By becoming the class fool you will entertain your classmates and you will be very popular among them. This will also bring you closer to your teacher because she will go down hard with you and, once the year is over, both you and your teacher will laugh heartily thinking back to those moments.

Step 1. Look for a teacher who doesn't get mad at you when you make your jokes
Try saying random things. Let's say your teacher breaks a window in the classroom. You could stand up and say, using a deep, playful tone of voice, "The master broke the window of transparency."

Step 2. When the teacher is not looking at you, stand up and start dancing; then, sit down again
This is a very fun joke to play, especially if in the meantime the teacher continues to talk while you are dancing. It is called "the move of the party-goer".

Step 3. Make funny noises and speak in a foreign accent

Step 4. Make sarcastic comments

Step 5. Behave like a little angel for a whole day
It's even more fun.

Step 6. When the teacher looks the other way, raise both arms to the sky and make the peace sign using your index and middle finger of both hands
Nixon did it.

Step 7. Give witty answers to a teacher after politely asking him to go to the bathroom and the teacher replies, "(I don't know) What do you think?
. Answer like this:
- "I don't know, let's find out!" Then start walking towards the exit to go to the bathroom.
- "Why are you asking me to give you certain information?" Act like you feel disgusted.
- "Well, usually the teacher has to decide. But if he wants me to make the decision, it suits me perfectly."
- "Why should I know?" Act like you are confused.
- "Well, I don't see why not!"
- "The last time I checked, I could have done it very well."
- "If I couldn't do it, what would I be doing at school?"
- "Well, I should be able to do that now, right?"
- "It depends, I have my good days and my bad days."

Step 8. Give short, concise one-word answers
Yes - No - Maybe - Sometimes - Probably - Guess what - I have no idea - Nowadays, it's hard to tell - I think so! - I'm pretty sure."

Step 9. When someone is standing in front of you and talking, look blankly at this person and then, suddenly and without warning, take a bottle of deodorant out of your pocket and after a few seconds, look pleased with yourself and apply the armpit deodorant, apologize and ask your interlocutor to continue
(Better not try this move with teachers, unless it's a very informal discussion).

Step 10. When you are walking through the corridors, knock on the door of another classroom
Your mates will laugh. Run away in silence, in case they ever open the door. (The best thing would be to knock softly two times. At that point, they will have to open).

Step 11. If you are part of a specific group, (losers, athletes, etc.)
) Use your jokes as a weapon against your ever-present enemies.

Step 12. Place a farting pillow in your back pocket, sit down, and after making strange noises, accuse someone else:
"DAMN! What the hell was that ?? LALLA !! I DIDN'T KNOW THAT THE LADIES WOULD DISCOURAGE THIS. " When she claims it wasn't her and accuses you of making the noise yourself, you reply: "OPEN THE WINDOW !!!"

Step 13. Master the art of dry, sharp jokes
You can use them to insult and humiliate those who hate you and try to imitate you. Try to generalize unless you want to attack a particular group.

Step 14. Act like you were insane for one day and become a genius the next

Step 15. If school permits, wear t-shirts with funny lettering
Phrases like "Finland!" on your shirt will make you look more fun. Also, he wears weird clothing.

Step 16. If you have a reputation for yourself (for example, the clever type), you should take this into your jokes

Step 17. Try to do something very strange and make a very serious face
Act as if what you are doing is completely normal.

Step 18. Act like a famous cartoon character would do for a day

Step 19. Start singing a loud song while taking notes in class

Step 20. Start quoting typical classroom pickup phrases out loud

Step 21. Give original answers that no one else would think of
For example, if the teacher were to ask: "What would happen if a pupil were walking in the forest and throwing a can of Coca Cola on the street? What if a raccoon finds her? You say, "Well, it looks like Coca Cola has found a new customer!"

Step 22. Try to be as stupid as you can

Step 23. Make a serious expression and then tell a joke; it's more fun that way

Step 24. Plan and direct the show
Recruit companions to participate in your antics.
Ask a friend sitting behind you to make realistic body noises every time you move forward in your chair

Step 25. For a full week, walk into the classroom with one of those paper toilet seat covers attached to your pants

Step 26. Tell everyone that your new nickname is "Dragon" and only respond to your teacher when he or she addresses you by calling you that

Step 27. Make jokes about your mates' mothers
- Try not to laugh at your jokes, so the teacher will believe you are serious.
- Be sure of yourself. This is the key to being able to impress your teammates.
- It starts at the beginning of the year. That way, others won't think it's weird when you suddenly start acting like a fool.
- Try to appreciate the humor of others. Don't be a snob when it comes to the art of entertaining. If someone else makes a joke or you aren't the only fool in the class, work with them to increase the fun.
- Don't get carried away. Sometimes it is easy to get carried away and end up overdoing it. That way, you would end up losing credibility as a class idiot.
- Ask serious questions from time to time and pay attention in class. By doing so, your teacher will get a good opinion of you. You might even find some good opportunities for an extra joke. Example: Teacher - What would you do with this problem? You - blah blah (correct answer). Teacher - I thought you would have made some stupid jokes … You - contrary to what they say around, I don't always say what I think!
- Do your homework because others will tell you that you are stupid, so you will have to use your report card to prove them wrong. If a teacher accuses you of never paying attention in class, say "is that why I always get top marks in his subject?"
- Others may think your behavior is hateful, weird, or annoying. You will have a lot of followers, but you risk losing a lot of friends.
- Remember, you need to make your jokes for the benefit of others, not for yourself. Anyway, if you have a laugh too, so be it.
- You could end up in detention, suspended or even expelled.
- You could really lose some friends and the respect of others by following these instructions, but, hey, who knows? You could make other friends and earn their respect.