How to Increase Your Motivation: 11 Steps

How to Increase Your Motivation: 11 Steps
How to Increase Your Motivation: 11 Steps

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Have you ever wondered how people manage to achieve their goals? We've all seen Olympians, prima ballerinas and people like Bill Gates accomplish a difficult feat. How do they do it? Is there something that distinguishes them from most of us?

Take for example Sir Edmund Hillary; along with Tenzing Norgay, he was the first person in the world to reach the top of Mount Everest. He started without knowing if it would even be possible to reach the finish line until he did. How did he manage to persist? In an interview, Hillary stressed the importance of having strong motivation, focus on the task in question and careful planning for achieving success.

Do you want to acquire the stubbornness necessary to aim high? Follow these steps to build your motivation to overcome obstacles and achieve great success.


Improve Motivation Step 1
Improve Motivation Step 1

Step 1. Identify your purpose, trying to be as specific as possible

Do you want to lose weight so you can wear your favorite outfit, feel healthy or look great (or maybe all of these things together)? Are you looking for extra income for your dream vacation, a night out of town, a new car? Or maybe you want to tidy up an overflowing wardrobe?

Improve Motivation Step 2
Improve Motivation Step 2

Step 2. Determine why you want to achieve this and imagine the end result

When you are in shape, will you enjoy the vigor and strength you have earned or will you feel satisfied with the admiration of those who look at you? Will you get excitement from traveling to a new place? When you need to easily find the stuff in your closet, will you feel satisfied with having easily found what you wanted and being able to close the door without having to push it? Motivation must first receive the blessing of one's mind.

Improve Motivation Step 3
Improve Motivation Step 3

Step 3. Use imagination as a technique to define your goals

How do you imagine you feel? Sure of yourself? Enthusiastic? Realized? Close your eyes and visualize and feel how it should really be when your destination is reached. Feel it with your whole body. Repeat this exercise as often as necessary, at least twice a day.

Improve Motivation Step 4
Improve Motivation Step 4

Step 4. Write down your goal and vision

Writing the goal tends to achieve more successful results than simply thinking about it. When you put your goals on paper and can look at them every day, stay focused on the desire for them to succeed, especially if it is a goal that will take time to achieve. No matter what your efforts are aimed at, you will face challenges all along your path. Writing down your goal and putting it into view will keep you striving towards its realization.

Improve Motivation Step 5
Improve Motivation Step 5

Step 5. Cross the finish line by advancing in small steps

Make your entire project realistic by going systematically. Tidy up your ideas and write down all the little things that come to your mind that will get you excited.

  • If losing 10 pounds is your ultimate goal, you will achieve smaller successes along the way. Note these progress, as well as the activities on your fitness and diet program that you enjoy.
  • If you want to earn an extra 8 thousand euros for the vacation of your dreams, think realistically about how much you could really earn each week until the end. Could you start by setting aside some money each week by recovering it from what you already earn? Do you need to take a look online to get a second job? What kind of work would be feasible? Write down all your ideas.
  • Tidying up an overflowing closet can take more than one session. Take a look at your closet and start with a single section of it. Can you first put your hand on the part on the ground? To the top shelf? Establish priority zones and start working.
Improve Motivation Step 6
Improve Motivation Step 6

Step 6. Create an action plan

Look at the goals and activities you wrote down. Then, imagine which of these would need to be done each day to work towards your goal.

  • What kind of workouts will you do?

    • Strength training?
    • Cardiovascular workouts?
  • Where will that extra money come from?

    • Extraordinary?
    • Second job?
    • From your current salary when will you receive it?
  • How long will it take you to rearrange that wardrobe?

    • 15 minutes a day?
    • 30 minutes a day?
    • Moreover?
  • Where will you start from?

    • From the ground?
    • Off the shelves?
    • From the hanging stuff?
    Improve Motivation Step 7
    Improve Motivation Step 7

    Step 7. Look at your schedule every day, confirm your goals and tweak it if necessary

    Improve Motivation Step 8
    Improve Motivation Step 8

    Step 8. Create an encouraging atmosphere

    Every challenging journey has its failures. Surround yourself with friendly people and environments. Stay positive and determined about your purpose. As Edmund Hillary suggests, "Almost everything requires moments of great challenges, and if you are able to overcome these challenges, you can feel a great sense of satisfaction." Recognize defeats for what they are and stay focused. Your path is just as important as your ultimate goal.

    Improve Motivation Step 9
    Improve Motivation Step 9

    Step 9. Laugh at defeats and celebrate successes

    Take the time to pause to acknowledge to yourself the small progress you have made. When you've just made a little progress, treat yourself to something nice.

    • Get a massage.
    • Enjoy a special meal with friends or alone.
    • Take a bubble bath.
    • Buy yourself a set of gloves for weighting.
    • Treat yourself to a yoga session or something you find relaxing.
    • Enjoy a good book.
    Improve Motivation Step 10
    Improve Motivation Step 10

    Step 10. Take responsibility for achieving your goal

    Acknowledge and accept that you are the only one who can take you where you want. Remember: You can do it, and if you take your goals seriously, so will those around you.

    Improve Motivation Step 11
    Improve Motivation Step 11

    Step 11. Stay in control of your schedule and seek the resources and determination that will help you

    • Make appointments with yourself.
    • Learn to say "no" when someone asks you for a bit of their time but this would conflict with going to the end of your purpose.
    • Join support groups in your community or online. Find your like.
    • Ask for support from the family.
    • Express your desire for help if you need it. He begins to see the act of asking for help as a sign of strength.


    • Going all the way to your goal and celebrating the little progress along the way may be addicting.
    • Constant progress may lead you to want to create new and more challenging goals for yourself.
    • If you enjoy being successful, your motivation will increase and you may not just be limited to meeting goals, but you may even exceed them.