How to Say Happy Birthday in Polish: 5 Steps

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How to Say Happy Birthday in Polish: 5 Steps
How to Say Happy Birthday in Polish: 5 Steps

Learning at least one or two expressions in a foreign language can be fun as well as useful. If you have a Polish friend who is having a birthday soon, surprise him by saying "Happy birthday!" in his language.


Method 1 of 2: Listen

Say Happy Birthday in Polish Step 1
Say Happy Birthday in Polish Step 1

Step 1. Don't worry about the pronunciation or how it's spelled

You're not learning the whole language here. Focus on imitating the sound.

Say Happy Birthday in Polish Step 2
Say Happy Birthday in Polish Step 2

Step 2. Here is how it is written

Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin.

Now forget you saw how to spell

Say Happy Birthday in Polish Step 3
Say Happy Birthday in Polish Step 3

Step 3. Here's how to pronounce it

Fshistkiego-nailep-shego-zokahzee uhrojeen.

  • The ai in Nailep is long: think never.
  • We need to pause a little before the last expression. Say the first four all in a row quickly, then pause for one second and finish with the last one.
  • Keep practicing until you have it memorized.
Say Happy Birthday in Polish Step 4
Say Happy Birthday in Polish Step 4

Step 4. Look at [The Polski Blog] for a very useful audio clip

Method 2 of 2: Take the Easy Way

Say Happy Birthday in Polish Step 5
Say Happy Birthday in Polish Step 5

Step 1. You can also say Sto lat

It is pronounced Sto-Lat (the o is short) and means one hundred years, it is a traditional expression for greeting wishes, in all its simplicity.

  • Sto-Lat!
  • It really is very easy.
