4 Ways to Prepare a S'more

Table of contents:

4 Ways to Prepare a S'more
4 Ways to Prepare a S'more

It is unclear who created this dessert first, but the first recipe for s'more (short for some more) was found in the 1927 Young Scout Handbook. It is also said that these cookies should be eaten quickly and that just as quickly others are requested, which leads to a funny "S'more!" instead of "some more". The traditional recipe calls for them to be prepared with marshmallows, graham crackers and a few pieces of chocolate. Cooking them over a campfire or in the microwave is one of the easiest cooking skills out there.


  • Cracker graham
  • Whole, normal-sized marshmallows
  • Chocolate bar divided into pieces


Method 1 of 4: Above the Fire

Make a S'more Step 1
Make a S'more Step 1

Step 1. Light the barbecue, bonfire or wood-burning fireplace

You can cook s'more with any type of fire. Remember, however, that the type of fuel affects the flavor of marshmallows. If you are preparing sweets outdoors, strictly follow the safety rules, keep a bucket of water or a fire extinguisher handy and avoid windy days.

If you have opted for a campfire, check that the wood is dry and clean, surround the fire with a ring of stones. Do not use any type of combustion accelerator

Make a S'more Step 2
Make a S'more Step 2

Step 2. Break the graham crackers in half

You should end up with two square-shaped crackers that are enough to make a s'more. One of the two halves will be the base of the biscuit, while the other will be the top side.

Make a S'more Step 3
Make a S'more Step 3

Step 3. Open the package of chocolate and break the various squares if necessary

You need a slightly smaller piece of the graham cracker. If the tablet is large enough, divide it into squares.

Make a S'more Step 4
Make a S'more Step 4

Step 4. Place the chocolate chips on the cracker

Arrange them on one half of the graham crackers while the other must remain as it is.

Make a S'more Step 5
Make a S'more Step 5

Step 5. Skewer the marshmallow with the skewer and toast it

After carefully inserting a clean skewer into the side of the marshmallow, keep the latter suspended near the flame and toast it according to your taste. Remember to constantly rotate the treat so it cooks evenly.

  • If you are camping and have decided to use a stick, check that it has a pointed end, in this way it will be easier to pierce the marshmallow and remove the bark covering the stick.
  • If you have decided on a metal skewer, then check that it has a handle that does not transmit heat, to avoid burning your hand.
  • The marshmallow is ready when it is golden brown. At this point you can continue to cook it, let it catch fire or move it away from the heat source.
Make a S'more Step 6
Make a S'more Step 6

Step 6. Transfer the hot marshmallow to the chocolate

Do not remove it from the skewer and place it directly on the half of the cracker that you covered with chocolate.

Make a S'more Step 7
Make a S'more Step 7

Step 7. Arrange the other half of crackers on the marshmallow and chocolate by pressing lightly

The heat of the candy will melt the chocolate and unite the various elements in a single cookie.

Make a S'more Step 8
Make a S'more Step 8

Step 8. Remove the skewer and serve the s'more

Wait a few seconds before eating the dessert, this way the marshmallow cools slightly and won't burn your mouth.

Method 2 of 4: In the Oven

Make a S'more Step 9
Make a S'more Step 9

Step 1. Preheat the oven

You can cook s’more in the oven in two ways: with traditional cooking or with the grill. The first technique takes longer, but you are less likely to burn marshmallows and chocolate. Using the grill allows for quick preparation, but you must carefully monitor the cooking process to prevent the s'more from burning.

  • If you've decided on traditional cooking, set the oven to 205 ° C.
  • If you opt for the grill instead, then set the oven on the "grill" function and wait for it to heat up.
Make a S'more Step 10
Make a S'more Step 10

Step 2. Break the graham cracker in half to make two square pieces

One half will be the basis of love and the other the upper side.

Make a S'more Step 11
Make a S'more Step 11

Step 3. Arrange both halves on a baking sheet

You will have to heat the whole s'more in the oven.

Make a S'more Step 12
Make a S'more Step 12

Step 4. Place the marshmallow and chocolate on the cracker

The chocolate will go on one half and the marshmallow on the other. Remember that the chocolate square must be slightly smaller than the graham cracker; if it is too big, break it to reduce its size.

Make a S'more Step 13
Make a S'more Step 13

Step 5. Warm up the love

Do not close the biscuit for the moment; leave everything as it is and heat it by placing the pan in the oven. The chocolate will melt a little, while the marshmallow will toast.

  • If you have decided to use the traditional cooking function, leave the ingredients in the oven for three to five minutes.
  • If you have opted for the grill function, then it may take a few seconds or a minute at the most.
Make a S'more Step 14
Make a S'more Step 14

Step 6. Take the pan out of the oven

Once the chocolate and marshmallows are hot to your taste, you can take them out of the oven and place the pan on a heat-resistant surface. Remember to use oven gloves or pot holders to protect your hands from burns.

Make a S'more Step 15
Make a S'more Step 15

Step 7. Close the love and serve it

Take the marshmallow-coated half of the cracker and flip it over the chocolate one. Press lightly to make the two sides stick together, so the chocolate will blend with the marshmallow. Remove the s'more from the oven pan and bring it to the table.

Method 3 of 4: In the Microwave

Make a S'more Step 16
Make a S'more Step 16

Step 1. Break the graham cracker in half

Put one half on a plate suitable for use in the microwave and leave the other to one side.

Consider lining the dish with a sheet of absorbent paper before placing the cracker. In this way all the moisture will be absorbed and the biscuit will not become mushy

Make a S'more Step 17
Make a S'more Step 17

Step 2. Place the marshmallow on the cracker

Lay it flat on the side, so there's no chance it will roll off the cracker.

Make a S'more Step 18
Make a S'more Step 18

Step 3. Heat it in the microwave for 10-12 seconds

After this time the marshmallow will begin to swell. The sugary sweet must be soft and stringy on the inside, but it must not become golden or toasted.

Check the entire cooking process carefully as the marshmallow could get tough in no time. It may be necessary to take the cake out of the oven even before 10 seconds

Make a S'more Step 19
Make a S'more Step 19

Step 4. Lay the chocolate on the marshmallow

As soon as the sugar cake becomes soft and sticky, remove the dish from the microwave with the help of a pot holder, if necessary. Place the piece of chocolate (similar in size to the cracker) on the warm marshmallow.

Make a S'more Step 20
Make a S'more Step 20

Step 5. Finally, close the biscuit by placing the second half of the cracker on top of the chocolate

Press everything lightly and wait for the chocolate to melt for a few seconds, then serve the dessert.

Method 4 of 4: Some Variations

Make a S'more Step 21
Make a S'more Step 21

Step 1. Add some fruit

You can make love even tastier with one or two slices of fruit. Strawberries and bananas go perfectly with chocolate, but you can also use other fruits like raspberries.

  • When you decide to prepare a fruit dessert, add the strawberry or banana slices to the cracker before the chocolate.
  • Try using a chocolate spread instead of the hard bar. This will "glue" the fruit to the graham cracker and prevent it from spilling out.
Make a S'more Step 22
Make a S'more Step 22

Step 2. Replace regular chocolate with a special variant

Instead of using the usual milk or dark chocolate, you can try the one filled with caramel, mint or peanut butter. Don't forget the one with chopped hazelnuts!

  • If you want a fresh, almost "winter" flavor, then try the mint filled chocolate. Replace regular graham crackers with chocolate-coated ones.
  • If you want to taste a truly unique combination of 'salty' caramel, use some caramel-filled chocolate and add a strip of stir-fried bacon. If you don't like bacon, you can use a salted caramel chocolate.
Make a S'more Step 23
Make a S'more Step 23

Step 3. Consider using a chocolate spread or marshmallow cream

Both of these products come in jars and are easy to spread on graham crackers; chocolate creams are often flavored with hazelnuts.

Try using a chocolate sauce or syrup

Make a S'more Step 24
Make a S'more Step 24

Step 4. Replace chocolate with other sweets

You can use cremini or chocolate covered wafers, you can even incorporate candies.

  • If you love peanut butter, replace chocolate with filled chocolates with just this cream. If you want an even more distinctive flavor, add some banana slices.
  • If you love creamy flavors, replace chocolate with dulce de leche and regular graham crackers with cinnamon flavored ones.
  • For a truly unique variation, add a strip of red or black licorice on top of the chocolate, just before placing the marshmallow on top.
Make a S'more Step 25
Make a S'more Step 25

Step 5. Try to toast all the love

Assemble the cake first and then wrap it in a lightly greased aluminum foil. Fold the end of the sheet to seal the love inside the package. Heat the cookie in the embers of a bonfire for two or three minutes. Remember to turn the foil often and remove it from the heat with a pair of kitchen tongs.

You can cook your "s’more packaged" even on the barbecue. Set the temperature to 177 ° C


  • If you don't have access to a heat source, you can use marshmallows and chocolate spreads.
  • Here's a trick to browning marshmallows without charring them: Keep turning them over the flames until you notice a small puff of smoke. If you are patient and move fast, you will have a toasted, unroasted treat.
  • In Britain, "digestive" biscuits are used instead of graham crackers.
  • If you are patient, you can keep the marshmallow further away from the flames; it will take longer to toast, but it will "swell".
  • Consider using square marshmallows, some are specially designed for love.


  • Wait until the marshmallow has cooled before eating it, or you will burn your tongue.
  • Never leave the fire, grill or stove unattended.
  • Make sure the bonfire has been put out before going to sleep.
  • If the marshmallow catches fire, blow to put it out. Do not shake it to extinguish the flames, as you may spread the fire to other objects.
