Did your dentist just tell you you need to wear braces and did the news rock you? Read this article to find the right motivation!

Step 1. It is not easy to get used to at first and can be painful for about a week
But, as soon as you see that the teeth become straight and beautiful, you will begin to have patience.
Stop worrying about how it looks and don't be afraid to smile. Others may not even notice, but if you never smile, they may think you have something to hide. Act like nothing has happened and always remember that this is not torture - you are doing it for your own good. However, if the discomfort causes you anxiety and embarrassment, and does not allow you to have a good social life, consider wearing an invisible appliance such as clear aligners or if you have a more serious case of misalignment, an internal appliance made in lingual orthodontics.
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Step 2. Follow the rules for perfect teeth
It can be tough to resist the most gluttonous foods, but think about how good it will be to eat them when you finally have straight teeth. Here's what you shouldn't eat or drink:
- Not very compact chocolate bars.
- Very sticky peanut butter.
- Hard candies and nuts.
- Eat the corn curls carefully and one at a time.
- Soft candies or toffee.
- Gummy candies.
- Popcorn.
- Don't drink too many fizzy or sugary drinks.
Eat fruit containing vitamin C, which will be good for your gums.
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Step 3. Use it as if it were a fashion accessory
Go for the colored one.

Step 4. Brush your teeth three to five times a day
Bring a toothbrush and a travel-sized tube of toothpaste with you. When you remove your braces, your teeth will also look clean.
Change your perspective. Some people say that braces make them look even sexy!
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Don't be afraid to apply a bright or bold lipstick. Life is too short to worry about these things.
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Take it easy. Many dentists say you shouldn't eat sugary foods and drinks, such as ice cream and sodas, but don't stress yourself out too much. However, remember that too much sugar will cause tooth decay.
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Be thorough in brushing your teeth. Maybe use a good quality electronic toothbrush. Be careful if you use the invisible appliance: it is more fragile than the metal one. Also learn to floss when you wear braces - your dental hygienist will show you how. It is horrible to spend a lot of money to straighten your teeth and then have tooth decay and gum problems.
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Step 5. Ignore those who make fun of you
By the way, many celebrities wore braces and today they are acclaimed by the crowds.
Focus on the benefits. Remember that this orthodontic treatment will make your smile brighter and straighter. One day you will take off your braces and no one will resist your beautiful smile!
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Step 6. Ideally, it would be best to avoid chewing gum, but to be honest, it helps with pain, removes food residue from the appliance and teaches you to chew
Just make sure it's sugar-free.

Step 7. Don't be alarmed if a wire breaks
Take a pair of scissors and place it back in your mouth. If it is pointed, file it with a nail file or use orthodontic wax. Also, call your orthodontist early. A broken wire can increase the amount of time you need to wear the appliance.

Step 8. Your orthodontist may also recommend the palatal expander to speed up the process
Never ever touch or play with it and put it on as explained to you. If you don't, you risk having to wear it longer.

Step 9. At the end of the treatment, you will be given a retainer, which will hold the teeth in their new position
It is vital to put it on! Otherwise, the teeth will return to their original position.

Step 10. Think of the appliance as a jewel
Change it by thinking about your favorite colors!
Play with your eyes to shift attention away from your mouth or prove your confidence by smiling and applying lip gloss!
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Remember, whenever you feel discouraged, think this is all worth it. You will have a gorgeous smile and straight teeth for the rest of your life.
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- Before leaving after an orthodontic visit, check with your index finger to make sure the wires are in place. If they are not, ask the orthodontist to fix them, so you will avoid hurting yourself.
- If the braces tear your gums, put orthodontic wax on the affected area.
- Ask your doctor to prescribe medication to minimize any pain caused by the device.
- Remember that many have brought or carry braces: you are certainly not the first! And these people have done very well, so you will too.
- If your dentist didn't give them to you, buy interdental toothpicks to clean between spaces on the appliance. It will be easier to get rid of food residues.
- Take lots of photos to tell your journey.
- If you can't use the floss needle, use the interdental brush.
- Don't try to take it off!
- If you don't want others to notice the braces, smile with closed lips. But then get used to it by showing it. Show it off as if it were an accessory.
- Go regularly to check-ups with your orthodontist.
- Your parents have spent a lot of money on braces, so don't complain; all you have to do is take care of it.
- If you are given a retainer by your orthodontist, be sure to put it in its case when you eat at school. You won't want to lose it.
- If you play the flute or a wind instrument, especially the trumpet, you may suffer from an irritation. You will get better after about a week or two. Try to avoid using wax when playing, as this will lengthen the time it takes to get used to playing on the device.
- If your dentist gives you a paper with the foods you can and cannot eat written on it, USE IT and always carry it with you.
- Make sure you don't drink too many fizzy drinks, which will leave stains on your teeth.
- When eating corn on the cob, use a knife or an appropriate utensil. This will help reduce the amount of food trapped between the appliance.
- Don't be afraid to call the orthodontist if the appliance bothers you. He will probably fix it in a short time, after all it is his job.
- Listen to your dentist, so treatment may speed up. Brushing your teeth well and flossing can shorten the time by 20%.
- Every orthodontist has their own opinion on chewing gum. Some fear the appliance will break, others accept it as long as it is sugar-free. Ask your dentist for advice.
- If you want to break a rule regarding food, be especially careful. It is always better to be careful than to repent of something.
- Do not play with the appliance, or you risk making it break.
- Don't eat when you shouldn't, or the food could get trapped, meaning you'll have to wear the appliance longer.
- Do not chew or eat ice or cold things, especially if the appliance has plastic parts.