How To Know If Antidepressants Are Working

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How To Know If Antidepressants Are Working
How To Know If Antidepressants Are Working

Antidepressants are commonly used in conjunction with other therapies to treat depression. It is difficult to know if they are working, as it takes some time before they begin to produce the desired effects. Typically, they take 4 to 6 weeks to start working. At first it is possible to notice the onset of some side effects and, over time, certain benefits are observed, including increased energy and a more positive outlook on life. If the medications you are taking are not working or have a variety of side effects, you may want to change them. The most common antidepressants include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitors (NDRIs), but also older generation drugs, such as the tricyclics and the tetracyclics. Your doctor will be able to advise you if the antidepressant you are taking works and what alternatives may be based on your health condition.


Part 1 of 3: Identifying the Symptoms That Indicate the Antidepressant Is Working

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Step 1. Be patient

Don't be impatient, as it may take some time to figure out if the medication you are taking is right for you, so don't give up right away. Therefore, wait 4-6 weeks to see if it is starting to work.

  • Be aware that the wait can be long. The time it takes to start producing the desired effects varies from person to person. You may notice some benefits after just a day or two, but it is also possible that it may take a few weeks or even months.
  • If it doesn't start working after 6 weeks, you should consult your doctor about taking another drug.
Set Goals Step 4
Set Goals Step 4

Step 2. Pay attention to symptom improvement

Use a diary to monitor the development of symptoms daily. If you were in despair before starting drug therapy, try to assess how you see your future after 2 weeks of taking. If you feel sluggish and have difficulty concentrating, check to what extent these symptoms have changed during treatment.

  • Use a depression assessment test to track symptoms. On the Internet you can find some scales to analyze the extent of the disturbance. Complete the symptoms questionnaire and review the results to see if they have changed over time.
  • You can also use a health diary or smartphone app to track symptoms.
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Be a Man Step 14

Step 3. Check if you feel better

If you start to have more energy during the day and feel less depressed, the drugs have started to work. If you are feeling better within 2 to 6 weeks, this can also be a great clue.

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Step 4. Identify the side effects

Even if the medication you are taking helps you manage some symptoms, it may still cause side effects. Therefore, pay attention to both progress and any side effects. Although newer generation antidepressants, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), cause fewer side effects than older drugs, they are not entirely exempt from them. Effects related to drug action usually include: decreased sexual desire, dry mouth, nausea, insomnia, anxiety and restlessness, weight gain, sleepiness, constipation and diarrhea. They typically occur before benefits appear, so if they do occur, they could indicate that the antidepressant has started to work. However, you should also tell your doctor if you have any side effects.

  • If the side effects do not go away, consult your doctor about the drug alternatives available to you.
  • You should also see your doctor if certain symptoms are improving, but you are experiencing unpleasant side effects at the same time.
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Elevate Your Self Esteem Step 9

Step 5. Look out for signs of poor antidepressant action

It is important to look for clues that the drug you are taking is ineffective. They are different, such as mood swings, suicidal thoughts and increased energy accompanied by moments of strong sadness. In particular, keep an eye out for the following warning signs:

  • If you are feeling more active but are still feeling low, this could be a bad sign. The drug may have started to work, but not correctly in relation to your condition. In this case, you may have moments when you feel full of energy alternating with periods of sadness. Talk to your doctor.
  • If you feel better shortly after starting therapy, the drug is likely not suitable for your problem. Antidepressants usually take some time before they begin to affect the chemical processes in the brain. If you feel immediate improvement, it could be a side effect or a placebo effect. Either way, see your doctor.
  • If your depression gets worse or you start experiencing terrible mood swings, the drug is not working properly. Don't hesitate and talk to your doctor.
  • In the first two months of taking all antidepressants can generate suicidal thoughts and behaviors in children, adolescents and young people between the ages of 18 and 24. If you are contemplating suicide, feel more depressed, or experience changes in your behavior, contact your doctor immediately. Do not stop taking it, unless otherwise instructed by the therapist.

Part 2 of 3: Controlling Symptoms with an Application

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Make Your Cell Phone Battery Last Longer Step 13

Step 1. Use a paid mental health application

You have a number of mobile applications that allow you to monitor your depression. They contain various tools that can help you keep your problem under control, learn about new activities, and communicate your experience to a doctor.

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Call Back a Blocked Number Step 7

Step 2. Download a Depression App

It allows you to control this mood disorder and share your data directly with a specialist. Some may require you to complete a short questionnaire at 2-week intervals to determine if your symptoms have improved. Try using one for 6 weeks, then use the results to determine with your doctor if the drug is effective.

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Step 3. Monitor your mood with the Depression CBT Self-Help Guide (in English)

It is an application in the form of an electronic diary that allows you to keep track of the way you relate and react in daily life. You can write down what happens to you, your moods and the intensity with which they manifest. This tool will help you keep depression under control while taking the antidepressant. If you discharge it before starting drug therapy, it will help you determine if your mood has improved following the treatment.

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Ask a Girl Out over Text Step 2

Step 4. Download MoodKit (in English)

This application helps you to monitor your mood and know the activities that can improve it. It can be useful in cases of mild depression, but not for those with moderate or severe depression. However, it is a tool that allows you to keep your mood under control while taking antidepressants.

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Step 5. Use T2 Mood Tracker (in English)

It helps you evaluate your emotional states and has excellent graphics. It helps you track your depression so you can more accurately report your experience to a mental health professional. Thanks to precise monitoring and contact with a specialist, you will have a better idea of the effectiveness of the antidepressant you are taking.

Use What's My M3. This application allows you to assess what your "M3 score" is, which is a result that allows your doctor to determine if your mood disorder is treatable. Once your M3 has been calculated while taking antidepressants, you can report it to your doctor

Part 3 of 3: See a Doctor or Psychiatrist

Overcome Sadness Step 32
Overcome Sadness Step 32

Step 1. Tell about your experience with the antidepressant

Tell the doctor who is following up on your case how you feel after taking the drug. If you've used a mental health app, use the data you collected as you tracked your reactions to the antidepressant.

  • If you use a diary, consult it before your visit. By analyzing what you have written, you will have a better perception of your moods, your emotions and your reactions to the drug.
  • If you've been using the same antidepressant for a long time and it's not working as it once did, you should tell your doctor.
  • In the long run, the body can develop a tolerance to antidepressants. Such a phenomenon can trigger a return of symptoms. If you suspect this is happening, talk to your doctor. He may change your dose or prescribe another medication.
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Remove a Cyst on Your Face Step 10

Step 2. Ask your therapist a few questions

Using the information gathered while monitoring your moods during drug treatment, the specialist should be able to determine whether the antidepressant is effective or not. Be sure to tell him the benefits you have experienced, but also any side effects that have occurred.

  • If you haven't taken the drug regularly, don't keep it hidden from him. One of the reasons why an antidepressant is ineffective is that it is taken occasionally, so in these cases it is necessary to inform the doctor.
  • You must also inform your doctor if you use alcohol or drugs during treatment. It can be another reason why the antidepressant stops working.
  • If you experience severe side effects, you may need to change your medication.
  • Do not change the dosage and do not stop taking it without consulting your doctor. Stopping the drug abruptly could aggravate depressive state or cause withdrawal symptoms. If necessary, your doctor will help you by gradually reducing the doses, without you being in any danger.
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Make Yourself Sleepy Step 8

Step 3. Investigate alternative antidepressants

According to a large-scale study, only 37% of people recover after trying just one antidepressant. Your doctor will be able to determine if the medication he has prescribed for you is working or if you need to change it.

  • The most used antidepressants are SSRIs and SNRIs. Another rather common molecule is bupropion, which belongs to the class of antidepressants known by the abbreviation NDRI. It is prescribed to combat depression, seasonal affective disorder, and to quit smoking.
  • There are also older generation drugs, such as tricyclics, monoamine oxidase inhibitors and tetracyclics. Everyone reacts differently to antidepressants, so it is necessary to work out a treatment plan with the doctor according to the problems manifested by the patient. In some cases it is imperative to change medication if the one prescribed does not seem to work.
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Get Rid of Morning Breath Step 15

Step 4. Consider psychotherapy

Combining drug treatment with psychotherapy is usually more effective than taking antidepressants alone. There are several forms of psychotherapy that can help patients, including:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy: allows you to change the way you think by leading you to identify how you perceive yourself and the world around you. The therapist will help you create healthier mental patterns.
  • Interpersonal therapy: It is useful when depression is caused by family conflicts, bereavement, relationship problems, social isolation and important life events, such as childbirth.
  • Psychodynamic therapy: helps to resolve conflicts that occur at an unconscious level, such as those generated by childhood trauma.
