It's not always easy to stay focused in the classroom. Unfortunately, daydreaming can compromise academic performance. If it's a problem, don't worry! If you are more involved in class and take care of yourself, you can reduce the risk of fantasizing and improve your grades.
Part 1 of 3: Actively Participate in the Lesson
Step 1. Sit in the front rows of desks
If you stay in the center, you will be able to give the teacher your full attention. This way, you won't have time to daydream, at least without risking getting caught.
If the professors are filling the seats and you are in the back row, talk to a teacher. It will likely allow you to choose a desk closer to the teacher's desk
Step 2. Take notes well
Write down key points instead of copying word for word what the professors write on the board. This way, you will have the opportunity to interact in the classroom instead of learning the concepts in a boring and monotonous way.
- To get involved in the lesson, try to personalize your notes. Find out if you prefer to highlight the basic steps of the explanation or create a synoptic diagram. Whatever the method, you will remain more active and alert.
- Review your previous notes to make sure you are following the day's lesson correctly. Find the links between the previous and ongoing explanations. By doing so, you will become more familiar with the topics presented in class and will keep the tendency to chase your thoughts at bay.
Step 3. Raise your hand
Use it to answer questions and don't be afraid to ask for clarification if you don't understand something. If you know the subjects and are involved, you will not succumb to the temptation to fantasize.
Interacting in the classroom does not mean keeping your hand constantly raised. Respond only when you are sure you are making a meaningful contribution, but try to gain the trust of others. That way, if you begin to lose touch with reality, they will instead believe that you are attentive and interested
Step 4. Take a short break
Ask to go to the bathroom and take the opportunity to do some stretching or drink a sip of water. This way, you will be able to concentrate once you are back in the classroom. Return to class ready to ask questions and interact.
Part 2 of 3: Preparing the Body and Mind
Step 1. Choose foods that nourish the brain
Foods rich in nutrients, including antioxidants, vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium, will provide you with energy for a long time. If you consume dishes that increase concentration and give you the right charge, you will be able to pay more attention to the lesson and avoid daydreaming.
- Stay away from foods that are high in sugar and fat. They will produce a glycemic peak for which the body will immediately use the energy received and then lose strength as a result of rapid energy depletion. So don't eat the sugar-coated cereal or croissant for breakfast, because they don't give you the slow-release calories you need to stay alert and focused.
- For example, choose blueberries, which contain antioxidants, or whole grains, which are rich in carbohydrates to keep energy levels constant. When you consume healthy foods, such as whole grain oats, you won't get distracted and daydream around lunchtime.
Step 2. Drink water
If you want to be able to concentrate and avoid being absorbed in your thoughts, you need to prepare yourself physically, as if you were going to participate in a marathon.
- If you don't hydrate properly, you could lose focus and suffer from headaches.
- Dehydration can also impair attention to such an extent that it distracts you from what you need to do and causes you to daydream.
Step 3. Find time to go with the flow of your thoughts in more appropriate contexts
The tendency to cultivate one's imagination is not inherently bad, although in class it is not a good idea. So, take a few moments to relax. As you prepare your mind and body, you will be more likely to stay focused and avoid fantasizing.
- A calendar or electronic diary can help you plan your days, including free time. It will allow you to create a routine before you even acquire it automatically.
- You can practice yoga, take a nap, watch something on Netflix or listen to some music. By planning an enjoyable activity, you will be able to relieve stress and have moments that will reward you for the concentration you had to devote to studying during the rest of the day.
Part 3 of 3: Sufficient Sleep
Step 1. Don't underestimate rest
The most common reason for daydreaming is that our minds start wandering due to fatigue. So, a good sleep / wake cycle and a routine can boost your focus throughout the day.
- Sleeping eight hours a night is the most beneficial solution you can take to promote concentration throughout the day. However, for some people the right amount of rest is between 6 and 9 hours of sleep. Find out how many hours it takes you to be active and fit them into your routine.
- The feeling of drowsiness and attention depends on the circadian rhythm, which is a physiological process whereby the human body naturally feels tired as the day passes. If you've got enough sleep, you won't feel faint and sluggish in the middle of the day.
Step 2. Avoid exposing yourself to blue light
The blue light emitted by technological devices inhibits the brain's production of melatonin. This chemical controls the sleep / wake cycle. Even if you think you've got enough sleep, you'll still feel tired the next day if your brain doesn't produce the chemicals it needs to rest. Getting enough sleep also means allowing the brain to rest properly.
- Blue light is emitted by most electronic devices used in daily life, including laptops, televisions and cell phones.
- If you can't help but control your mobile phone, Android and Apple systems offer applications that allow the screen to produce warmer shades (red / yellow) thanks to which you can use the device in the evening without compromising the rest of the brain.
Step 3. Get a routine
It may be difficult at first, but the best way to sleep well is to establish a routine. Going to sleep at the same time every night will help your body understand when it's time to stop and recharge for the next day.
- When you start following your established routine, you will need to take some extra steps to get to sleep. Drink herbal tea, such as chamomile tea, or read a book.
- Despite these habits, it is not certain that with a good sleep you will be able to keep the tendency to daydream at bay. Accept the possibility of having a hard day and get off to a good start.
- Keep a bottle of water on hand to keep yourself hydrated.
- Try to link the notes taken from the times before the lesson of the day so that you always remain mentally active.
- Start following a routine that allows you to stay focused in class without getting bored.