One day you go to get your wig to put it on and you notice that it looks like a ruffled ball of fur. When you try to brush it, it only gets even more voluminous and frizzy. Don't panic! In this article, you will find some tips to remedy the problem.

Step 1. Place the wig on a mannequin head (if you don't have it, ask a family member for help, place it on one knee or other)

Step 2. Gently untangle it with a wide-toothed comb, trying to remove as many knots as possible
However, be careful: combing it too much can cause it to swell.

Step 3. Spray some detangling spray on a small section of the wig and gently distribute it with the comb
Continue until you have distributed it over the entire wig.

Step 4. Gently brush the wig with a natural bristle brush (this will make it appear soft and shiny)

Step 5. Now, take the straightener (if it allows you to adjust the temperature, then lower it to the minimum if the wig is synthetic; too high a temperature can cause it to melt)
Gather the upper part of the wig with forceps and slowly smooth the lower strands, brushing them gently from time to time.

Step 6. Remove the tongs and untie the top of the wig
Now, smooth it out using the same method illustrated for the lower area.

Step 7. Gently brush the wig with a natural bristle brush and put it on

Step 8. Finished
- Treat the wig as you would treat your hair.
- Do not brush it excessively, otherwise the results will be disastrous!
- Do not apply too many products on the wig, otherwise it will look oily and heavy.
- If you don't comb or brush it gently, you risk breaking the fibers and damaging it.
- Never use products containing alcohol on the wig.