You may have a large group of friends, but you may not feel as close to them as you would like. In this article you will find some tips to strengthen your friendship, you can follow them alone or within a group.

Step 1. Make your best friend forever by creating a scrapbook
Add photos and elements that represent fun things done together. Add stubs of tickets, receipts and anything else that reminds you of the good times we spent together. Pass and share the book, so that everyone can add their own contribution.

Step 2. Plan some sleeps at home, but not too often to avoid it becoming heavy or stressing your family life or school rhythm

Step 3. Organize events together that may be unique to the group
Take a trip that lasts more than a day, visit a festival, go to a concert, all that can create a bond between you. Going to a movie or other similar activity is also fine.

Step 4. Listen
The key to any friendship is listening. Let your friends speak freely and do not express judgment or criticism.

Step 5. Accept differences as well as differences of opinion
It is no fun to be friends with clones of oneself. Appreciate what makes you unique.

Step 6. Know when to agree and when not to agree
You will never always get along and no contrast is ever enough to change a person's mind.

Step 7. Try to quell the painful feelings immediately and don't let them last long
Try not to go to bed angry.

Step 8. Treat your friends as you would like to be treated

Step 9. Talking behind someone's back to another friend in the group will make them feel threatened, isolated and frowned upon by everyone
Never do that.

Step 10. Appreciate your friends and compliment them frequently
Don't be a liar, but praise the positives and let them know. Everyone loves a pat on the back.

Step 11. Reward them when they have done something right
Give them the attention they deserve.

Step 12. Avoid jealousies and bad behaviors that can arise in each of us
Be aware of your feelings and don't allow them to compromise your friendship. Acknowledge your feelings and understand that they are human. Confessing them and talking about them will make you more united.

Step 13. Talk about the good and the bad
Get to know the good and bad sides of people. A true friend will know when you are unreasonable, will ask you to talk about it, will love you and will continue to be your friend without respite.

Step 14. Allow other people to join your circle of friends
No friendship can survive in a vacuum. You cannot insist on this or force people to ignore other people who are considered interesting or who bring new points of view. This will make them good friends over time.

Step 15. In friendship, envy can cause great tensions
Be aware of this and avoid it. Recognize that your friends may have interests beyond the group. Remember that they are still individuals and they need time to explore the world and to learn. Anything they can get from these other activities will strengthen your friendship.

Step 16. Understand that friendships, even really good ones, can go through times when you don't spend much time together or keep in touch as often. It is not what you do when you are apart, it is what you do when you are together

Step 17. Respect each other's privacy
You must consider any shared confidence as something absolutely confidential. You should never have to say phrases like "don't tell anyone" or "keep it to yourself". Friends must keep a confidentiality secret until the one who made it makes it public.

Step 18. Spend some time apart
Forcing yourself to hang out all the time can make you tire of each other. Loneliness is not a bad thing. You don't have to be Siamese twins to be friends.

Step 19. Apologize when you are wrong
Be prepared to forgive and never bring up past mistakes.
- The more often you meet friends outside of school, the closer you will be
- If there is a fight, don't be the rude one and don't attack, that way the fights won't last forever.
- Never gossip about your friends or reveal their secrets behind their back