How to Strengthen Weak Muscles: 9 Steps

How to Strengthen Weak Muscles: 9 Steps
How to Strengthen Weak Muscles: 9 Steps

Table of contents:


Strong, well-sculpted muscles can give you a healthy and sexy look. It is easy to gain muscle mass if you are in decent shape, but those who are particularly weak need to take special precautions when trying to build muscle mass. This article shows you how to gain muscle mass through a combination of diet and exercise.


Part 1 of 2: Exercises

Get Stronger Muscles When You Are Currently Weak Step 1
Get Stronger Muscles When You Are Currently Weak Step 1

Step 1. Before starting your workout, create a routine

It will keep you focused and will be a great way to track progress. If you can afford it, talk to a personal trainer at the gym to get you to come up with an effective plan. If you don't go to the gym, download some fitness tests from the internet and do them to measure your fitness level and create the right program yourself. You can do the exercises at home or in the gym - remember that you can modify those that require extra equipment if you work at home.

Get Stronger Muscles When You Are Currently Weak Step 2
Get Stronger Muscles When You Are Currently Weak Step 2

Step 2. Start with a set of dumbbells if you want to build muscle mass and have nice strong muscles, or use rubber bands for lean, toned muscles

If you are weak, you will need to start with dumbbells from 1.5 to 3.5 kg, to be lifted with repetitions of 8 to 12 for 2-3 times. If you use rubber bands, start with light and medium strength ones.

Get Stronger Muscles When You Are Currently Weak Step 3
Get Stronger Muscles When You Are Currently Weak Step 3

Step 3. As a beginner, you should do lifts 2-3 times a week and never on consecutive days because the body needs to rest the muscles from exertion to make them grow

Get Stronger Muscles When You Are Currently Weak Step 4
Get Stronger Muscles When You Are Currently Weak Step 4

Step 4. Depending on your needs, do exercises such as pushups, overhead extensions, barbells, pushes, squats, and lunges

You can do them with dumbbells or with rubber bands. Try to do 8-12 repetitions 2-3 times each.

You should know the correct form for each exercise before performing it. The exact way not only saves you trouble, but brings maximum benefits. Watch videos on the internet for a demonstration

Get Stronger Muscles When You Are Currently Weak Step 5
Get Stronger Muscles When You Are Currently Weak Step 5

Step 5. Continue this routine for 2 weeks

Later, you can increase the load of the dumbbells or the resistance of the bands. After 4 weeks, you will need to change the routine to avoid getting used to it. You can always modify the routine by changing the order of execution of the exercises; lifting more weight and introducing new exercises.

Get Stronger Muscles When You Are Currently Weak Step 6
Get Stronger Muscles When You Are Currently Weak Step 6

Step 6. Do cardiovascular exercise 3 times a week; cardio should be practiced on days when you don't do weightlifting

Sessions should last from 30 minutes to one hour. Examples of excellent cardio activities are running, skipping, swimming, and bicycling. Change activities every two weeks.

Part 2 of 2: Nutrition

Get Stronger Muscles When You Are Currently Weak Step 7
Get Stronger Muscles When You Are Currently Weak Step 7

Step 1. Eat a balanced and healthy diet

Without a proper diet, your efforts in the gym are useless.

Get Stronger Muscles When You Are Currently Weak Step 8
Get Stronger Muscles When You Are Currently Weak Step 8

Step 2. You need to eat the right amount of protein

Use the internet to figure out how many grams you should introduce per day (depending on your weight and physical activity). The best sources of protein are:

  • Dried fruit and peanut butter
  • Quinoa
  • Beans and other legumes
  • Soya milk
  • Cheese
  • Egg
  • Lean meats, poultry and fish
  • Tofu and tempeh
  • Protein supplements made from whey, hemp and peas.
Get Stronger Muscles When You Are Currently Weak Step 9
Get Stronger Muscles When You Are Currently Weak Step 9

Step 3. Try to introduce very few processed foods and many raw foods

Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, fruits, and whole grains. Choose foods that are full of nutrients and fiber and low in fat.

Avoid fizzy drinks and sugars. Drink alcohol in moderation


  • Push yourself beyond the limits! Don't stop when you are tired. Do something more! And then, enjoy a well-deserved rest.
  • Don't give up, keep trying until you get to your goal.
  • Take your time and be patient. Over time, you will develop strength. Don't rush.
  • Get enough sleep. Your body needs a lot of rest so sleep at least seven hours a night.
  • Take one day a week off.
  • Try to measure your muscles before and after the result.
  • Keep faith with what you impose on yourself! The only way to strengthen yourself is to do weights often. Also try to practice in activities that involve all the muscles, not just the thumbs!
  • Pay attention to the core which will help you develop strength in the upper and lower parts of the body. Try yoga once a week to strengthen your core muscles.
  • Organic foods are better because they contain all the necessary nutrients. Doing slow movements with repetitions of 2 and 4 seconds is also good. Changing your exercise routine every month is perfect because if your body isn't used to it and you don't vary, your body won't change either. Break up meals if you are looking to gain mass; do 5-7 a day, one every two hours.
  • Experiment with a vegan diet as animal-based foods, while containing protein, are also high in fat and cholesterol. The plant-based ones do not contain cholesterol.


  • If you go to the gym, make sure you do what you can. Don't try to compete with others who lifts the most weight. Each is different and if you are consistent in your routine and diet you will see progress.
  • Don't take steroids to build muscle - they hurt.
  • Consult your doctor before starting an exercise program.
