Our poor ancestors had to peel lemons with the only help of stone knives. Fortunately, we now have many kitchen tools available to help us in this task and even a carpentry tool that has proven very useful for chefs: the long blade grater. A potato peeler or regular grater can peel a lemon without any problems or you can use a curved knife and learn the old technique.
Method 1 of 4: Use a Standard or Long Blade Grater

Step 1. Rinse the lemon
It is essential to wash the fruit when you plan to eat the peel. Rub it vigorously under running water quickly using soap and hands or a clean sponge.

Step 2. Prepare your tools on the cutting board
The long blade grater is able to reduce the zest into very thin crumbs, perfect for baked goods. If you don't have this kind of tool, use a regular grater with the smallest holes possible. Here's how to proceed:
- Long blade or flat blade grater: hold the handle close to the body and tilt the tool over the cutting board at a 45 ° angle. If the flat grater is unstable, place it on the edge of a bowl.
- Multifunction square grater: place the grater on the cutting board with the side that guarantees a finer cut oriented towards the hand holding the lemon. Push the handle down to prevent the tool from slipping.

Step 3. Grate only the yellow part of the zest
Rub the lemon on the tool just enough to remove the yellow portion of the peel, avoiding the bitter albedo. Most normal graters are able to reach the white layer with a single pass; for this reason you have to be very delicate, unless you are using the long blade one.
Standard graters only cut in one direction and long blade graters in both, although it is easier to push the lemon down and then lift it to bring it back to the beginning of the tool

Step 4. Flip the lemon and repeat the process
Once you have reached the albedo layer, rotate the fruit and grate the next strip of zest. Continue this way until you have either removed all the skin or have enough for the recipe.
There is no need to remove any fragments of yellow peel that remain on the fruit or to grate the ends as well
Method 2 of 4: With a Rigalimoni

Step 1. To create the typical spiral toppings of cocktails, use a rigalimoni
This tool resembles a small claw to which thin teeth or sharp holes are connected, thanks to which it is able to reduce the peel of citrus fruits into thin strips to decorate drinks.
- However, when a recipe calls for the use of zest, it always means finely grated or chopped. You can use a rigalimoni, but then you will have to shred the strips.
- You can also make the classic "curl" with lemon peel with a potato peeler, as described below.

Step 2. Wash the lemon
Rub it with soap under warm running water. If possible, use a fruit that has not been waxed and has not undergone chemical treatments. The wax is usually harmless (as per European and US regulations), but it can alter the flavor of the cocktail.

Step 3. Run the rigalimoni over the surface of the citrus to peel off long strips of peel
Press the teeth of the tool against the zest and drag it all along the lemon. If you want very long, decorative strips, rotate the lemon as you go.
Method 3 of 4: With a potato peeler

Step 1. Wash the lemon
As always, wash the fruit with soap and water. Since you will be eating the peel, you need to be sure that you have eliminated the pesticides and insects that are on the surface.

Step 2. Prepare the zest for your recipe
This tool is not the most suitable for preparing citrus peel to incorporate into recipes; however, it is a great help if you don't have anything better. Drag the peeler blade trying to remove the minimum amount of albedo. Once you have removed a strip of zest, chop it finely with a knife.
In this way the lemon peel will be less fragrant than the grated one, especially when compared with the one removed by a long blade grater. If you wish, however, you can increase the doses to compensate for this effect, but be aware that the bits of peel will be noticeable and the final dish less attractive

Step 3. Create decorative curls for the cocktails
Remove a short, wide strip of peel, as described above. Hold it peel side over the glass and you can twist it around your thumb and forefinger to release the aromatic oils. Rub the strip on the edge of the glass to enhance the lemon flavor and then drop the zest onto the surface of the drink.
In drinks, the bitter taste of albedo is very evident. The inside of the rind should show several pores on the yellow surface; if there is a thick layer of white material, carefully scrape it with a curved knife
Method 4 of 4: With a Curved Knife

Step 1. Choose a small knife with a sharp blade
A knife is certainly the most challenging tool for this kind of work, but it still has its benefits. You don't have to fill the kitchen with thousands of tools that have a single function, and a blade can neatly and precisely peel off the zest, while, with the other methods, you get a moist and sticky mass. Read on to learn this technique.

Step 2. Cut both ends of a clean lemon
After washing it, remove its ends where it begins to taper. Place one flat side of the lemon on the cutting board.

Step 3. Slice a thin strip of zest
Proceed by cutting a slice of peel on one side of the citrus right where the yellow layer joins the albedo. It is easier if you start from the center of the lemon, where it is more "paunchy".

Step 4. Remove the albedo
Hold the strip of peel on the cutting board with one hand, with the yellow side facing down. Lay the knife blade flat, over the albedo, so that the edge is oriented away from your body. Scrape the surface of the zest at a minimal angle to remove the white layer.

Step 5. Julienne the peel
This means that you have to "reduce the zest into thin strips". To avoid cutting your fingers, close them lightly towards the palm of your hand, in a "claw" position. With this type of grip, the knuckles are closer to the blade than the fingertips. As long as you keep the cutting edge lower than your knuckles, you don't run the risk of cutting yourself, even if the knife slips.

Step 6. Cut the zest into cubes
Gather the thin strips of peel into a single bunch and rotate them 90 degrees. Cut them again using the same technique described above to create very small pieces of zest.