This technique is very useful in various domestic and public situations. Being able to let others see things from your point of view is a great way to stay free. Plus, it delivers a lot of adrenaline when you're about to get into trouble. When you get away with it, you feel even better.

Step 1. Study your opponents
Make sure you know something about them before you talk (for example, find out if anyone has had anything to do with them and study their attitudes).

Step 2. State your reasons
Be sure to use words and statements to support your thesis. You should be convincing with the kind of language you use. Important words like "inaccurate" or "misunderstood" will make your speech more reasonable.

Step 3. Try to flatter your interlocutor, but don't overdo it
Light compliments can help you, but excessive compliments will make you look slimy. Make sure that the interlocutor appreciates compliments - trying to flatter a person who is very (very) angry or upset will not get you very far. In any case, trying to flatter a person who believes you guilty based on the stories of others is the least suitable approach to take.

Step 4. Keep telling yourself that you can do it, don't let guilt hold you back, it's like a sack full of bricks, all you have to do is let it go

Step 5. Remember to think quickly about what you mean before speaking, and try to anticipate the answer you will give
Imagine the conversation before it happens. Review your story in mind and make sure it sounds realistic and coherent.

Step 6. Look convincing
Don't fidget, don't stutter, or blink constantly, don't bite your lip, and don't appear guilty or nervous in any way.

Step 7. Be serious
You know there is a problem, and you would like to help solve it, but you are not responsible. People are much more likely to leave a cooperative person alone than a dismissive one.

Step 8. Be empathetic
Understand why it would be a problem. Anger will not help; it will eliminate any sympathy of the interlocutors towards you.

Step 9. Don't hesitate
If you say something, keep it, don't contradict yourself.

Step 10. Don't lie if you can't
Your lies must be unverifiable; it should therefore be impossible to reveal your bluffs. You can also omit certain things that might reveal the truth. In any case, the omission is still considered a lie as the final information is misleading. Remember, you don't need to be a genius to find out you're lying or hiding something, so be smart.

Step 11. If you lie, do it simply
Overly complicated lies are less credible (for example: "Yeah, we were playing soccer, and Chris hurt his eye." NOT: "We were, uh … in the park, playing football. He was running and … slipped on a shirt and … "). And above all, don't contradict yourself!

Step 12. Admit some minor misdeeds in exchange for leniency for major sins

Step 13. Don't try to joke, this could be a very serious matter and shouldn't be funny

Step 14. Do your best to solve the problem verbally and say something like “you should talk to Dude, you know I would never do such a thing”; if you have an alibi or a good excuse, you may be able to get away with it
- Don't overdo the lies. If you are forced to lie, that's fine, but make sure there is no evidence and that you are able to answer any inquiries.
- Speak clearly.
- Be confident (culprits are often insecure).
- Maintain eye contact.
- He listens to the contrary theses and then presents a solution that is a compromise between the demands of the two parties.
- Refugees as much as you can behind the magic formula "I did not know".
- Never complain while talking to your parents or anyone else. Always keep your nerve in unpleasant situations.
- If you are small and you can pretend to cry, take advantage of it.
- When you explain, don't shout at your parents, speak calmly and accurately tell what happened.
- If you can pretend you got hurt, do it. Nobody will punish an injured person!
- If you've already gotten into trouble, your lies will probably turn against you.
- You could get yourself into even more serious trouble by failing these techniques.