This is the best way to use athletic starting blocks.

Step 1. Hold the blocks with your hands

Step 2. Turn around to the opposite side of the track ahead

Step 3. Put your heel on the inside edge of the starting line

Step 4. Place the blocks on the track near your toes (the flat metal part at the tip of the main frame)

Step 5. Stomp them with your feet to position yourself well and avoid wriggling

Step 6. Find your strongest foot
It will be the foot you will use to shoot (closest to the line).

Step 7. Adjust the angle of the foot well using the spring on the back by adjusting it to the last or penultimate angle (according to your preferences)

Step 8. Place the weaker foot in the rear block, using the highest or second incline from the top, based on personal preference
Method 1 of 1: Part 1: Place the Blocks

Step 1. Begin by placing your strongest foot:
in the opposite direction to go. Put the heel on the line. Place the other heel against the toe. You should be two feet from the line. Place the blocks so that the spines are flat on the tartan surface of the blocks. As you stand on the blocks, the knee of the front leg should just touch the line.
Weaker Foot: Do the same but 3 feet from the line instead of 2.
Use Starting Blocks Step 9Bullet1

Step 2. You need to know how to position yourself on the blocks properly
Your toes must not touch the ground, they must be on the blocks. Stay in contact with the blocks for a more powerful shot.
At "ready", you will have to find yourself kneeling with your hands at your shoulders and your fingers close to the starting line.
Use Starting Blocks Step 10Bullet1

Step 3. Fully extend your elbows until you hear the gun firing
So you will have a greater starting shot. Rotate your arms out, palms and elbows. Then, rotate your hands inward, thus turning your palms inward as well. The elbows must remain outwards.

Step 4. Lean forward and shift your weight onto your hands, don't bend your back too much and keep a straight line with your body for optimal power

Step 5. Listen to "Departure"
After this announcement, raise the back of your body while always staying in position and breathing fast. Hold your breath early and when the gun fires exhale as you dash away from the blocks. Try to take long steps instead of short but quick steps.

Step 6. During the first step, move one arm back and one forward exasperating the movements and make sure that the front knee moves as far forward as possible
This will give you a very powerful initial shot.