How to Get Rid of Sciatic Nerve Pain

How to Get Rid of Sciatic Nerve Pain
How to Get Rid of Sciatic Nerve Pain

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Sciatica, or sciatica, is pain that radiates along the sciatic nerve, which extends from the lower back to the leg, passing through the hips. It can occur anywhere on the nerve and be very intense. It is often related to a particular posture (such as sitting) and can last for a few days or a few weeks, depending on the cause. It can be caused by any particular pathology or condition of the lower back or spine that irritates or exposes the sciatic nerve, such as a slipped disc or pregnancy. Pain can be controlled at home by combining simple techniques with commonly used medicines. Therapeutic treatment of symptoms depends on the triggering cause of sciatica and requires specialist advice.


Method 1 of 2: Coping with Sciatic Nerve Pain at Home

Push a Hernia Back in Step 2
Push a Hernia Back in Step 2

Step 1. Rest your back

1-2 days after the first manifestation of sciatica, try to take things slow. This way, you will find some relief, allow your muscles to relax, and avoid stressing the sciatic nerve by keeping yourself in excessive motion. However, you shouldn't be in bed for more than 1 or 2 days. A long period of inactivity will weaken the muscles that support the back bones, so over time it will be easier to further irritate the sciatic nerve and exacerbate the pain.

After the initial rest period, it is important to stay active, but try not to stress the sciatic nerve. Avoid strenuous activities such as lifting heavy objects or sharply turning your back

Shrink Internal Hemorrhoids Step 6
Shrink Internal Hemorrhoids Step 6

Step 2. Take anti-inflammatories

Irritation of the sciatic nerve can cause inflammation, which can worsen and prolong the pain. There are many over-the-counter anti-inflammatories that can help relieve it, such as ibuprofen and naproxen. Make sure you follow the instructions on the package insert.

Relieve Back Pain Naturally Step 13
Relieve Back Pain Naturally Step 13

Step 3. Treat acute pains with cold

Most patients find cold therapy to be particularly effective in fighting sciatica in the acute phase, which usually occurs 2-7 days after the first symptoms appear. Make an ice pack (you can use instant ice, an airtight bag that you will have filled with ice cubes, a bag of frozen peas, and so on) on the affected area for 20 minutes at a time, repeating every 2 hours.

Be sure to wrap the compress with a cloth or towel. Applying ice directly to the skin can cause discomfort similar to that of a sunburn

Step 4. Relieve dull pain with heat

3-7 days after the onset of sciatica, many patients notice that the pain is losing intensity. At this stage, heat can be more effective in fighting sciatica. Apply it to the affected area using a hot water bottle, an electric heat pad, or a microwaveable heat pad, or you can take a warm bath. Do the treatment for 20 minutes at a time, repeating it every 2 hours.

  • Make sure you follow the instructions on the product packaging.
  • Many patients say they prefer cold therapy when the first symptoms appear, and then move on to heat therapy at a later time, but by no means applies to everyone. If these methods alone don't seem effective for pain relief, try alternating them every 2 hours.
Get Rid of Extreme Back Spasms in the Morning Step 7
Get Rid of Extreme Back Spasms in the Morning Step 7

Step 5. Stretch your lower back

Doing a gentle stretch with the legs, buttocks and lower back will help you fight tension by decreasing irritation to the sciatic nerve. Better consult your doctor or physiotherapist for guidelines on the safest and most effective exercises. There are many variations, but the simplest and most common way to relieve sciatica is to bring the knees to the chest.

  • In the supine position, raise one knee until you can wrap it with your hands (place it on the front, back or thigh), grasping it with interlocked fingers.
  • Gently push it towards your chest, until you feel a slight pull on your buttocks and lower back.
  • Hold for 20 seconds, making sure you breathe deeply.
  • Slowly release your leg, returning it to the starting position on the floor.
  • Repeat the exercise up to 3 times, then repeat with the other leg.
Prepare for a Night of Drinking Step 4
Prepare for a Night of Drinking Step 4

Step 6. Make an appointment with your doctor

Typically, sciatic nerve pain goes away on its own after a couple of weeks. If it does not subside or is very intense and home remedies are not effective, go to your doctor for a prescription. More severe symptoms rarely develop that require immediate medical attention. If you see the following warning signs, go to the emergency room:

  • Numbness affecting one or both legs
  • Pronounced weakness affecting one or both legs
  • Sudden loss of bladder or bowel control.

Method 2 of 2: Treating Sciatica

Relieve Back Pain Without Drugs Step 15
Relieve Back Pain Without Drugs Step 15

Step 1. Consult your doctor

Pain in the sciatic nerve can be caused by many conditions affecting the lower back and spine. Your doctor will be able to tell you which tests to undergo. The visits you will need to do will depend on your symptoms and your health, but typically include simple imaging tests, such as x-rays or MRIs. When describing your situation, try to be as comprehensive as possible to help your doctor determine which tests to do.

Get Rid of Extreme Back Spasms in the Morning Step 14
Get Rid of Extreme Back Spasms in the Morning Step 14

Step 2. Treat pain and inflammation with prescription medications

Usually, the pain in the sciatic nerve passes after a few weeks. If your doctor determines that you don't need surgery, he or she may still recommend medicines to relieve pain during healing. Here are some of the most prescribed:

  • Oral steroids, which have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and fight irritation in the region surrounding the sciatic nerve;
  • Muscle relaxants or narcotic analgesics to relieve pain.
Get Rid of Bad Back Pain Step 13
Get Rid of Bad Back Pain Step 13

Step 3. If the pain is particularly severe or debilitating, take steroid injections

They are very similar to oral steroids, in fact they temporarily reduce inflammation and irritation in the sciatic nerve region. They are more invasive than other medicines, but also more effective. If the pain is very severe, your doctor may recommend them.

Relieve Back Pain Naturally Step 16
Relieve Back Pain Naturally Step 16

Step 4. In severe cases, surgery should be considered

Sciatica can be caused by various factors and conditions, but an operation is generally not necessary. Instead, when it occurs because the bones of the spine come into contact with the sciatic nerve and "pinch" it, your doctor may recommend surgery to correct the problem. The most common are the following.

  • For a herniated disc (degenerative disease of the intervertebral disc, which has exposed the nerve to irritation), a microdiscectomy can be performed. With this procedure, the part of the disc that comes into contact with the nerve and irritates it is removed.
  • A lumbar laminectomy may be recommended for lumbar spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal leading to nerve pressure). It is a more elaborate surgery that consists of reshaping the disc to allow the nerve to assume a comfortable position again.
Get Rid of Bad Back Pain Step 7
Get Rid of Bad Back Pain Step 7

Step 5. Go to a physical therapist

Once your doctor has recommended medications and potential surgical solutions for sciatica pain, they may recommend that you start working with a physical therapist. Thanks to these sessions, you will learn exercises and stretching series to strengthen the core muscles and support the spine. Strengthening and stabilizing the lower back is the first step in finding permanent relief from sciatica.

Relieve Back Pain Naturally Step 1
Relieve Back Pain Naturally Step 1

Step 6. Go to a chiropractor

Many people with sciatica find this type of treatment to be effective in relieving pain. More research is needed to confirm its validity, but recent studies have shown promising results for a number of patients.

Get Rid of Bad Back Pain Step 9
Get Rid of Bad Back Pain Step 9

Step 7. Consider alternative treatments

If traditional therapies have not proved effective, ask your doctor for less usual solutions. Here are some ideas to consider:

  • Therapeutic massages to relieve tension and inflammation;
  • Yoga lessons, to promote the strengthening and flexibility of the trunk;
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy, to acquire techniques aimed at pain management;
  • Acupuncture or other traditional therapeutic methods.
