Building concrete steps is not the type of project for the novice DIY enthusiast. It requires some experience in preparing and pouring concrete, and also requires some mathematical calculations (especially simple geometry). It also requires a lot of physical effort. However, if the job is done correctly, you will have a perfect staircase that will last forever under normal use.

Step 1. Calculate the dimensions of the staircase
Stairs consist of riser, the vertical face, and tread, the part on which the foot rests. Calculate the elevation, the height from one floor to another. This is the number of the total rise of the stairs. Measure the horizontal distance the ladder will go. Measure the width of each step from right to left where the ladder will go. Divide the height by 15 to calculate how many steps you will need. This is a typical height. For an even result you could add or subtract something at 15cm. Just remember, if you go way above 15 not to violate local codes.
- Use an online calculator for calculations and diagram.
- Let's say you want to take some steps from a sunken living room. A height of 30 cm would result in two rises of 15 cm. The horizontal length may vary. They are typically at least 20cm or more so that you have enough room for your foot. The number of treads is always less than the number of risers you will need. In the above hypothesis, you will need only one tread of 20 cm.

Step 2. Determine the dimensions of the stair foundation
When building concrete steps you need a foundation: a concrete slab poured to a depth of a few inches below the slope level (check local codes). The dimensions are the same as those of the stair area. To calculate the required area, take the total length and total width of the slab.

Step 3. Build the Shape
The form can be made of plywood or other wood from frames. It can be done with scraps or low quality wood. The first step is to cut the side shapes according to the riser and tread calculations. It should resemble a stairway seen in profile. They will need to be firmly attached to the foundation of the house. The stairs must be tied to the foundation perfectly. Add wooden stakes as reinforcement against the outward movement of the concrete cast every 12 cm along the outside surface of the form. Then install the planks that will form the faces of the risers. These must be as wide as the height of the risers. Depending on the width of the coves you may need to add stakes. Make sure the shapes are plumb and level before continuing.

Step 4. Mix the concrete
For the stairs you can mix the concrete by hand or use a portable concrete mixer. If you decide to do it by hand, know that making concrete steps for the house is a very tiring job and hardly a job for one person. You can use ready-to-mix concrete that only requires water or get the ingredients individually. Generally, 20 liters of water are calculated per bag of cement.

Step 5. Pour the concrete
This is the most important part of the project. Start at the bottom and take one step at a time. When you pour it should spread evenly. Use a spade or stick to remove trapped air bubbles.

Step 6. Add some finishing touches
There are so many ways to finish concrete steps. A leveling bar is a wooden tool a little longer than the width of the stairs that is used from the front to the bottom and from side to top to remove excess concrete. You can use a simple one or use a trowel to level the surface. To give it a better look use a steel trowel, much like a trowel, but its smoother surface gives the concrete a better, bubble-free appearance.

Step 7. Wait and Moisten
Once the surface is smooth keep the concrete wet or damp for a week as it hardens. You can do this by covering the stairs with a jute tarp and keeping it wet or you can cover it well with a plastic tarp. You can also spray some curing liquid. It is an essential step. If left outdoors, the relative humidity of the concrete will drop quickly. If it drops below 80%, hardening can stop, and if it happens the concrete will only get part of its potential strength. After a week the concrete will have reached its final shape and you can remove the wooden shapes. The seasoning will last for months. If after finishing you decide to paint the steps it is important to let the concrete harden for at least 30 days so that the paint sticks well.