Don't you understand girls? No problem. This page explains everything you need to like and understand girls.

Step 1. If a girl likes you, she will likely behave very feminine, play with her hair or stare at you when you talk to her or are around her
Some even become self-conscious if she is next to a guy she likes.

Step 2. If you want a girl to like you, you need to understand her tastes
This is especially true if you like uncommon things. You might show interest in the same genre of music if, for example, a girl likes punk rock and the young people in your city are into hip hop.

Step 3. If, for example, you don't like punk rock, then just learn the name of some band
You don't have to listen to them, but she'll appreciate your interest in her taste in music.

Step 4. If you want a girl to understand that you like her, talk to her at every opportunity (but don't overdo it or she'll get annoyed). Fix her and be shy
Girls often find him cute.

Step 5. If you have a girlfriend, there are many clues as to what she wants

Step 6. Don't kiss a girl if you haven't been dating for at least a week, or she'll feel forced into a relationship
If she looks at you and smiles at you when there is silence between the two of you, plays with her hair and bites her lip, these could be invitations to kiss her.

Step 7. If she wants me to leave her alone, she will keep away from you more than usual and talk to you less

Step 8. If she is sad, she will act as if everything is fine, making it more difficult to understand her
Sometimes, however, he will show you his emotions. He will behave differently than normal and, if you are persistent, he will probably burst into tears. Girls don't like to show their weaknesses.

Step 9. If she is angry with you, she will act as if you are neglecting her
If she does this, wait a day and then invite her out or do something romantic. He will forgive you for being nice enough, even if you don't understand the reason for his behavior. Don't apologize if you don't know what you did wrong - maybe she wasn't mad at you.

Step 10. If he is cheating on you, he may be acting defensively and will be less available or will simply not go out with you as often
When she's with you, she'll be prettier and more distracted than usual.
- Try to understand it. If she is angry or annoyed, don't always conclude that it is because of you.
- Don't forget her birthday! If you forget it, solve it with an extremely generous gift. It doesn't have to be expensive if you can't afford it, but it has to be something he'll love.
- It is a good idea to do something with a group of friends, such as going to a movie. If you invite a girl you like, only leave after she's gone, and if you can, meet her parents. During the movie, if you're lucky, she'll sit next to you, don't make a gaffe, this will make her think you're an idiot and take away any interest in you! If you invite your girlfriend instead, don't behave too tenderly in front of everyone, this could disturb or hurt others.
- Sometimes if your girlfriend is mad at you, she won't show it… try to observe the changes in her gestures or if she is acting a little colder than usual with you. Most likely, she will talk to her friends, so watch this too.
- Do not assume that she is menstruating if she is angry or a little annoyed with you. If she wasn't mad at you before, she will be if you ask her. It doesn't matter if she has it or she doesn't, your question will be offensive to her.
- Don't make excuses to go out with her. Even if you're not together, if you ask her out it's because you like her.
- These techniques may not work with some girls.
- Before you try, make sure she doesn't have an aggressive boyfriend. It could end badly.
- Her parents may disagree with her going out with you, so don't be disheartened if she hasn't told them or other people, it doesn't mean she's ashamed.
- Don't play with his feelings. Be honest with her.