How to Control Stomach Noises in Public

How to Control Stomach Noises in Public
How to Control Stomach Noises in Public

Table of contents:


You are probably reading this article because you spend most of the day in a quiet place and from time to time your belly starts making unexpected noises that embarrass you. Don't be afraid, because those days are about to end.


Keep Your Stomach Quiet in Public Step 1
Keep Your Stomach Quiet in Public Step 1

Step 1. Eat slowly

The stomach cannot easily digest foods eaten in a hurry; if your stomach is too busy, it will let you know.

Keep Your Stomach Quiet in Public Step 2
Keep Your Stomach Quiet in Public Step 2

Step 2. Chew your food for a long time

Taking small bites makes digestion a lot easier for the stomach.

Keep Your Stomach Quiet in Public Step 3
Keep Your Stomach Quiet in Public Step 3

Step 3. Try to get a good amount of fiber in your diet

They don't have to be too many or too few. This is very important, because too much fiber can lead to constipation and too little will not be enough for the stomach. You can find fiber in "healthy" foods, such as fruits and vegetables. How many should you consume per day? Regardless of how small, tall, young or old you are, 20-30 grams of fiber per day will be enough for your stomach. Increasing the fiber in your diet will probably be enough for most people reading this article.

Keep Your Stomach Quiet in Public Step 4
Keep Your Stomach Quiet in Public Step 4

Step 4. Don't fast for long periods of time and then binge

Follow this simple advice; eat when you are hungry, regardless of the circumstances. Fasting will only make you hungrier. You will create other problems and not solve any of them.

Keep Your Stomach Quiet in Public Step 5
Keep Your Stomach Quiet in Public Step 5

Step 5. Try to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine

Just try to remember that we all digest with the stomach and there isn't a person whose stomach never grumbled when in a quiet room.


  • Do not worry.
  • If you've tried all these steps and nothing has changed, try seeing a doctor, or live with the problem, if it doesn't cause you too much embarrassment. Remember that it is not something as bad as it seems; the next time your stomach makes a noise, say something like "I'm hungry". People may also find it funny if you talk to your tummy like it's a baby. They will often laugh out loud. "Oh no, don't cry tummy; Dad will feed you soon, okay?". You may have heard that going on like nothing has happened is the best way to react to these events, but why not cover the sound of your stomach with laughter?
  • If you have intolerances to certain foods, you should avoid them.
