How to Use Magic and Delve into the Occult

How to Use Magic and Delve into the Occult
How to Use Magic and Delve into the Occult

Table of contents:


In our society, the world of the occult is both reviled and revered at the same time. Filled with mysteries, the occult world has been exposed for thousands of years to the dogmatic protests of intolerant religions and science. Thanks to this guide, you too can finally enter the mysterious world of magic and the occult.


Use Magic and Enter the Occult Step 1
Use Magic and Enter the Occult Step 1

Step 1. Tune in

To be successful in the world of magic, you need to be in complete harmony with your body and mind. If possible, meditate daily to calm your mind.

Use Magic and Enter the Occult Step 2
Use Magic and Enter the Occult Step 2

Step 2. Develop your magical perceptions

To move properly in the world of magic, you need to gain an understanding of the forces you are confronting yourself with. Learn about some important concepts such as chi, chakras, Od Ob and Aur, astral light and life force, and try to sharpen your insights into this. In the long run, he aims to develop the psychic faculties of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairvoyance to make sure he can master the metaphysical forces. Meditate.

Use Magic and Enter the Occult Step 3
Use Magic and Enter the Occult Step 3

Step 3. Decide what you want

A good spell should have a well-formed intent to be fully aware of the possible results. Think clearly about what you want to happen, and make sure it is an achievable wish. In the first months of practice, do not deal with things that are too big for your preparation by pretending, for example, to give life to thunder.

Use Magic and Enter the Occult Step 4
Use Magic and Enter the Occult Step 4

Step 4. Create a plan

Create a general description of the steps required to perform your spell. Generally you will have to include the acquisition of energy, the focusing of the will, and the channeling of the energy towards the will. However, you can also insert an evocation of spirits, demons, angels and divine beings, and the design of protective circles for the most dangerous acts.

Use Magic and Enter the Occult Step 5
Use Magic and Enter the Occult Step 5

Step 5. Summarize your plan

Apply the principle of Occam's Razor to the plan of your spell or ritual. Eliminate what is unnecessary. Make sure everything you do has a purpose so you don't get distracted and make sure your plan steps are specific to avoid missing out on something important.

Use Magic and Enter the Occult Step 6
Use Magic and Enter the Occult Step 6

Step 6. Get the material

Some rituals involve using meaningful objects as a focus for the mind or as a symbol of the presence of higher forces. Other spells instead, require only the concentration of the will (it could be a greater degree of difficulty). Make sure you get all the necessary materials and items in advance.

Ceremonial items can include: candles, swords, wands, cups, discs, charms, cards and special robes

Use Magic and Enter the Occult Step 7
Use Magic and Enter the Occult Step 7

Step 7. Cast the spell

Follow the steps outlined in your plan meticulously and confidently, and await the manifestation of results. Don't get frustrated if something doesn't happen immediately, even the simplest spells can take days of practice for a beginner and even manifest in unexpected forms.

Use Magic and Enter the Occult Step 8
Use Magic and Enter the Occult Step 8

Step 8. Keep a journal and record the process, execution, and eventual results of your spells

It will become your "Book of Shadows."

Use Magic and Enter the Occult Step 9
Use Magic and Enter the Occult Step 9

Step 9. Practice

The greatest magicians in existence have dedicated their lives to the world of the occult. The greatest wizards have spent their lives practicing magic. Spend at least an hour a day for magical practices.

Use Magic and Enter the Occult Step 10
Use Magic and Enter the Occult Step 10

Step 10. Evaluate and correct

From time to time, critically observe yourself and your metaphysical beliefs and practices. Set yourself the goal of continually honing and perfecting your skills to become a person deserving of magical practices, to ensure effectiveness and simplicity to your techniques and practices and to never succumb to disappointment or obsession.


  • Get enough sleep and write down your dreams.
  • Always record spells and rituals in your book. This way you can refine them over time.
  • Drink lots of water, it is healthy and will clear your mind and body.
  • Try to instill a wide variety of symbols into your subconscious by reading symbol dictionaries from start to finish. They will help you interpret any strange event and any impression received.
  • If possible, consider joining a group of magical practices. In this case, be sure to share its principles and foundations so as not to be misrepresented.
  • Even if you don't use objects in your magical rituals (even if you make direct use of magic), it can be helpful to start by using a point to focus energy on, such as a magic wand.
  • You may think it is great to talk to anyone about the occult and magic, but it is more productive to reflect on it in your intimacy or share your thoughts with those who will take you seriously.


  • Consider learning several mantras to calm negative emotions, especially fear, which can appear quite frequently and without warning to inexperienced people.
  • Consider the possibility of Karma, and refrain from obvious evil.
  • Learn to banish specific forces before performing evocations, invocations, or other magical rituals that include contact with an entity. The "Banishing Ritual of the Lesser Pentagram" is one of the most common and, according to some, the most effective.
  • Always be aware of the possibility of being a victim of delusions or obsessions. An ideal magician sees the Truth, so avoid lying to yourself at all costs. Review step 10.
  • Do not try to perform magical rituals out of your reach, the effort could exhaust you emotionally, mentally and even physically.
  • Don't let the entities you invoke get out of hand. Remember that you are always in control.
