How to Become a Good Poker Player: 9 Steps

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How to Become a Good Poker Player: 9 Steps
How to Become a Good Poker Player: 9 Steps

What does it take to go from a total rookie to a shark at the poker table? Practice, patience and a willingness to improve.


Method 1 of 1: Become a Good Poker Player

Become a Good Poker Player Step 1
Become a Good Poker Player Step 1

Step 1. Learn the rules of some different poker games

The most popular game at the moment is Texas Hold 'Em, but Omaha and 7 Card Stud are also very common variations. You can learn the rules of poker from a friend or with a simple internet search.

Become a Good Poker Player Step 2
Become a Good Poker Player Step 2

Step 2. Download an online poker room that allows you to play for virtual money

You will find many, including,,, and

Become a Good Poker Player Step 3
Become a Good Poker Player Step 3

Step 3. Create an account and use your free chips to play poker

Pay attention to the hands that have the highest probability of winning and the frequency with which some hands show up. Over time it will become second nature.

Become a Good Poker Player Step 4
Become a Good Poker Player Step 4

Step 4. When you have played a good number of hands and think you have a good understanding of the rules and trends of most players, you will be ready to read about poker strategy

Sites like and, as well as books like Doyle Brunson's Super System can be invaluable resources.

Become a Good Poker Player Step 5
Become a Good Poker Player Step 5

Step 5. When you often win with virtual chips, it is time to risk something

If you get the chance to visit a casino, take the journey and play at the low stakes tables.. These games are often not very competitive, and offer a good starting point for novice poker players. If you can't reach a casino, create a real money account on your favorite poker room and play at your preferred limits.

Become a Good Poker Player Step 6
Become a Good Poker Player Step 6

Step 6. Apply the information you have studied to your real opponents

Real money gamblers are far more capable than the opponents you encountered when playing with virtual chips. If you play with discipline, patience and intelligence, you will probably win some money.

Become a Good Poker Player Step 7
Become a Good Poker Player Step 7

Step 7. Continue playing

Talented poker players hone their skills through the experience of thousands upon thousands of hands. If you continue to play poker with discipline and an open mind, you should improve a lot.

Become a Good Poker Player Step 8
Become a Good Poker Player Step 8

Step 8. Read poker books written by seasoned pros to learn their tactics and follow their advice

Become a Good Poker Player Step 9
Become a Good Poker Player Step 9

Step 9. Learn how to calculate the odds of a particular hand and how to use this information to guide your play


  • Don't be put off by losing streaks. Losing money can make you question your abilities, but even the best poker players in the world suffer from setbacks. If you continue to play poker solidly, you will be able to bounce back.
  • Poker is a game of patience. Don't play a hand if you don't think you can win it. Think of poker as a 24-hour football match.
