"7 Minutes in Heaven" is a party game that mainly teenagers enjoy. Two people are chosen who will spend 7 minutes (or any time that is more than 5 minutes) alone in a dark and enclosed space. During this time they will be able to do whatever they want. Many players take advantage of this opportunity to talk privately or to initiate a more intimate acquaintance by kissing and flirting. No matter which way you choose to play, what matters is to always respect the other person's boundaries and never accept anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.
Method 1 of 3: Play 7 Minutes in Heaven

Step 1. Prepare the play station
To play "7 Minutes in Heaven" you will need a small enclosed space inside the house. Dark places are generally preferred, but nothing prevents you from choosing a well-lit one. If you want, you can add chairs to allow players to sit, but it is not necessary to play.
- Spaces you can consider include a closet, bathroom, or closet, to name a few.
- If you want the space to be totally dark, you can unscrew the light bulbs in the room.
- Make sure the space is empty and free of obstacles that could be dangerous, especially if you have removed the lights from the room.
- To prevent players from keeping track of the time, you can remove the clocks from the chosen place to play. You can decide to leave cell phones and wristwatches out as well.

Step 2. Find the players
Generally there must be approximately as many males as females, but it is not an essential rule, it depends on the preferences of the participants. It takes at least 6 people, but to make things more fun it is best to form a group of 10-14 players.
You can play with your classmates, with your friends, if you are camping, with your adventure colleagues

Step 3. Explain the rules to the participants
When the space is ready and the players are gathered, it's time to explain the rules of the game to everyone. Doing so is very important because there are different variations of "7 Minutes in Heaven". Generally the rules are:
- Two people are selected randomly.
- The two players must enter the chosen space and spend 7 minutes (or the agreed time of more than 5 minutes) in private. Don't forget to close the door!
- After the chosen time, the two players are let out.
- You can add custom rules, such as "lights must be off / on" or "it is not possible to take watches or mobile phones with you".
- To prevent someone from feeling uncomfortable, you can establish an additional important rule: "no one is forced to enter the private space if they do not want to".

Step 4. Establish a random lottery
This is how the two players who will stay together in the private space to live their "7 minutes in paradise" (or any time) will be selected. You can also decide on the obligations to be made to the two players. You can spin a bottle to randomly choose two people or extract their names from a hat. If you want to be sure that a male and a female can enter the private space, you can organize two different extractions (if you want you can also leave the males and females together to make the game more fun).
- In the latter case, you can spin the bottle once for the males and once for the females (if you have chosen to leave them separate). The person the neck of the bottle points towards is the one chosen to play.
- If, on the other hand, you prefer to write the names of the participants on cards and then mix them and extract them randomly from a hat or a container, keep those of the boys separate from those of the girls and organize two draws. Each turn of the game, select a name from both groups.

Step 5. Start playing
At each turn of the game, two people will remain alone in the private space for 7 minutes (or other time). You can organize as many game turns as you like, bearing in mind that to make the party fun for everyone it is better to give space to other activities as well. For example, people who are not involved during the current game turn could play a card or box game while waiting for their teammates' "7 minutes in heaven" to expire.
- An alarm clock with a thunderous ringtone, for example that replicates the sound of a siren, can add atmosphere to the game, while also helping you keep track of time.
- When the alarm goes off, knock on the door of the private space to let players know that their time is up. You can then draw two more competitors using your chosen method.
- To make the game more fun, you can put an end to "7 minutes in heaven" in a more turbulent way. If you want to surprise the players, perhaps to catch them red-handed, you can open the door suddenly as soon as the time is up.
Method 2 of 3: Respect the Limits

Step 1. Set clear limits before you start playing
While there are no general rules for how far you can go while playing this game, it is a good idea to set personal boundaries directly with the player you are going to spend "7 minutes in heaven" with. Otherwise, the other person may misinterpret the signals sent and go too far.
- For example, a player might say "Can we just talk?" or "Let's talk first. Then I might consider kissing you, but I don't want to rush things."
- It is also possible to establish impassable limits, for example by saying: "Kissing is fine, but it is forbidden to touch yourself in any other way".

Step 2. Express your discomfort as soon as you feel it
It may happen that something is bothering you, even if you did not foresee it. If this happens, you should communicate this frankly to the other player and decide if you want to stop playing.
- For example, if someone touches you in a way you don't like, you can say, "No, I don't accept that you touch me like that."
- Sometimes it's hard to say "No", but if you don't, things may go too far. You should never accept taking part in a situation that makes you uncomfortable.

Step 3. Ask the other player's permission before trying something new
For example, if you would like to take his hand, give him a caress or touch him in any way that might go beyond his personal boundaries. This way you won't risk accidentally violating its limits without knowing it.
A moment is enough to ask: "Is it okay if I take your hand?" or "Do you agree if I touch you like this?"
Method 3 of 3: Resist the Pressure of the Other

Step 1. Tidy up your ideas
Give yourself a moment to reflect and take a long, deep breath. If the other player presses on you, emotions may take over and you may risk saying or doing something that you may later regret. Stopping to think for a moment will help you not to react in a hurry and to better understand what you are feeling.
You might ask yourself, "What kind of person do I want to be? Would that person behave like this?" If not, chances are you should stop

Step 2. Express your feelings clearly
Many times we let ourselves be influenced by the ideas of the group, but by giving voice to your personal emotions you could create a better connection with friends or other players. This will take things from a group plan to a personal one and this will make it easier for others to understand you and recognize the things you have in common.
You might say, "I really enjoy being around you guys and I don't want to be heavy, but I really don't feel like taking part in this game."

Step 3. Make up an excuse
While being honest is generally the best policy, if others are determined to let you play, making an excuse can come in handy. There is no need to tell big lies, you can simply say:
- "I have a sore throat and I don't want anyone else to get sick" (be careful to say this because someone could give you a medicine and make you play anyway).
- "I'm really embarrassed, but I have an irritation in my mouth so you better avoid playing" (again be careful).

Step 4. Suggest an alternative activity
There are tons of other group games that you can enjoy together and you may find that you are not the only one who doesn't feel like playing "7 Minutes in Heaven". Some examples are: Twister, Charade, Pictionary and Uno.
Try to propose games that other members of the group also like. You'll have a better chance of getting everyone to play (if they really don't want to play anything else, try having fun with this game)
- Make playing the game enjoyable and fun. Participants should feel content and not humiliated or forced to do something that embarrasses or uncomfortable them.
- At the end of each game round, ask the two participants how it went. They can respond verbally or even in writing.
- Do not put pressure on the two players when they leave the private space. Let them relax for a few minutes.