press again.

Step 5. Secure the gauze pads
Secure the tablets with tape to hold them in place, using a micro-perforated tape.
If you don't have microperforated tape, you can replace it with another type. What matters is that the gauze stays in place

Step 6. Begin wrapping the shoulder
Using an elastic bandage, the bandage begins. Start by wrapping the dog's chest, just after the shoulder. This is how the bandage is anchored.

Step 7. Band the shoulder with several steps
Take the bandage and pass it around the shoulder several times, covering the gauze. To make sure you stop the bleeding, apply enough pressure.

Step 8. Alternate the bandage around the foreleg, torso and shoulder
Continue to bandage your dog following this sequence moving from the front paw to the torso to the shoulder.

Step 9. Secure the bandage
The elastic bandages come with a clip to keep them tight. Use it to stop the bandage.

Step 10. Get your dog to a vet as soon as possible
These directions are intended only to help you give first aid when needed. If your dog has a deep wound that is bleeding you need to take him to the vet.
Method 2 of 2: Bandaging a Dog's Shoulder in the Event of a Fracture

Step 1. Make sure the fracture is on the shoulder
To check for the injury, you should always have your dog examined by a vet, but in the meantime, check the shoulder area. In case of a fracture it will be swollen and painful when you touch it. Swelling and pain in another part of the paw indicate that the fracture is there and not on the shoulder. Also your dog will not have to use that paw for walking because it would have to move the shoulder, causing the fracture or dislocation to move.

Step 2. Gather the necessary materials
If your dog has a fractured or sprained shoulder, you will need some basic materials to get it properly done. The ideal would be to take these materials from a first aid kit:
- A spool of cotton
- Adhesive bandages

Step 3. Have the dog settle in a comfortable position
Try to calm him down to keep him still. If possible, get help from someone who can support the dog while you wrap his shoulder; Thus the weight on the other legs decreases.

Step 4. Band with cotton
Take the spool of cotton and use it to bandage the shoulder and forelimb area. Then put a cotton roll between the injured shoulder and the torso.
The amount of cotton needed depends on the size of the dog. Your main purpose should be to give him stability and to make sure there is no contact between the shoulder and the torso

Step 5. Fold the paw
Bend the dog's elbow and front limb to form a "Z".

Step 6. Begin wrapping the shoulder
Band the front leg and upper torso with the adhesive bandage, then the shoulder. Then bring the bandage down on the other shoulder, across the torso, and finally over the starting forelimb.

Step 7. Repeat the sequence several times, keeping the elbow below the level of the legs

Step 8. Get your dog to a vet as soon as possible
These directions are intended only to help you give first aid when needed. If your dog has a fracture or dislocation you need to take him to the vet.