Generally, a small bustle of ants in the garden isn't a big deal, but when a real invasion occurs or when they start sneaking into the house, you can't help but examine the outside and prepare to exterminate the colony. You can eliminate this in no time by using pesticides or common household cleaning products!
Method 1 of 2: Pesticides

Step 1. Spray the nest with a non-repellent substance to kill the ants at source
Mix 25ml of pesticide and 3.8L of water in a pump sprayer and apply the mixture to each anthill in the garden. He won't kill them right away, but he'll handle the emergency within a week. The pesticides that do not carry out a repellent action create a barrier which, once crossed, favors the introduction of the poison directly into the anthill.
- Pay attention to where the ants come from. They could be near your home, along a fence, or in the cracks in the floor. To find the nests, you need to locate small mounds of earth.
- Use pesticides every 6 months.

Step 2. Apply pesticide around the house to prevent entry
Again, pour a non-repellent pesticide into a garden mist. Keep the tip of the nozzle 15cm from the ground and spray in the corners and 30m from the foundation. Spray around external electrical boxes, pipes and any other areas they enter and leave your home.
- Apply the pesticide around windows and door frames as well.
- Do this on a poorly ventilated day so that the air does not carry away the substance to be sprayed.

Step 3. Sprinkle a granulated pesticide all over your lawn in case of a massive infestation
Since it contains poison, the ants will carry it into the nest thinking it is food. Pour the entire contents of the package into a seed spreader and push it onto the grass. It will dispense the pesticide ensuring maximum coverage.
- Some granular pesticide bags are equipped with dispensers capable of distributing the product in concentrated areas.
- Keep pets and children indoors for at least an hour so that the pesticide has time to be absorbed into the soil.
- Mow the lawn before spreading the pesticide so that it has a chance to come into contact with the soil.

Step 4. Use bait traps near your home to control the pest problem
Place them where you have noticed ants entering and exiting your home. They contain poisonous granules which, attracting these insects, kill them as they are digested. Remove them after a month.
- Some traps contain a scented liquid to attract ants and trap them inside.
- It will probably take a few weeks to notice the results.
- You can buy them at a home and garden store.
Method 2 of 2: Natural Remedies

Step 1. Pour soapy water into the anthill if you prefer a solution that is harmless
Mix 5-10ml of mild liquid dish soap and 3.8L of warm water. Slowly dispense the mixture into each anthill identified in the garden. The heat along with the action of the soap will kill them preventing them from escaping from the nest.
- Transfer the solution to a spray bottle if you prefer to control the delivery of the mixture.
- Pour the solution into the nest early in the morning or late at night when most of the ants are inside.
- Since hot or boiling water could ruin the surrounding plants, be careful when spreading the compost around the flower beds you are fond of.

Step 2. Spray boric acid on the nest to exterminate the colony in a few days
You can use both diluted and powdered boric acid mixed with hot water. Pour 45ml into a solution of 200g sugar and 700ml hot water to make a sweetish mixture that attracts ants. Transfer the solution to a spray bottle and spray it on nests and ant trails in the garden or around the house. You will notice the results within a couple of days.
- Boric acid is toxic to humans and animals if ingested, inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Never use it in environments where you prepare food and wear gloves and a mask to protect yourself during use.
- Eliminate excess with water so as not to saturate the treated area.

Step 3. Sprinkle diatomaceous earth around the anthill to get rid of the infestation
Use this natural insecticide if you don't want to damage your plants. Apply it around anthills and on any trails you might notice in the garden. For prevention, sprinkle it around the perimeter of your home to prevent ants from entering the house.
- Diatomaceous earth dehydrates ants by killing them within a few days or weeks.
- Wear a dust mask so you don't inhale this substance as you litter your garden.
- Diatomaceous earth has no contraindications if there are children and pets around.

Step 4. Make a vinegar and orange peel repellent spray to keep ants away
Get a saucepan and mix equal parts water and vinegar, then dip 2-3 orange peels in it. Bring the solution to a boil before turning off the heat. Infuse the orange peels overnight before transferring the mixture to a spray bottle. Shake the bottle to blend it and sprinkle it on the nests.
- This remedy keeps ants away rather than exterminating them.
- Use a blender to combine the orange peels with the water and vinegar for a thicker mixture that can kill some ants on contact.

Step 5. Pour the glue directly onto the anthill to plug the opening
Press a tube of vinyl glue on the nests to clog the hole and flood the nest. It will kill most of the ants that get trapped inside, but it will push the survivors to dig a new anthill.

Step 6. Sprinkle talcum powder around nests to keep ants away from a certain area
These insects tend to steer clear of talc-based products, especially those for babies that have a strong scent. Sprinkle the powder around the anthills and use a funnel to pour it directly inside.
Apply it around the perimeter of your home to ward off an invasion inside

Step 7. Rub each area of the entrance with an essential oil to prevent them from entering
Use clove or citrus oil to kill them and prevent them from entering your home. Moisten a cotton ball and apply it to areas where it can penetrate your home. Repeat this every 3 days until you no longer see them.
For a more direct action, dilute 15 drops of essential oil in 120ml of water in a spray bottle and apply the solution directly to the anthill
- Most ant poisons are toxic to both humans and animals, so avoid using them around children or pets. Wear gloves and a face mask to avoid skin contact.
- Let the pesticides dry at least an hour before allowing pets and children to roam the garden.