How to Control Mosquitoes: 9 Steps

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How to Control Mosquitoes: 9 Steps
How to Control Mosquitoes: 9 Steps

Are you tired and bored of being bothered by mosquitoes every time you go out to your garden to do some work or to enjoy the outdoors? Here are some simple instructions for managing their presence.


Control Mosquitoes Step 1
Control Mosquitoes Step 1

Step 1. Eliminate everything that favors the spawning of mosquitoes, such as hollow-stemmed plants (bromeliads), old car tires, bird troughs and all containers of stagnant water

Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water, or nearby, and even on wet ground after a rain. Once hatched, the eggs release larvae which turn into pupae and then into adult specimens within 4 days or a month (depending on the species and climatic conditions). You may notice an increase in mosquitoes after the rains, when the water level rises.

Control Mosquitoes Step 2
Control Mosquitoes Step 2

Step 2. Clean the gutters regularly

Control Mosquitoes Step 3
Control Mosquitoes Step 3

Step 3. Keep mowed grass and bushes pruned where possible

Control Mosquitoes Step 4
Control Mosquitoes Step 4

Step 4. Wear tight-fitting clothing with long sleeves and long pants

Control Mosquitoes Step 5
Control Mosquitoes Step 5

Step 5. Apply an insect repellent that contains diethyltoluamide (DEET) or icaridin

Control Mosquitoes Step 6
Control Mosquitoes Step 6

Step 6. Purchase good quality mosquito traps

Control Mosquitoes Step 7
Control Mosquitoes Step 7

Step 7. Spray the garden with suitable pesticides

Control Mosquitoes Step 8
Control Mosquitoes Step 8

Step 8. Install mosquito nets to keep areas free from mosquitoes

Control Mosquitoes Step 9
Control Mosquitoes Step 9

Step 9. Use lemongrass around the garden

It is an organic repellent which is available in various forms, such as candles, oil etc …


  • The best results are obtained by adopting control measures of the mosquito population that involve several steps indicated above.
  • Light-colored clothing works best because mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors.
  • Many species of mosquitoes are active at dawn and dusk, so remember this when organizing garden parties.
  • Natural repellents based on eucalyptus citrate are as effective as diethyltoluamide (DEET) especially if they contain citriodiol.
  • If you have neighbors in close contact with your property, when possible, you can discuss with them a mosquito control program that is beneficial to all, so that effective containment measures can be implemented.
  • Icaridin is an effective alternative to DEET, it is odorless, colorless and is recommended by the World Health Organization.
  • Check with public authorities and keep up to date if outbreaks of mosquito-related diseases such as West Nile virus fever occur in your area.


  • Many mosquito traps have flammable gases such as propane; take this into account when using them, in case there are children or pets around.
  • Pesticides contain chemicals that are dangerous to people and animals by both inhalation and ingestion and are not the best solution.
