4 Ways to Get Rid of Midges

4 Ways to Get Rid of Midges
4 Ways to Get Rid of Midges

Few insects are as annoying as midges. Fortunately, it is not difficult to get rid of them. If they buzz around the sink and drain, remove the dirt accumulated in the pipes where they spawn. Traps can help you decrease the presence of adult flies and control the severity of the infestation. Also, it is vital to eliminate food sources that attract these unwanted guests, so store food in resealable containers, wipe off any freshly spilled liquid, and keep garbage cans closed and clean. If you are diligent, you can rid your home of flies.

Home Prepared Solutions

If you need to get rid of the midges immediately, you may already have everything you need at home:

  • If you have a wire brush or a enzymatic disgorging agent, you can prevent the midges from breeding in the drain.
  • If you have the apple cider vinegar it's a glass jar, you can make a vinegar-based trap.
  • If you have Red wine and the liquid detergent, you can make a wine-based trap.
  • If you have the mild dish soap, you can prepare a spray solution for your plants.


Method 1 of 4: Get rid of the midges in the pipes and drain

Get Rid of Gnats Step 1
Get Rid of Gnats Step 1

Step 1. Scrub inside the drain hose to remove organic residue

The dirt that accumulates inside the exhaust pipes is breeding ground for midges. Use a wire brush or pipe cleaner to scrape and remove stubborn organic matter deposits.

  • After scrubbing, heat the water on the stove and pour it down the drain to get rid of the debris.
  • You can use bleach, ammonia, vinegar, and other cleaners, but these substances will not effectively remove accumulated dirt from the exhaust pipes.
Get Rid of Gnats Step 2
Get Rid of Gnats Step 2

Step 2. Clean the drain with a foaming enzymatic cleaner

If you can't reach the pipes with a wire brush, you can use a foam product specially formulated to corrode organics. Then, buy an enzymatic cleaner at a hardware store or supermarket. Pour it down the drain following the instructions and let it sit overnight.

  • When the shutter speed is over, pour the boiling water down the drain.
  • Foaming products are more effective than liquid detergents.
  • If you are worried about throwing chemicals down the drain, get an enzymatic cleaner that is environmentally friendly and free of toxic elements.
Get Rid of Gnats Step 3
Get Rid of Gnats Step 3

Step 3. Use warm water every night to clean the sink drain and prevent the buildup of thick, sticky materials

This is the best way to keep pipes clean. With the exception of the enzymatic drain cleaner, avoid applying chemicals to the drain.

  • Bleach, ammonia, vinegar, and other cleaners can corrode plumbing, especially older cast iron ones.
  • In addition, household cleaning products can react with the materials that make up the pipes, producing dangerous fumes or increasing the internal pressure resulting in the collapse of the pipes.
  • Avoid spilling insecticides as well, as they can be harmful to the environment.

Method 2 of 4: Trap the Midges

Get Rid of Gnats Step 4
Get Rid of Gnats Step 4

Step 1. Catch the midges with vinegar

Get a jar or jar and fill it halfway with apple cider vinegar. Add a drop of dish soap to break up the surface patina and prevent the midges from escaping once trapped. Place the jar in the most haunted area, such as the kitchen or dining room.

  • After filling the container, close it with the lid and drill small holes with a nail or screw. This way, all the midges that don't drown in the vinegar won't be able to escape.
  • You can also cut a 2-liter plastic bottle in half and pour the vinegar into the bottom. Turn the top piece (aka the neck of the bottle) over and insert it into the bottom piece. When you're done, it should look like a funnel. The midges will follow the smell of the vinegar and become trapped, but will struggle to get out of the bottleneck.
  • In the absence of apple cider vinegar, any type of vinegar is fine. Other baits, such as beer or a mashed banana, are also effective.
Get Rid of Gnats Step 5
Get Rid of Gnats Step 5

Step 2. Make a wine and detergent trap

Take a small cup and fill it halfway with red wine, then add a drop of dish soap. Leave it on the table or kitchen counter to attract the midges.

When some friends come for a drink, make an extra glass of wine with detergent to keep mosquitoes away from your guests. To avoid confusion, just make sure you clearly mark the container that acts as a trap

Get Rid of Gnats Step 6
Get Rid of Gnats Step 6

Step 3. Use traps with other pest control methods

Traps help you keep an invasion of midges at bay by reducing their presence in your home. However, when used in isolation, they do not allow you to effectively manage an infestation.

To completely eliminate the midges, you will have to fight them at all stages of their life cycle. Traps only kill adult insects, but do not kill eggs and larvae

Method 3 of 4: Preventing a Midget Infestation

Get Rid of Gnats Step 7
Get Rid of Gnats Step 7

Step 1. Remove the most tempting food sources

Clean the kitchen and dining room regularly, wipe off any freshly spilled liquid, and wash pots, plates and dishes right away. Store fruit, especially ripe fruit, in the refrigerator.

  • Always store food in airtight containers and store them in a cabinet with doors or in the refrigerator.
  • Look out for any organic stains, such as spilled fruit juice on the floor or a forgotten onion at the back of the pantry. Any food residue can generate an invasion of midges.
Get Rid of Gnats Step 8
Get Rid of Gnats Step 8

Step 2. Close the dustbin and separate collection containers

Keep all bins closed, including those outside. Check the exterior regularly for food stains and encrustations. Clean them with a mild bleach solution.

  • Do not keep bags full of garbage in the house overnight.
  • It is advisable to rinse empty bottles and cans before throwing them away.
Get Rid of Gnats Step 9
Get Rid of Gnats Step 9

Step 3. Inspect the doors and windows to make sure they have no holes, crevices and cracks

Repair damaged mosquito nets and add a seal in the crevices around doors and window frames. Don't leave doors and windows open if you don't have mosquito nets. Look for holes and vents on the outside of the house and close them with sealant or a tight mesh.

Some gnats are small enough to pass through wire mesh, so you may want to keep your windows closed, even if you have mosquito nets installed

Get Rid of Gnats Step 10
Get Rid of Gnats Step 10

Step 4. Try removing damp stains from your home

Midges love humidity, so be careful if damp corners form in the kitchen, bathroom, and other rooms. Clean with a mild bleach solution or household cleaner, then dry with a clean cloth. Put the towels and wet clothes in the laundry basket and close it with the lid. Wash the mop head thoroughly before putting it to dry.

  • Inspect under kitchen and bathroom sinks and repair any leaks.
  • Keep the blinds and curtains open to let sunlight into the house. The heat from the rays will help prevent moisture.
  • You can also use a hygrometer and dehumidifier to keep the indoor humidity below 50%.

Method 4 of 4: Protect Plants from Flies

Get Rid of Gnats Step 11
Get Rid of Gnats Step 11

Step 1. Let the earth dry before watering the houseplants

If it is always humid, it attracts parasites, including midges, and favors the appearance of mold. Of course, you don't have to get to the point where they wilt or turn yellow, but avoid watering them until the earth is completely dry.

  • To test the moisture of the soil, stick your finger by pushing it for 2-5 cm. If it gets dirty, you don't want to water it unless the plants look dull.
  • It is advisable to use pots with drainage holes at the bottom. If you use saucers to catch excess water, be sure to remove it after watering the plants.
Get Rid of Gnats Step 12
Get Rid of Gnats Step 12

Step 2. Add beneficial nematodes

Roundworms are small worms that eat grubs, fleas, and other parasites. You can purchase them at a gardening supply store. Look for a product specially formulated for biological control of midges and that contains nematodes of the Steinernema feltiae species.

  • Usually, beneficial nematodes are mixed with water and, once the mixture is obtained, it must be poured into the soil. In any case, read the product instructions.
  • Using beneficial nematodes poses no risk to humans, plants and pets, so don't worry about any harmful health effects.
Get Rid of Gnats Step 13
Get Rid of Gnats Step 13

Step 3. Make a mild liquid soap and water-based spray

Mix one teaspoon of mild hand soap or dish soap in nearly 500ml of warm water. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle, then spray it on the leaves of your plants. After 2 to 3 hours, rinse the leaves thoroughly with water.

  • Although it is more expensive, you can also purchase a plant pest soap at a garden supply store.
  • Homemade soap solution increases the risk of leaf damage. So, you may want to do a test on a small area before spraying it all over the plant. In general, if the soap dries or irritates the skin, it is too aggressive even for plants.
Get Rid of Gnats Step 14
Get Rid of Gnats Step 14

Step 4. Repot the plants if none of the methods work

If you haven't been able to protect them from midges, it's time to transplant them. Water them, remove them from the old pot and gently remove the soil from the roots.

  • Fill another pot almost to the brim with new potting soil. Dig a hole in the center large enough to accommodate the roots and cover them with soil.
  • If the bug problem persists after repotting, you may need to resort to a chemical treatment. Go to a gardening store and purchase a plant-safe liquid insecticide formulated against flying insects.

wikiHow Video: How to Get Rid of Midges



  • There are thousands of annoying, tiny flies, from sciaroids to fruit flies, but the remedies for getting rid of them are similar.
  • If the problem persists after several attempts, you should probably see an exterminator.
