Cheating on an exam is never a good idea - you are deceiving yourself and compromising your future. However, if you really have to do it, at least try to get it right.
Method 1 of 10: Mechanical Pencil 1

Step 1. Using a mechanical pencil, write your exam notes on a thin strip of paper
Use something stronger than a sheet of paper in a notebook. Those for printers or drawing paper will do.

Step 2. Cover the sheet of paper with masking tape and press it firmly

Step 3. Tear off the tape and wrap it around the pencil you will use during the exam
All you have to do is rotate the pencil to read the notes.
Method 2 of 10: Mechanical Pencil 2

Step 1. Write your notes on a thin strip of paper and hide the rolled paper inside the mechanical pencil
Since the body of the pencil is transparent, you just need to twist it in your hand to cheat easily.
To make this less obvious, write or print the notes you will need during the exam in the same color as the pencil.
Cheat on a Test Using Pens or Pencils Step 4Bullet1
Method 3 of 10: Mechanical Pencil 3

Step 1. Roll up your notes inside a mechanical pencil

Step 2. Bring the pencil to class with only a nearly depleted lead inside
When you open the pencil to replace the lead, you can take your notes from the inside.
When you are done with your notes, insert the sheet of paper in a bubble gum wrapper and throw away the evidence.
Cheat on a Test Using Pens or Pencils Step 6Bullet1
Method 4 of 10: Cap of a Pen

Step 1. Write your notes on a small piece of paper
Make sure you can fit it inside a pen cap.

Step 2. Roll up the sheet of paper and insert it into the cap of the pen you intend to use during the exam
Put the cap back on the pen leaving the tip uncovered.
Cheat on a Test Using Pens or Pencils Step 8Bullet1

Step 3. Remove the sheet during the examination
Note: this will likely require some patience.
Use multiple pens to hide other notes.
Cheat on a Test Using Pens or Pencils Step 9Bullet1
Method 5 of 10: White Pencil

Step 1. If you are allowed to bring sheets of paper to the exam, write all your notes using a white pencil
Press as hard as you can as you type to leave a readable mark. The teacher will not easily notice the marks made with a white pencil, especially from a certain distance.
White ink may also work, but it's better if you test it before the exam.
Cheat on a Test Using Pens or Pencils Step 10Bullet1 -
Do not use concealer. It is more evident.
Cheat on a Test Using Pens or Pencils Step 10Bullet2
Method 6 of 10: Black / Red Pen

Step 1. If the exams are corrected in class, put black ink in a red pen
Write the right answers while your teacher is distracted and swap the red fake pen for a real one if he gets close to your desk.
Method 7 of 10: Traditional Pencil

Step 1. Write small notes on the side of a pencil that you will keep on your desk, with the notes face down
Rotate the pencil to read the notes.
Method 8 of 10: Pencil Case

Step 1. Bring a pencil case to class, preferably a clear one

Step 2. Write your answers on a piece of paper and glue it to the inside of the case lid
The answers should be visible.

Step 3. Bring the case to class during the exam
Make sure you keep it out of the teacher's view.

Step 4. Get rid of the evidence once you're done
Method 9 of 10: Eraser to Erase

Step 1. Some tires are wrapped in a piece of cardboard that packs them
You can tear off that piece of cardboard and write your answers under it.

Step 2. Glue the ends of the piece of cardboard again using glue or tape
Remove it again during the exam.
Method 10 of 10: Pen with Erasable Ink

Step 1. Delete the wrong answers
Sometimes teachers allow students to correct their homework. If this is the case for you, do the assignment using a pen with erasable ink, cross out the wrong answers and write down the right ones.