How to Create a YouTube Series: 9 Steps

How to Create a YouTube Series: 9 Steps
How to Create a YouTube Series: 9 Steps

Table of contents:


Were you able to come up with a great idea for a series on YouTube? Make it happen!


Make a Youtube Webseries Step 1
Make a Youtube Webseries Step 1

Step 1. Come up with an idea

First of all, you will have to think of a genre: reality, comedy, sci-fi, choose something!

Make a Youtube Webseries Step 2
Make a Youtube Webseries Step 2

Step 2. Create a texture

Once a solid idea has been created, a storyline must be created for the entire season, EVERY season. Write the plot of all the episodes you intend to shoot. Try a small number of episodes for the first season. For a short streak, start with 6, if you expect it to be a long streak, turn 12.

Make a Youtube Webseries Step 3
Make a Youtube Webseries Step 3

Step 3. Write all the scripts

Reality shows also use scripts. NEVER think about creating a series without planning everything first or putting out something before you're done shooting the series. Think locally about the equipment you have available. You certainly can't afford to demolish a building, for example. Try to think of everything you can use on the show. Shoot episodes that are up to 10 minutes long.

Make a Youtube Webseries Step 4
Make a Youtube Webseries Step 4

Step 4. Get the right equipment

Camcorder, tripod (optional), computer, and Digital Video tape. An HD video camera is ideal, but you can't afford a similar investment - you can use other types of cameras.

Make a Youtube Webseries Step 5
Make a Youtube Webseries Step 5

Step 5. Hire staff

Writing a cast and crew. Your friends are not always the best choice. Try recruiting staff at school or putting up flyers for an audition. If you don't have a video camera, let the owner use it. If it's yours, don't let anyone you know or don't trust use it. Make sure your cast and crew want to continue working for you for yet another season.

Make a Youtube Webseries Step 6
Make a Youtube Webseries Step 6

Step 6. Spin

Film the first episode and then retouch it. After that, continue with the others. Shoot multiple shots from different angles. If there are two people talking, take two close-ups and a long shot. So, three tricks.

Make a Youtube Webseries Step 7
Make a Youtube Webseries Step 7

Step 7. Retouch

Now that you've done all the necessary footage, move on to editing. Use Windows Movie Maker if you have no other alternatives. When two people talk, it cuts the scene and if the character says something, it shows the interlocutor's reaction. When you're done, save the episode as an AVI or WMV file.

Make a Youtube Webseries Step 8
Make a Youtube Webseries Step 8

Step 8. Once all the episodes are finished, show them to the rest of the crew

Next, create a trailer using all the episodes and upload it to YouTube. Leave the trailer there until it starts getting views and interest. Advertise the series. When the trailer gets enough interest you can insert an episode release date into the video. Then, upload one episode a week, on the day of your choice.

Make a Youtube Webseries Step 9
Make a Youtube Webseries Step 9

Step 9. After broadcasting the entire season, wait a month or two, count the total visits for each episode and decide if you should try another season

If you think that's the case, have fun shooting a second season, and if shooting webseries is your thing then you can take the leap and shoot 22 episodes a season like real TV series.


  • Make all crew members happy and have fun.
  • Don't just broadcast a one-off episode or fans will get tired of waiting and you will lose your audience.
